Gunned Down Cold In A Raw Deal

a tazer AND a gun.

why won't the cop give his side of the story? why did he just quit and walk away? it's been a week and he has talked to NO ONE. why? yes there are 2 sides. why won't he tell his?

i have no clue why he wouldnt and i dont see how he can just walk away there will be something done there always is. im not taking a side for either cause the way i see it i havent seen enough evidence to say whos right or wrong. im just stating what i know and have been through and have been trained for i was simply stating an opinion and people assume i dont comprehend
You really think racism died 100 years ago?! Do you live in a hole? Hell there are tons of people driving around my town with racist Obama bumper stickers. This is a race issue the police have abused blacks for a LONG time. This anger runs deep. The simple fact that the cop is not sitting in a jail cell right now is an outrage. If anyone else shot the guy they would be sitting in a cell awaiting trial not at home being paid a pension. You need to open you eyes.

were did i say racism died nope didnt think i did. and police abuse every race they dont care in cop world theres cops and other people and the US has its first black prez blacks dont have to sit in the back of the buss anymore they dont have to use the side door to the reasturant times have changed and its pretty clear that im not the 1 that doesnt comprehend maybe you should do some reading though and see how much has changed in the last 100 years get over it white people are a minority any more anyway :fire::fire::fire:
You can't comprehend if you don't realize it's a race thing :wall:

who are yo to tell me what i comprehend you have no clue i live just 60 miles from were the KKK was started at ive seen my fair share of race dillemas and i have also seen blacks and hispanics walk through a town they were once not even allowed to drive through things change everyday dude get over it

(no offense but if your black thats why its a race thing to you get the chip off your shoulder no one hates you)
they make tazers that are shaped and FEEL just like a hand gun here is the link to the ones we carry and it also has video an audio to get the entire event from when we arrive on the seen till its over
Feel like' a pistol but they don't. A pistol full of bullets with the modern 10+ shot magazine(clip) is heavy in the handle.
A taser's not even close to the feel of a pistol. Much less the bulbous front of a taser. :dunce:
That is just a cop out to an execution. The sun in his eyes?
Dog ate his homework....Please! Alien abduction is the story to stick with.:clap:
You really think racism died 100 years ago?! Do you live in a hole? Hell there are tons of people driving around my town with racist Obama bumper stickers. This is a race issue the police have abused blacks for a LONG time. This anger runs deep. The simple fact that the cop is not sitting in a jail cell right now is an outrage. If anyone else shot the guy they would be sitting in a cell awaiting trial not at home being paid a pension. You need to open you eyes.

were did i say racism died nope didnt think i did. and police abuse every race they dont care in cop world theres cops and other people and the US has its first black prez blacks dont have to sit in the back of the buss anymore they dont have to use the side door to the reasturant times have changed and its pretty clear that im not the 1 that doesnt comprehend maybe you should do some reading though and see how much has changed in the last 100 years get over it white people are a minority any more anyway :fire::fire::fire:
Try living in Oakland. True we've come a long way as a country, but we still have a LONG way to go. People of color are targeted by police, believe it or not.
Feel like' a pistol but they don't. A pistol full of bullets with the modern 10+ shot magazine(clip) is heavy in the handle.
A taser's not even close to the feel of a pistol. Much less the bulbous front of a taser.
That is just a cop out to an execution. The sun in his eyes?
Dog ate his homework....Please! Alien abduction is the story to stick with.

you dont no what yur talking about do you own the tazer have you seen it have you held it in your hand i carry one everyday right beside my gun and i assure you its no lighter than my 45 or 357 with the video/audio attachment its heavier who cares what they way anyway but you should know what you talking about before you speak of something
Try living in Oakland. True we've come a long way as a country, but we still have a LONG way to go. People of color are targeted by police, believe it or not.

i can belive it we will always have racist people,gangs,and poverty but theres less and less every year the aryan brotherhood use to run everything including some black gangs but in these days you dont even hear about them any more just on the history channel because its all starting to be history in 20 years there will prob be hardly any left case if we dont unite as 1 were gonna be the 1s fukked
I don't know. It's hard for me to feel that we're past racism and have faith in our government when the same people that are supposed to protect me are doing the exact opposite. Trying to get me in trouble over some bullshit, and when I need their assistance they are no where to be found.

They have a faster response time to someone smoking a blunt than they do to a home invasion.
you dont no what yur talking about do you own the tazer have you seen it have you held it in your hand i carry one everyday right beside my gun and i assure you its no lighter than my 45 or 357 with the video/audio attachment its heavier who cares what they way anyway but you should know what you talking about before you speak of something
I can spell taser that always helps. Weigh hell it is about the balance and the actual feel.

While we are here how about charging the other conspirators(cops) with their crime. RICCO their asses because this is an ongoing criminal activity. Transit cops executing people....It is the holocaust all over again.
A transit cop with audio and video equipment on their weapon.
Robo-cop transit cop.
lol. What now kindergarten teachers with grenades?
u've got to fucking be stupid to shoot someone thats on the floor fucking easy as that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

_He should go to jail, somewhere where the arjan brothers are or some shit like that . :D
i have no clue why he wouldnt and i dont see how he can just walk away there will be something done there always is. im not taking a side for either cause the way i see it i havent seen enough evidence to say whos right or wrong. im just stating what i know and have been through and have been trained for i was simply stating an opinion and people assume i dont comprehend
Seems as you have taken sides. The executioners side.
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Hopefully enough people will see this and start arming themselves, i know this sounds stupid and ill get flamed but thats why you carry a concealed weapon(with permit), if that was a family member and i was there i would have opened fire on the worthless cops
i can belive it we will always have racist people,gangs,and poverty but theres less and less every year the aryan brotherhood use to run everything including some black gangs but in these days you dont even hear about them any more just on the history channel because its all starting to be history in 20 years there will prob be hardly any left case if we dont unite as 1 were gonna be the 1s fukked

Actually the aryan brotherhood is still around and they are still one of the most feared groups of people. They make up 1% of the prison population but a responsible for 18% of prison murders
you dont no what yur talking about do you own the tazer have you seen it have you held it in your hand i carry one everyday right beside my gun and i assure you its no lighter than my 45 or 357 with the video/audio attachment its heavier who cares what they way anyway but you should know what you talking about before you speak of something

ack! wrong. tasers and firearms are carried on OPPOSITE sides of the belt for BART cops. simply for the fact as to not get them confused. it's BART protocal. the cop had his taser out prior to the shooting. he put it away and then later he pulled his gun.

if you can't tell the difference you shouldn't be carrying either.
ack! wrong. tasers and firearms are carried on OPPOSITE sides of the belt for BART cops. simply for the fact as to not get them confused. it's BART protocal. the cop had his taser out prior to the shooting. he put it away and then later he pulled his gun.

if you can't tell the difference you shouldn't be carrying either.
Yep, this was an execution and a human rights violation.