Guns don't kill people, gun owners kill people.

here's exactly what you said:

and even this ridiculous statement was a retrenchment and retreat from the "unprecedented" hazard of firearms.

You don't think that having a requirement for insurance, driving tests, licensing, and the like prevent accidents? Driving school doesn't teach people how to use a car properly? Did you do a practical test before you got your license showing proper proficciency with a vehicle? Where I live you have to do a separate motorcycle test too, to show you're not going to hop on and just kill yourself, or more importantly someone else.

so the potential victim should be as defenseless as possible in these spur of the moment attacks, by the careful use of gun safes, gun locks and in the case of washington DC, the disassembly of the firearm to ensure that it cannot "accidentally" put itself back together, jimmy the lock on the gun safe, creep across the house to the second locked ammunition safe, load itself, crawl surreptitiously up Carl Rowan's leg, climb into his hand and then "accidentally" go off when he discovers some teenagers are skinny dipping in his pool...

Another reduction to absurdity. If you're going to bed, load your fucking gun, take the trigger lock off, and put it in your night table. When you get up and hav a shower the next day and get ready to go to work, disassemble it and put it in a safe. It's fucking easy you dolt. Stop being a fucking baby.

you lefties really do care so deeply about the victims of "gun violence".*

*some exclusions apply

Victims of any type of violence should be cared about. But in your case you probably only care about white people.

That's why you put the * in right?

and which handgun would that be?

No one said handgun. You said handgun. Do you know a handgun that can shoot 2200 meters? I don't.

Barrett makes several rifles that are capable of accurately reaching further than that. Everyone knows the .50, but the .416 and .338 Lapua are also long range tack drivers. You can buy a 20mm Lahti in Taxas (probably other states too) for fuck sakes... they're accurate for miles and miles....
you are such a dumbass.

unless you have just had a lover's quarrel with a USMC Scout Sniper, over the phone, while he is on manuevers, with a hot loadout, in line of sight of your position, and have also pissed off his spotter, the risk of this scenario coming to fruition is extremely remote.
I'm not debating skill, I'm talking potential range of a readily available firearm. I load my own ammo, with a little practice I could load rounds better than Barrett, that would give me match grade accuracy.

What about people who routinely do class D comp shooting? I know guys that shoot at 1000m at least once a week, sans spotters, or USMC backgrounds. Pretty easy to run a laptop with Nightforce SW.... but I bet you already knew that.

against an unarmed opponent, no. it does not.

even the most braindead of gimps can kill an unarmed victim with a penknife

and now you will boast of your 3 blackbelts, and the decades you spent as a SOG operative in the cambodian jungle, and your 436 confrimed kills...

lets just skip the bullshit and go back to the real issue.

weapons of ANY sort make it easier to kill an unarmed assailant or victim. the attacker is ALWAYS at the advantage based on his foreknowledge of the attack, thus leveling the playing field is essential, particularly for women and old people who dont have the advantage of you 400Kg bench press ability or your 16 inch penis, which i assume you have outfitted with an armour piercing steel glans cover.

when attacked you simply point your pelvis at the assailant and think about the movie Roadhouse, then *Kachunk!* they are dead. impaled on your Swayze Boner.

Another argument from absurdity. You really suck at this whole 'communication thing'.

It is INSANELY easier to kill someone with a firearm than a knife. You have to be within arms distance of me, and I can run. Fuck fighting, you come at me with a knife I'm running if I'm unarmed. If I run and I'm unarmed and you have a gun, you just shoot me.

I bet this is the part where you claim to be John Rambo and can throw your Bear Grills Gerber Knife 200m @ 90mph with precision accuracy.

but you are SPECIAL, so you can be trusted with this ILLEGAL shotgun...
(the 1968 omnibus crime act requires than no shotgun with a barrel less than 18 inches be owned possessed or transferred by any person without a special tax stamp, background check and a licensing fee.)

UGGGH It's not illegal. Who said I'm even American? Where I live overall length is the main factor, of which I am 0.25 inches longer (with the stock fully collapsed) than legally required to own my firearm without any legal issues.

so the continuing expansion of various "Gun Free Zones" and the neverending push by HCI and people like you to increase gun restrictions everywhere, in every way possible hasnt reduced the ability of ordinary people who are not Special Forces Gorrilla Warrior Jeet Kun Do Masters with 263 confrimed kills and a penis registered as a deadly weapon to defend themselves from the ever increasing criminal element, who coincidentally are enabled and encouraged by people (not so coincidentally) like you who promulgate the ridiculous "Socio-Economic Status" defense when any crime occurs?

People like you are so bigoted and conditioned in their thinking you're virtually incapable of rtational thought when it comes to issues like this. You just cover your ears and act like a three year old, kicking and screaming.

ANY impediment to the ownership of a firearm can soon become an impassible hurdle. first, "take a class" then it's "Take this SPECIAL CLASS" then it's "Take this 6 week course taught by ONE GUY once a twice a year, with a class size of twenty. heres the 12 year long waiting list." then it's "Take this class. we will call you the next time we hold the class..."

Another reduction to absurdity. You love those types of arguments, because you have no ground if you stick to the actual topic at hand. You have nothing to say about what I've actually said, so you create a false argument (waiting lines, special courses, lack of instructors) and argue that instead. You suck. Seriously, you're terrible at this. You're like the "Reggie Strickland" of debating. Might have to look that one up....

if my guns get stolen i cant call the police, since ill be dead.
further, what will the cops do? shit their panties throw their arms in the air and run about screaming in terror because 8 New Deadly Killer Guns Hungry For The Flesh Of The Innocent are on the street tonight?

Another retarded argument from absurdity. You'll 'be dead'. Right. You go to pick up groceries, and someone breaks into your home and steals your firearms, do you drop dead in the produce isle at fucking Safeway, you retard?

you propose registration so if my gun is used in a crime i can be "Held Accountable" but thats stupid. if i wish, i can report my guns stolen, sell them to my homies, buy more guns, rinse and repeat.

the real purpose of gun registration is to prepare for gun siezure. nobody believes otherwise.
You can do the same thing with a car, it's called insurance fraud and you'll probably get busted. Most people don't commit car insurance fraud, and most people wouldn't commit perjury and write a false police report just to sell their guns. Another argument to absurdity.

I don't even mean registration. How about a piece of paper that says you bought "a firearm", and a sig that says if it was your first bought from that store, that you did the 30 mins training session - on the spot.

no. crime cannot be "avoided" thats stupid. crime can be REDUCED, but not by attacking gun owners, but it CAN be reduced by locking up those who commit crimes for significant periods, and preventing the irresponsible idiots who promulgate the "SES" defense from flapping their meat holes about how rough life is for the "victims of the system" (which is Reverse-Correct Info-Speak for "Perpetrators Of Crime")

If some crimes are avoided, that's fewer crimes happening than previously. If less crimes are happening than previously recorded, that's a reduction in crime. Stay with me here, I know this is complicated.
The only arguments you've presented have been Arguments to Absurdity, which don't even address the real issues because you've skewed them so far out of context and reality they're unrecognizable. Then there's your boring "SES" bigot-babble which pretty much everyone can see your Klan hood- popping out of that argument....

You didn't address the point I brought up at all. If people were better trained with firearms, and more onus was put on shopkeepers to provide info-sessions, or training, or whatever you want to call it, that at a minimum, less accidents would occur. Maybe the amount of murders and suicides would be exactly the same, I highly doubt it, but maybe they would. But carelessness, and accidents from lack of training can and would, be easily avoided.

Education is the key.
An unloaded gun is a worthless gun. I see way too many people buy expensive guns and put cheap bullets in them. Get the Blue Glaser bullets. The 40 cal puts out 34% more muzzle energy than a 45...not to mention it unloads all of its energy into the target. Ultimately the people that I have found that hate guns the most are people who break into homes, cars , ect... they really get pissed that someone would take their worthless life because they choose to be a parasite.

glasers aint all they are cracked up to be.

even at close range most frangible bullets fail to penetrate, too often spending their energy disintegrating on clothing, yet still can regularly penetrate interior walls.

theres a reason cops dont use these rounds.

in my .40, i use Starfires and Silvertips.

controlled expansion is always the way to go
You don't think that having a requirement for insurance, driving tests, licensing, and the like prevent accidents? Driving school doesn't teach people how to use a car properly? Did you do a practical test before you got your license showing proper proficciency with a vehicle? Where I live you have to do a separate motorcycle test too, to show you're not going to hop on and just kill yourself, or more importantly someone else.

and yet you felt the need to insist that all this licensing and registration is designed to prevent "Accidents/Homicides"
welcome to crazytown. population YOU.

further, as any rural lad knows, there is no requirement to have a license to drive on your own property, nor any registration or insurance hurdles, yet you propose to impose these restrictions on a firearm KEPT IN MY HOUSE!

none these Super Effective Measures* are designed to prevent homicides or even accidents.
insurance is solely a measure to insure (funny aint it) your financial liability in the event of a crash.
registration is a about getting revenue, nothing more
licensing is more about registering people, not ensuring that they can drive worth a shit. dont try and pretend otherwise. nobody believes that crap.

*none of these measures has done shit to reduce accidents, and none of these measures could in any way reduce or prevent vehicular homicide.

Another reduction to absurdity. If you're going to bed, load your fucking gun, take the trigger lock off, and put it in your night table. When you get up and hav a shower the next day and get ready to go to work, disassemble it and put it in a safe. It's fucking easy you dolt. Stop being a fucking baby.

or how anbot this? i leave it loaded, all the time, so i dont have to checkem should i get woke up at 0-dark:30, and let my dogs, or my kinfolk enjoy their protection when im not at home?

that seems to have worked pretty good for about... ummmm... 200 years. but i guess these New Guns made since the 90's are just TOO DANGEROUS

really has there been a rampant increase in accidental shootings, gun thefts, or inadvertent discharges that i havent heard about?

Victims of any type of violence should be cared about. But in your case you probably only care about white people.

and here we go: That's Racist!

how delightfully predictable.

when do you start the copy/paste and image dumps of gay porn?

No one said handgun. You said handgun. Do you know a handgun that can shoot 2200 meters? I don't.

were we not talking about Home defense Arms? now we are talking about exotic militaria owned by only a few hardcore (and i say this with love) gun nuts?

Barrett makes several rifles that are capable of accurately reaching further than that. Everyone knows the .50, but the .416 and .338 Lapua are also long range tack drivers. You can buy a 20mm Lahti in Taxas (probably other states too) for fuck sakes... they're accurate for miles and miles....

and one of my uncles mailed himself a howitzer from vietnam, piece by piece. shall we consider the hazards of Model Rocketry Kits too? they could be weaponized....

I'm not debating skill, I'm talking potential range of a readily available firearm. I load my own ammo, with a little practice I could load rounds better than Barrett, that would give me match grade accuracy.

no, you are positing an absurd argument and expecting me to accept the premise.

sorry, the premise is Redonk.

Another argument from absurdity. You really suck at this whole 'communication thing'.

It is INSANELY easier to kill someone with a firearm than a knife. You have to be within arms distance of me, and I can run. Fuck fighting, you come at me with a knife I'm running if I'm unarmed. If I run and I'm unarmed and you have a gun, you just shoot me.

I bet this is the part where you claim to be John Rambo and can throw your Bear Grills Gerber Knife 200m @ 90mph with precision accuracy.

it is also insanely easy to kill someone with a crossbow, or a regular bow, or a thrown rock, or a spear, or a javelin...

are you arguing that the Projectile is the problem? cuz yeah, thats stupid.

NO weapon is the problem, criminals are the problem. people who are not criminals should be encouraged to own arms of all sorts, thus the criminal element will have to tread carefully, preying only on schools federal buildings government offices and other "Gun Free Zones" after all, thats why they are gun free right? like a nature preserve for hoodlums.

UGGGH It's not illegal. Who said I'm even American?
You Did.

or is "Tittytown USA" someplace in cambodia or somalia?

if you intend to claim to be canadian dont bother. i know the canadian gun laws have prohibited short barrel shotguns since the 1930's

same thing if you profess to be british.

if you wish to claim to be from Ireland, you are barred from owning ANY gun without a spoecial permit, and sawed off shotguns aint on the approved list.

you may try to assert that you are australian/new zealander, but that will fail too.

mexico is also Right Out.

even israel and switzerland dont authorize short barrel scatterguns, as these things are just fucking random.

all your mindless gabbble about "Safety and Responsibility" is dispelled like a fart in the wind with this one absurd claim.

as remington does not even manufacture the 870 with a 12' barrel, i can only assume you modified it yourself.

im curious how you shortened the magazine tube, thats a pain in the ass, and at 12" theres barely enough room for the stroke on the action. how'd you handle that issue?

(pretending i believe your claim is a speciality of mine)

People like you are so bigoted and conditioned in their thinking you're virtually incapable of rtational thought when it comes to issues like this. You just cover your ears and act like a three year old, kicking and screaming.

People like me? you mean WHITE PEOPLE!!

i wish i could shout That's Racist, but i lack the privilege. but do carry on, this is first rate butthurt.

Another reduction to absurdity. You love those types of arguments, because you have no ground if you stick to the actual topic at hand. You have nothing to say about what I've actually said, so you create a false argument (waiting lives, special courses) and argue that instead. You suck. Seriously, you're terrible at this. You're like the "Reggie Strickland" of debating. You just lose, over and over again...

of course the rules will never change, and all permits will be available to anyone who wants them.

just like the Marhuana Tax Stamp which was NEVER ISSUED, until the supreme court ruled that had to sell them, so they sold a couple, to themselves, and then the supreme court overturned the whole applecart.
or the Controlled Substances Act, created to protect the people... and if you believe that, i got an extra Eiffel Tower to sell you. in case you dont know, the CSA was the response to the overturning of the Marihuana Tax Stamp Act after the feds deliberately subverted the law TWICE and the supreme court was just sick of their shit.

the US govt has ZERO credibility on guns, weed, poublic safety, international law, treaty violations or really anything you can think of.
but we should trust them to be super gentle with out gun rights.

Another retarded argument from absurdity. You'll 'be dead'. Right. You go to pick up groceries, and someone breaks into your home and steals your firearms, do you drop dead in the produce isle at fucking Safeway, you retard?

theres this thing thats kinda new. it's called Relatives. you might not have heard about it.

my house is ALWAYS full of people, i live with 2 brothers, my nephews are usually here, and my mother is staying with us while her house is under construction, and i got a couple cousins who are in and out all the time.
robbin my house is like robbin a busy gun shop.
you really are dumb.

You can do the same thing with a car, it's called insurance fraud and you'll probably get busted. Most people don't commit car insurance fraud, and most people wouldn't commit perjury and write a false police report just to sell their guns. Another argument to absurdity.

so now i have to insure my guns too? damn you just keep adding more layers to this retard lasagne.
and as to "most people"... you remember Fast N Furious? seems some federal agents thought this was a great way to pick up extra cash too.
but by all means the feds are the guys we can trust to protect our rights, lets hand them EVERYTHUING and trust to their good graces.
should we have to register our newpaper printing presses, our home printers (could be used to print out gun show flyers or other subversive materials...) and our kitchen knives?

I don't even mean registration. How about a piece of paper that says you bought "a firearm", and a sig that says if it was your first bought from that store, that you did the 30 mins training session - on the spot.

which is then destroyed? no. it must be filed. entered into a database, with millions of others, which must be monitored, and if so desired can be used to implement gun siezure... ohh shit son. thats what we call REGISTRATION.

there is already an example of such a system. the BATF's request for permission to buy a gun form is required BY LAW to be destroyed within 24 hours of processing (to prevent backdoor registration) but the BATF simply hired a private company to do the data entry and keep the database for them, so they dont have a de-facto gun registration program...

they LIE
the federal government is BUILT on lies.
trusting them is the height of foolishness.

If some crimes are avoided, that's fewer crimes happening than previously. If less crimes are happening than previously recorded, that's a reduction in crime. Stay with me here, I know this is complicated.
The only arguments you've presented have been Arguments to Absurdity, which don't even address the real issues because you've skewed them so far out of context and reality they're unrecognizable, and your boring "SES" bigot-babble which I can almost see your Klan-hood hidden in that argument.
backpedalling semantic word wrangling, and claims of racism. yeah youre right on top of that shit.

You didn't address the point I brought up at all. If people were better trained with firearms, and more onus was put on shopkeepers to provide info-sessions, or training, or whatever you want to call it, that at a minimum, less accidents would occur.

you brough up no such point. you meanderd around such a specious point, you implied such things to bolster your "common sense gun control measures" but you actually do not give a squirt of piss about "safety" unless it is your own.
you are a shill, every one of you r "Common Sense Gun Control Measure" proposals is just another millimeter of camel nose creeping under my tent.

what part of Shall Not Be Infringed is so hard for you to understand espcially since this is a dope forum, and every one of us knows how the feds view weed. they lie, they make deceptive laws, they circumvent the law, they defy the supreme court, they violate the constitution and all for what?

certainly not safety.
body wise..similar color hair about 2 inches shorter..bod very similar..yes, i have a rack..face wise if i sent you a pic you wouldn't believe it..or maybe you would..

Oh, I would. I love women as you may can tell. Feel free to send a PM. Your secrets are safe with me. :)
But her rack is "off the rack" :(

Hey, I like it on the floor.

Otherwise, I'm not the hook? Can't complain for that either. :)

Duh....another bite of coffee and I see it....or want to.

Uptake slow...OK....It just that you said, but, and I should have said "so what?"
on the real cherie,

if you carry a Taser or Stun Gun and believe it will disable an attacker, it WILL NOT

some perople. (like myself) are not nearly as vulnerable to electrical shock as others.

i have had a stun gun used on me in an attempted robbery, and it didnt do SHIT. i kicked a mudhole in that dude's ass and then stomped it dry.

i even got tased by a cop for a demonstration of their "non-lethal" secret weapon against crime.

i was supposed to "come at him" and i was able to take the thing right from his hand despite his repeated jolts. the little darts were more painful than most of the shocks

i have been shocked by too many ignition coils to even give a shit about electrical voltage any more, and physical mass greatly reduces the effect of electrical shock devices as weapons.

if you dont want a gun, get some Top Quality capsicum pepper spray, the "Bear Mace" type. not the weak ass hot-sauce dispensers most women carry.

Well, I have always wondered about that....and here is the tale well told...I sure my toes would curl the wrong way.

But, Dr. got the darts, even. Oh well one in every crowd. This bro soaks up .38, finishes his beer and then tases himself as a chaser....burp. :)

Do you drink motor oil for good heath?

I have a little pepper mace and lot of Wing Chun. I had to slighly more than brandish it one time. And I have tested it a couple of times.

It comes out in a thick greasy, stream. Not a spray at all. And it is the size of a lip stick, easy to palm and easy to palm push against the yuki's nostril. But, that was enough. But, I didn't fire it. I don't want to fill out a report and I don't like to harm people if they will just back off.
I have a little pepper mace and lot of Wing Chun.

The bad guys with guns are all going to laugh at you. Guns keep my area safe, guns keep my family safe. California has some mean laws for criminals with guns, they generally know all the good guys have them to. My argument is made perfectly clear, guns make my area safer than not having guns... :smile:

~some mothafukn rednecks and tree loggers out these parts, and we-I.I.. said, we`all wont take no pussyfootn tannite from down yonda~
What the fuck are you talking about? I said virtually the only thing LEAVING OUT BOMBS that could be as efficient at killing people as guns are vehicles. but they're still not as proficient as firearms. Not true. If I if hit someone at road speed they are dead. GUN SHOTS ARE NOT AS LETHAL AS AUTO STRIKES.

A lot HOW MANY? of crimes are crimes of passion though, and happen because of things that are readily available.

The primary usage of firearms has always been offense. Not true. Primarily, War is in defense of sovereignty. We punish aggressors, have war crime trials, etc. It is the very definition of war. If you win, you were the defender of Peace.

It takes much less skill and practice to proficiently use a firearm than it does a sword. You can't even fire many guns if you have never held one...can't find safety...what is a safety? How do you even load the thing. But, even a kid can juke your neck.

You can take multiple gunshots and live. A single swipe with a machete is often quite lethal, Tutsi. Any part taken off, or gut cut open, arteries on limbs, etc you are not going to live. We bleed out quite quickly from blade wounds. And yet, you see how many bullets miss or go through and through and that you don't bleed out so quickly you can't be saved, in a lot of cases.

I agree. Having an easily accessible firearm is the best defense against an unknown intruder. Personally I have a Remington Model 870 with a 12" barrel and an adjustable stock with pistol grip. It has a flashlight too. When it's not in use or ready for immediate use, it has a trigger lock on it. May as well be unloaded, IMO.

The entire point to what I was saying is that crimes can be avoided Accidents can be avoided by training by making sure people are responsible with their firearms..

I totally agree that the stats can be improved by training...but there is so much lying there are not stats to be believed by either side of this issue.
Well, I have always wondered about that....and here is the tale well told...I sure my toes would curl the wrong way.

But, Dr. got the darts, even. Oh well one in every crowd. This bro soaks up .38, finishes his beer and then tases himself as a chaser....burp. :)

Do you drink motor oil for good heath?

I have a little pepper mace and lot of Wing Chun. I had to slighly more than brandish it one time. And I have tested it a couple of times.

It comes out in a thick greasy, stream. Not a spray at all. And it is the size of a lip stick, easy to palm and easy to palm push against the yuki's nostril. But, that was enough. But, I didn't fire it. I don't want to fill out a report and I don't like to harm people if they will just back off.

as i explained before, the .38 was a ricochet, it just broke my scapula, and that hurt like a motherfucker. being pretty drunk helped im sure, and thus continuing to get drunker seemed like a fine idea while the fragments were removed.

i got stun gunned by a dipshit who thought this was the bombass way to throw a robbery. i didnt even realize what he was trying to do until he shocked me the second time... i really didnt even feel it. i thought he was pokin me in jest.

i got a twin brother and quite often people i dont know will slap my back, shout incomprehensible inside joke greetings and ask why im ___________ instead of _______________.

i figured this dumbass was one of my twin's bros til i felt a tingly feeling and heard the snapping of the induction coils, then it was on.

i assumed he was using a stun gun with shit batteries but after i beat his ass it sure did make him dance pretty good.

later, as a part of firefighter training i was volunteered to be the test subject to demonstrate the utility of the Taser system. (they wanted the biggest guy there, and that was me)

it really didnt even feel like all that much, the darts were more annoying than the voltage

and no i dont drink motor oil. that shit is 'spensive.

i drinks Sterno like a respectable hillbilly.
More so accidents. But if no one had a license plate, and there were no records of who owned what road-going vehicles how would hit and runs be identified? When someone does commit vehicular homicide how should we identify them "Well sir, it was a red pickup truck".

For you to transport that firearm from the store/gun show you need to go on roads, in a car. When you buy the firearms you're certainly not on your own property.

Insurance companies have no vested interest in making sure their are less accidents.

In your opinion.

That's ridiculous and patently false. You suck at this.

So having a vehicle with a large alpha numeric identifier on it that has your name, and address attached to it does nothing to promote responsible driving? And driving without that identifier doesn't get you pulled over and ticketed, or your car towed?

If someone is home with the firearm, then fine; leave it loaded. But whatever you do, don't try to be the least bit responsible. That might lead to a better American society, you fuck head.

People used lead in makeup for centuries too. People did all kinds of stupid shit for long periods of time, are you suggesting that just because there's a history of something being done a certain way means there's no better way to do it?

I'm talking about steps to reduce firearms related incidents. Easy steps, steps that anyone with an IQ over 75 should embrace.

You actually are racist. In fact, there's pages of quotes of you bitching about black people, calling them Niggers, etc. etc.,

Need some more for your collection?

Here, let me help you with that;

I know you don't want to put your gun down to type on your keyboard, some minority might break your door down and try to rape your cats.

I'm talking readily available firearms. That includes, rifles, shotguns, revolvers, pistols, you name it. If you can go to "Roscoe's Guns, Liquor, and Baby Needs" and buy it, I'm talking about it.

Nope. The only thing ridiculous is your constant reduction to absurdity.

No it really isn't. I own a bow, and a crossbow. The accuracy is decent to about 40-50 yards. Then the stopping power is shit, the accuracy is shit, the range is shit, and the reload time is long and arduous compared to a firearm. No comparison.

No, that's what you're saying. I'm saying that firearms are the problem with firearms. They're the easiest method for being hostile (and defending against hostility).

I'm not debating that law abiding citizens shouldn't own firearms. Are you seriously that fucking moronic? Can you read?

BWAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ok smart guy, where in the USA, is "Tittytown"....

I should have put "The magical Wardrobe" maybe you'd stop with your retarded arguments and fuck off to Narnia... LOLOLOLOLOL

No, you don't know SHIT!

You can buy a Grizzly Arms 12" shotgun in Canada for like $200.... You are such a Know-it-all fuck tard it's astounding. Problems is, you don't actually know shit.

I don't claim to be anything, except not 'Murican'.

It's not a hacked off. Just like my Ruger 10/22 has a Dlask fluted heavy target barrel. OH NO'S IT'S NOT STOCK!!!

I did fib a little... It's actually a Norinco 870.... :p


No, I'm white too but I'm not racist. You on the other hand, are racist.

Well at least you didn't reduce to absurdity. You just made a strawman argument this time.

If you have kids constantly running around your home that's all the better reason to practice responsible gun ownership.

I didn't way you had to insure guns, although you probably should if you have nice ones like me. You stated people would just say their guns were stolen then sell them. Which some people might, but it's still a retarded argument. Hence what I said about insurance fraud. Just because people can, doesn't mean they will.

It doesn't have to be. It could be kept with the shop keeper for XYZ years. I don't know, havne't worked it all out; just claiming that there has to be a better way.

Everything is a conspiracy to keep you down. Never forget it. Better stock up on Sauerkraut and ammo.

You mean presenting a valid argument that's not based on Arguments form ignorance, thinly veiled racism, or logical fallacies? GUILTY AS CHARGED.

I've never been injured with a firearm because I'm trained in their usage, cleaning and storage. I practice, regularly. It's not my safety that's of concern, it's people who have been injured by accident with loaded firearms or firearms that were stored incorrectly. What about people murdered with legally owned weapons that were stolen, or just 'borrowed' by a family member for malicious purposes? It's the preventable incidents that need investigation.

Another argument from absurdity.

"You think that guns should be handled responsibly, therefore you're anti-gun and want the government to take them away."

300 years ago, everyone knew how to use a gun. You had to, virtually no choice in the matter. Now, people don't 'need' them, so their training and ability to use them is hindered. This should be taken into account. This doesn't mean take guns away from people, it means using common sense and rational thought to see that different times call for different rules.

EDIT: Not sure what happened to your quotes, but you're such a know-it-all, I'm sure you can figure it out.
yo. beefy.

if you could actually use tags your specious arguments would seem less amatuerish. but ill lay it down like this:

1 ) Canada has prohibited short barreled shotguns since the 1930's any claims to the contrary, including your own are LIES.
2 ) "That's Racist" is just as pathetic when you use it as when bucky and cheezy do.
3 ) you pretend to be an american talking about "our" problems and making suggestions about how "we" can handle them, and when confronted for a BLATANT LIE, you backpedal and claim to be from "Parts Unknown" how mysterious.
4 ) if you wish to trust any of your rights to the US government, you just go ahead and do that. im sure it will work out great. but do NOT think you can force me to join you in your madness.
5 ) you advocate violating the constitution and brag about violating the law to get your hands on the most USELESS AND RANDOM gun on the planet, and then claim to be interested ins "safety"?????
6 ) short barreled shotguns are useful solely for robbing banks and shooting sports for the blind. you really are stupid.
I totally agree that the stats can be improved by training...but there is so much lying there are not stats to be believed by either side of this issue.

I agree that 2 tons of steel can kill someone easily. But backing up, and the ease in which multiple people can be dispatched is much more dependent on the area you're in. Although the means may be as deadly, the ease of operation and ability to conceal is non-comparable.

Not true. Primarily, War is in defense of sovereignty. We punish aggressors, have war crime trials, etc. It is the very definition of war. If you win, you were the defender of Peace.
Think about what you just said. In defense of sovereignty..... in or to have a defender you need an..... ;)

You can't even fire many guns if you have never held one...can't find safety...what is a safety? How do you even load the thing. But, even a kid can juke your neck.

A good point. I don't know anyone, gun savy or not that doesn't know where the bullets go or which end they come out. The baseline of training and knowledge required to operate a knife is less than a gun, but the ability to perform is far greater in a gun than a knife.

You can take multiple gunshots and live. A single swipe with a machete is often quite lethal, Tutsi. Any part taken off, or gut cut open, arteries on limbs, etc you are not going to live. We bleed out quite quickly from blade wounds. And yet, you see how many bullets miss or go through and through and that you don't bleed out so quickly you can't be saved, in a lot of cases.

This depends on many things.

12ga shotgun slug to the chest, pretty much non-recoverable. 30-06 to the chest, pretty ,much non-recoverable. Sure, small bore handguns might not kill you if shot multiple times, maybe, the same can be said about small knives.

May as well be unloaded, IMO.

You're not very fast at removing a trigger lock then. I know EXACTLY where the key is and can get it in my sleep. My Shotgun can be within arms reach if I want it to be.

There's a term in the shooting world, "Smooth is fast"

Accidents can be avoided by training

I agree, I'm making a stretch based on opinion.
yo. beefy.

if you could actually use tags your specious arguments would seem less amatuerish. but ill lay it down like this:

1 ) Canada has prohibited short barreled shotguns since the 1930's any claims to the contrary, including your own are LIES.
2 ) "That's Racist" is just as pathetic when you use it as when bucky and cheezy do.
3 ) you pretend to be an american talking about "our" problems and making suggestions about how "we" can handle them, and when confronted for a BLATANT LIE, you backpedal and claim to be from "Parts Unknown" how mysterious.
4 ) if you wish to trust any of your rights to the US government, you just go ahead and do that. im sure it will work out great. but do NOT think you can force me to join you in your madness.
5 ) you advocate violating the constitution and brag about violating the law to get your hands on the most USELESS AND RANDOM gun on the planet, and then claim to be interested ins "safety"?????
6 ) short barreled shotguns are useful solely for robbing banks and shooting sports for the blind. you really are stupid.


According to the Criminal Code, a prohibited firearm is:

  • a handgun that
    • has a barrel equal to or less than 105 mm in length, or
    • is designed or adapted to discharge a 25 or 32 calibre cartridge, but does not include any such handgun that is prescribed, where the handgun is for use in international sporting competitions governed by the rules of the International Shooting Union,
  • a firearm that is adapted from a rifle or shotgun, whether by sawing, cutting or any other alteration, and that, as so adapted,
    • is less than 660 mm in length, or
    • is 660 mm or greater in length and has a barrel less than 457 mm (That's 10.8268 inches to those in the USA, Myanmar (Burma) and Liberi) in length,
  • an automatic firearm, whether or not it has been altered to discharge only one projectile with one pressure of the trigger, or
  • any firearm that is prescribed to be a prohibited firearm

What's this? 8.5" shotgun?



Here's pics because I know you're too retarded to read. Idiot.

Shotguns are the best home defense weapon. Period. Bird shot not only will fuck someones day up, but won't blow through walls. Any gun mag or show that does ratings on firearms for self defense has confirmed this. Shorter barrel length allows for sweeping rooms and coming around corners easier.
Personally I have a Remington Model 870 with a 12" barrel and an adjustable stock with pistol grip.

Do you have a Class III Weapons stamp? If not, you are committing a Federal felony that the government has seen fit to kill women and children over. 18" is the shortest barrel you can have.

edit: I see you are Canadian or at least pretending to be now that you have admitted to a federal crime in the USA.
The problem with those 12" barrel shotguns is the 2 round magazine capacity.
Do you have a Class III Weapons stamp? If not, you are committing a Federal felony that the government has seen fit to kill women and children over. 18" is the shortest barrel you can have.

edit: I see you are Canadian or at least pretending to be now that you have admitted to a federal crime in the USA.
The problem with those 12" barrel shotguns is the 2 round magazine capacity.

Did you not see the pump action shotgun? It holds more than 2 rounds. 5 in the tube, 1 in the chamber.

You should check your math on that as I have it at 17.992 inches

1 inch = 25.4mm
You're right. I'm wrong. I used 275mm to convert by mistake.

You can't own a firearm that has an ALTERED barrel less than 475mm in Canada.

Q3. What are the different classes of firearms?

A3. There are three classes of firearms: non-restricted, restricted and prohibited.

Non-restricted firearms are ordinary rifles and shotguns, other than those referred to below.

Restricted firearms include:

  • handguns that are not prohibited;
  • semi-automatic, centre-fire rifles and shotguns with a barrel shorter than 470 mm; (*NOT PUMP ACTION)
  • rifles and shotguns that can be fired when their overall length has been reduced by folding, telescoping or other means to less than 660 mm; and
  • firearms restricted by Criminal Code Regulations.
Prohibited firearms include:

  • handguns with a barrel length of 105 mm or less and handguns that discharge .25 or .32 calibre ammunition, except for a few specific ones used in International Shooting Union competitions;
  • rifles and shotguns that have been altered by sawing or other means so that their barrel length is less than 457 mm or their overall length is less than 660 mm;
  • full automatics;
  • converted automatics, namely full automatics that have been altered so that they fire only one projectile when the trigger is squeezed; and
  • firearms prohibited by Criminal Code Regulations.