Gunned Down Cold In A Raw Deal

Bet he stays away form his home.

Noooooooo kiddin, I'd be in the woods, Rambo style...

lol, He might have a need for them now. You can bet where ever he is,he has weapons close by. he would be a fool not to.
They executed that young man.!

You know that for a fact eh? By definition, an execution is the killing of a condemned man... so unless this was a sentencing hearing at the BART station and the sentence carried out in front of the public, it was no execution. I'm sticking with accidental discharge, happens all the time... just don't be in front of the gun when it does.
thanks for the update. I was thinking about asking what was up. IMO If they go with murder he will walk.I'm not pro or con just stating what I have seen on the vidioes.
This type story is repeating itself all over the country, tech(cell phone cameras) is the citizens best friend.

Pigs beware you may be on video: Treat people like humans and stop being pigs.
Is that all they can come up with :roll:

the defense is trying to say it was a "volatile situation". saying the cops were scared and everything was chaotic.

it was a call about a misdemeanor fight on one of the trains. NO weapons involved. apparently they have a "panic button" on their radios that they push when things get "hot". no one there pushed their buttons.

Here is a poll for you. Do you think this cop pulled his gun and shot this guy in front of all those people on purpose?
the defense is trying to say it was a "volatile situation". saying the cops were scared and everything was chaotic.

it was a call about a misdemeanor fight on one of the trains. NO weapons involved. apparently they have a "panic button" on their radios that they push when things get "hot". no one there pushed their buttons.


From what I have seen and read this was nothing but cold blooded murder. I don't even know if you could say it was aggravated cops deal with crap all the time and Oscar Grant had his head slammed into a wall and then laid on the ground in compliance.

Thanks for the updates fdd, I was wonering what was happening with this.:peace:
ive felt bad for tha dude that got shot everyday since i herd about that....imagine gettin in a fight, and getting killed by a dumbass bart cop that dont know the diff between a tazer and a PISTOL....damn.

p.s. the police need to be abolished....i can protect myself from a criminal. i dont need the police to take a report after the shit goes down...

edit: i got robbed by 3 guys at knife-point, in one of the worst apartment complexes in my city....when the responding officer came to take the report (i was a pizza delivery driver, i had to call em) he said i "was the 3rd robbery in that complex (that) week" ....

when i asked him why they dont just post an officer in the complex, he said "are you kidding? we have streets to patrol."

fuck the police.
the defense is trying to say it was a "volatile situation". saying the cops were scared and everything was chaotic.

it was a call about a misdemeanor fight on one of the trains. NO weapons involved. apparently they have a "panic button" on their radios that they push when things get "hot". no one there pushed their buttons.


If that was a volatile situation and the cops were scared then they need to reconsider how they train them and who they hire. Even if it was an accident it is still 100% their fault for allowing incompetent officers to not only have the right violate your rights based on their observation but they can pull a gun on you at anytime and if it happens to go off then oh well.
If that was a volatile situation and the cops were scared then they need to reconsider how they train them and who they hire. Even if it was an accident it is still 100% their fault for allowing incompetent officers to not only have the right violate your rights based on their observation but they can pull a gun on you at anytime and if it happens to go off then oh well.

i think you just nailed it.

key words in this case "incompetent officer". whether it was an accident or on purpose, the cop made a BIG mistake. the kind of mistakes cops aren't supposed to make.
BART final report -

Findings : Shortcomings in tactics used by officers responding to the Fruitvale incident; officers did not follow recommended procedures; officers failed to work as a team reducing their effectiveness by working independently while also increasing their chances of being assaulted; lapses in tactical communication and leadership.
