Gunned Down Cold In A Raw Deal

you would just have to been there to see the whole thing you cant make a judgment without seeing the entire event from before it started untill after it ended ive been through lots of classes on self defense armed security bodyguard concealed weapon carry advanced assult rifle training and a whole lot more shit i learned a lot in there and unless you see it all not just a part of a video a guy shot you cant make judgement IMHO

he was handcuffed on the ground face down, no weapon, three or more cops, and he was shot in the back. You don't have to see it all. That guy couldn't have done anything to get shot at that point.
he was handcuffed on the ground face down, no weapon, three or more cops, and he was shot in the back. You don't have to see it all. That guy couldn't have done anything to get shot at that point.

Nothing to dispute there unless you are a racist red neck :peace:
they are starting to launch tear gas.

more protests are planned for 9am.

Why can't the Mayor just apologize and have that cop locked up? Are people in power really so retarded that they will let their city burn?:wall:
I guess LA 1992 did not teach people anything.
Damn I feel terrible for the officer. The kid and his family too, but still... the cop will never get that moment out of his head.
Should have been more careful with a very deadly weapon.

He deserves to live that moment over and over, if you ask me. That seems like the ultimate punishment anyway.

I hate the idea of killing other people. It just makes me absolutely sick when I think about it too much. War and fighting and all of this bullshit... I wish it was easy to just all get along... Damn.

Maybe if everyone smoked weed, the world would be a more peaceful place...
Why do they riot in their neighborhood? Go to the cops neighborhood and riot.....WTF
I am pissed at you so I will burn my house down.....
Nice :spew:

I started to watch the video,after the cops gathered round like a gang of thugs i couldnt watch any more,i allready know the outcome,the whole thing makes me fukin sick.

Mother fuckers in those uniforms all across the united states need to be put on trial as a group,then made to answer for the decades of cruel treatment of the citizens.

The cocksucker that killed him is sitting home,playing nintendo & being paid his full salary while that murdered persons family mourns their loss,at the same time the cop's entire dept will/is getting behind him,they will watch the videos over & over again looking for the most insignificant of details to use against the murder victim,then use any info from the autopsy report to figure out a way to get him off scott free.

You guys watch,little or nothing will come of this murder.
you would just have to been there to see the whole thing you cant make a judgment without seeing the entire event from before it started untill after it ended ive been through lots of classes on self defense armed security bodyguard concealed weapon carry advanced assult rifle training and a whole lot more shit i learned a lot in there and unless you see it all not just a part of a video a guy shot you cant make judgement IMHO

While i dont agree with the stupid comment about you being a racist i do think your completely full of shit on this one,the person who made the racist comment needs to grow up & stop using racism to vent his personal anger,still you need to look at the evidence in the video,not think about what we dont know because what we dont see is not relevant to the rules of engagement all police are trained to follow..

We/i dont need to know any more that what we can see in the video,it would make zero difference if earlier the murder victim had sicked a pit bull on the cop,stabbed him in the face with a blunt knife,shot at him with an uzi,punched him in the neck, then bit him,spit on him & kicked him in the nutts !,at the point he was murdered & for an extended period before he was murdered the murder victim was complying 100% with the policemans instructions & offered no threat.

What could have possibly happened earlier to justify the cop having a loaded weapon with a round in the chamber pointed directly at the victims back,at the point the man was on the ground on his stomache offering no resistance the arresting officer is supposed to holster his weapon & put the man in cuffs,not tower over him continuing to point a chambered weapon at him for extended peroids of time.
This is terrible. That cop should of been arrested for murder, period. He murdered that man in cold blood.

My husband was in a similar situation 20 years ago. His mentor/trainer murdered a thug kid right in front of him. He grabbed this kid and dragged him down the road in his cruiser and then shot him in the face. Of course the kid died. The outcome?? The killer cop was off for 2 years WITH pay and then prevailed in court and turned around and sued the city and won a quarter of a million dollars....there is our justice system at work! Total BS. What made it worse is that my husband was a rookie. He saw what happened, it was made VERY clear to him that if talked to IA he would be fucked on the streets, no back up. He was moved to a different sector and hidden. The cop that did the killing was our neighbor too. I went through 2 years of watching our backs wondering if he was going to come over and shoot our kids or me. Our system is corrupt, in all aspects.
Shot a guy in the liver in Texas also.....Also unarmed, laying down. Police state, that is what bush has done to the USA. He brought down democracy...
the cop who shot that kid, resigned today. there will be NO investigation. well, they are investigating, the cop just doesn't have to give an interview. he's gone. just walked away without saying a word.

*gunned down cold*

Resigned? what the hell is that?
OHHHH, everything is OK now the cop resigned! are you f**kn kidding me.
if i shot someone while at work and cops started asking questions and i said "ok i resign then, everything can go back to normal" !!!bullshit!!!!
it's because of issues like this that we have lost our freedoms they'll just brush it aside like every other thing.

Maybe if we start rioting about legalization they would take us more seriously.... naaa! they would say look see what marijuana does it creates criminals.

i hope that cop gets his
If he resigned, there very well may be an arrest coming. It is when they DON'T resign that the bs starts....They get time off with pay, and then when it is all said and done they turn around and sue the city over the bs and usually win. I have seen it happen many of times.
Give it a day or two and people will forget this and move on. A few years down the road it will be announced the city is paying 15 million dollars to the family and everybody will just shrug. Maybe the cop gets charged with 2nd Degree Murder and pleads out to Manslaughter and serves 36 months in jail. McDonald's insurance pays to rebuild or they use this opportunity to close a loser store, either way The Man wins.

Business as usual.
I wonder why he has not been arrested? It makes no sense at all! They have the video, what else could they possibly need? I really don't get this.

He was on duty and wouldn't have been in the situation otherwise---so the laws are written and enforced very liberally for cops.
everyone is DEMANDING answers. it's still all over the news. still not a word from the other side. tension is mounting. rally planned to start in 25 mins.