Gunned Down Cold In A Raw Deal

laughs? you come across as cold, my friend. :sad:
good luck with that.

I see you've lost your sarcasm radar today eh, fdd? I think I stated quite early on that it is indeed a sad situation for all involved, but as always... some people love twisting words around or simply do not take the time to put everything together. Well, I hope you regain it soon enough to enjoy more laughs. In this situation I'm not laughing at others misfortunes, though you and I and everyone else I know are all guilty as sin of it at sometime in our lives... :wall:

Tell ya what though, for all of you who don't like American police, how about you take a trip to South America, Russia, or Asia? I think then you'll be thanking your "lucky stars" how "lucky" you are to be "protected" by the American police gang.

OH BS! Go smoke weed in front of your PIG relatives and we'll see how many years your movement gets set back.


It advanced it greatly in my opinion, changed their opinions, their opinions reflect on their children and coworkers (more pro-legalization police) and etc... my PIG smoking relatives will have helped in this movement better than you could ever hope to. And thanks for the middle finger, but you can reinsert it back where it belongs, love ya brosef! :peace:
most all of you ani=pig folks are a bunch of dumb asses. why don't you point your anger at those that are causing the problems the law makers and those that pull there strings. I'll tell you why, you can' don't know who they are. the cops are set up to take the hit. so all you cop haters keep up the good work without you the system wouldn't work. sorry fdd this is not about your thread their are bad cops and they need to be flushed out and delt with. We can all hate law enforcement but go after the ones that make the stupid one sided laws.
most all of you ani=pig folks are a bunch of dumb asses. why don't you point your anger at those that are causing the problems the law makers and those that pull there strings. I'll tell you why, you can' don't know who they are. the cops are set up to take the hit. so all you cop haters keep up the good work without you the system wouldn't work. sorry fdd this is not about your thread their are bad cops and they need to be flushed out and delt with. We can all hate law enforcement but go after the ones that make the stupid one sided laws.
The system doesn't work. Obviously you haven't been involved in the system enough to realize that. The only thing that the system does for me is keep innocent people locked up.
Thanks. Your paragraph was too intimidating to read completely. Upon re-reading it, I agree with you completely. Oh...

most all of you ani=pig folks are a bunch of dumb asses. why don't you point your anger at those that are causing the problems the law makers and those that pull there strings. I'll tell you why, you can' don't know who they are. the cops are set up to take the hit. so all you cop haters keep up the good work without you the system wouldn't work. sorry fdd this is not about your thread their are bad cops and they need to be flushed out and delt with. We can all hate law enforcement but go after the ones that make the stupid one sided laws.



[quote="SICC";1937169]hahayou guys are all brought up in nice places and nice homes, have no clue of the REAL world :roll:[/quote]

quoted for truth.

my s/n!!!!
That is what they show you right before they beat the living shit out of you for no apparent reason and then charge you with "resisting arrest". I have had a cop threaten to beat the shit out of me in the woods. So yeah friends sure . . .

i bet you have a record though. you animal.
there are protests planned for 11 am today.

another package was found on the doorstep of the parents of the cop. there were NO explosives in it.

please don't kill the messenger. thanks. :)