

New Member
What would life be like to be deaf and blind? Where all you could do is taste and smell.

Kinda scares you huh.....? Fuck I almost tripped out.....



New Member
You must be extremely high when you post as most times, you don't make any sense, Sorry, but that is MHO.
I stoked you early on with a post, some months back......the native elders used it to communicate with the spirits.....

I however, am not a greedy, power driven psycho.....



New Member
If it has come to this, unfortunately it seems so.......

We as America, have no business putting missile defense systems in any country, other than our own........

We are halfway around the world, P E O P L E.....can our technology not detect something launched on the otherside of the earth???....

I do not want to see "our" missile systems, when I go on vacation, going to be fun to explain that to my kids......

Damn, no wonders drugs are illegal....they should oppress your negativity....instead people drown in fear......



Well-Known Member
[]D[][]V[][]D;474987 said:
GK is of the is a shame that all of you want guns guns guns for protection, to kill lives....

If not in the interests in the state, do not act. If you cannot succeed, do not use troops. If you are not in danger, do not fight.


Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate running for the presidency of the United States of America that has an A and A+ rating respectively with the NRA and the GOA. You sound like a damn fool.


Well-Known Member
I'm for guns so don't jump on for this....But, I can see the point of those against guns. The simple fact is if you own a gun your 20 times more likely to kill a family member or friend than an intruder.
Your pulling shit out of your ass. Show me this study. And no, if it was conducted by Senator doesn't count.


Well-Known Member
Dearest level....

I have no problem with guns being legal.. I agree they should be legal
Ok. Yea I don't mean to fly off the handle. It's just that you shouldn't be so ambiguous and flighty with your stance on an issue that you brought up. What I mean is when you get pinned to a certain question regarding your stance, don't go into tongues about writing in the book "The Peaceful Warrior."

Thank you for having the decency to respond.


Well-Known Member
Hey look dorkwad, the last thing i'm postulating is giving up my guns. And just for conversation, I can handle any of my 8-10 guns with perfect trigger control, IE, I hit what I'm aiming at, and as far as me giving you anything, kiss my effing ass.

I'm gonna write a book:

Liberals with Assault Rifles:
How to advocate hand-outs and still keep your 2nd

(Picture of Marx on the cover...oh no wait he didn't like guns in the hands of citizens)