Gunned Down Cold In A Raw Deal

I was thinking about ole Rodney King when I wrote my last post....poor poor fellow.
Ill skip watching them all personally though, I just opened to see the titles. I have no specific need to see someone eyeballs beat out of their head today.:(

maybe he was reaching for a weapon. maybe.
If I make my own badge does that give me a license to beat people up in public?

i do it here all the time. lol

i do it here all the time. lol


Yeah that's true but I have yet to see you beat someone up fdd mostly just seen you grow lots of weed make lots of hash and smoke tons of it :clap:
Imagine if the cops just did that? I think the world would be a better place :peace:
Police abusing their power is one thing, but what you guys are suggesting is this officer murdered this man... murder means killing a human with intent or malice aforethought, this officer did not commit murder, perhaps involuntary manslaughter, by which of course he should and most likely will be tried... but he did not purposely take his duty pistol, point it, and shoot the guy dead. Nothing in the video proves that and instead proves completely opposite with the officers reaction after the shot, the oh shit look as you might call it.
Police abusing their power is one thing, but what you guys are suggesting is this officer murdered this man... murder means killing a human with intent or malice aforethought, this officer did not commit murder, perhaps involuntary manslaughter, by which of course he should and most likely will be tried... but he did not purposely take his duty pistol, point it, and shoot the guy dead. Nothing in the video proves that and instead proves completely opposite with the officers reaction after the shot, the oh shit look as you might call it.

Who cares the guy is dead and look who is holding the gun.:arrow:
Police abusing their power is one thing, but what you guys are suggesting is this officer murdered this man... murder means killing a human with intent or malice aforethought, this officer did not commit murder, perhaps involuntary manslaughter, by which of course he should and most likely will be tried... but he did not purposely take his duty pistol, point it, and shoot the guy dead. Nothing in the video proves that and instead proves completely opposite with the officers reaction after the shot, the oh shit look as you might call it.

that's exactly what i saw him do. maybe you watched the wrong vid. :?
that's exactly what i saw him do. maybe you watched the wrong vid. :?

Keyword in my statement was purposely, with thought and intent... sure you spun the jetski around, not thinking it would do what it did... you didn't purposely bang your leg up did you, I'm sure you did not want to purposely go through that pain, right? Accidents happen, some more severe than others... all we can hope is that this video is shown in officer training classes around the country to burn the image of what its like to mistakenly shoot someone, and how to prevent it from happening. But who knows, none of us were there and we aren't the officer in question, thank God... I just find it extremely doubtful that an officer just decides, "Hmmm, with all these people around should I really shoot this guy? Yeah... why not, BANG." :peace: and love brother!
Keyword in my statement was purposely, with thought and intent... sure you spun the jetski around, not thinking it would do what it did... you didn't purposely bang your leg up did you, I'm sure you did not want to purposely go through that pain, right? Accidents happen, some more severe than others... all we can hope is that this video is shown in officer training classes around the country to burn the image of what its like to mistakenly shoot someone, and how to prevent it from happening. But who knows, none of us were there and we aren't the officer in question, thank God... I just find it extremely doubtful that an officer just decides, "Hmmm, with all these people around should I really shoot this guy? Yeah... why not, BANG." :peace: and love brother!

maybe he just "snapped". then immediately realized it. there is no reason to withhold a statement. in fact if it was an accident i would think he would be eager to apologize. stop the riots and all. no?
i've never shot anyone in the back though so i'm just guessing. :)
I have to go with Socat on that. It did not look like he intended to use deadly force. At least thats what I see in the video. As for the rest, he is a cop and should not get the option to quite and not say anything. there is no doubt he killed the guy dead for no reason and should answer for that. But what is "that" not murder, no intent. manslaughter mabe. I don't live in a big city or even close to one. But I see local cops that come from bigger cites and they treat people different.
Like there more tense then the locals.
As for the gun haters. Take them away and see what your gov. does to you. gun ownership should be mandatory.
there is no reason to withhold a statement.

Quoted from another fella...

By resigning his position, the BART officer made the tactical decision that it was better to do so than to refuse a direct order to talk about the case to his department's Internal Affairs division. If he'd waived his rights and spoken with the IA investigators, his statements would be used against him in any future criminal proceedings. If he refused to waive his rights, but provided details about the incident after being ordered to, he might still have those statements used against him in Federal violation of civil rights criminal trial, possibly in criminal trial in state court (there's some recent cases allowing this) and would certainly have those statements used against him in civil (state or federal) court. A refusal to talk at all would have led to automatic termination.

Any way you look at it, resignation was probably the best tactical decision for him at the time (given the circumstances), since he's a lot more concerned about the threat of criminal prosecution (possibly just to "calm" the public?) than his employment at this point.
I lived in North Long Beach, back in '92. Fuckers burned my favorite $.99 store around the corner from me. I watched about 15 Gang Bangers turn 10-13 cop cars around. Fuckers stood in the middle of the street, all Old western Movie style, and started shooting at the cops as they approached. The cops and a few Fire trucks all stopped, turned around and ran! Left the building to burn to the ground...lOl We did live 3 blocks from the Carmelitas "Pretty bad ass Project, apartments". It was a lil scary for a while, but since I bought weed off the bangers, they left me alone, one dude even broung me a gallon of milk for my newborn daughter. Supply and demand at it's best! lOl