guru needed got pics


what the frig is wrong with these plants im thikin nitro deficiencys

a few things sorry for being brief

600w hps
20 litre
ionic grow and rhizo both full strength

any help greatly appreciated iv done alot of research about my babies but cant seem to get my head around what is the problem also all the cuttings and seeds have stopped growing roots and all groth in my tent is stunted the big lst one is abut 4-5 months old and the cuutings about 6 weeks old please please help will give more details and pis later



Well-Known Member
What strain are they?
Did you grow from seeds or cuttings?
Where did you get the seeds/cuttings?

They have the leaf shape of sativa/ruderalis

The big one (4 to 5 months old)
How tall is she?
How tall are the 6 week old cuttings?
What was their growth pattern?
(Did they grow faster earlier in their life's, slower. speeded up, slowed down, when/how much....?

that's the key to finding answers.


Well-Known Member
Standard nute burn, with a little over watering on the side,....Flush with 3 times the volume of the pot, with air temperate Ph neutral water, allow to recover in dim light, one day or over night...avoid feeding for 2 weeks then resume at half the current rate only resume, when you see a positive improvement


Well-Known Member
Standard nute burn, with a little over watering on the side,....Flush with 3 times the volume of the pot, with air temperate Ph neutral water, allow to recover in dim light, one day or over night...avoid feeding for 2 weeks then resume at half the current rate only resume, when you see a positive improvement
Maybe a fluch but i dont think you can not feed for two weeks in coco.

I think one of your problems is that you are using containers that are way to fucking big. I see a 10" plant in a 7 gallon pot in coco? Wtf? To make your plants grow fast you need them to have soaked roots at watering and then dry out almost completly. Thats never going to happen if you have those huge ass containers. How long does it take a 7 gallon container to dry? Ill tell you how long it takes my five foot trees in soil to dry, 3-4 days. The 10 inch shrubs you have i have in half gallon containers and they dry in 2-3 days. Now soiless is different but you have to think that your plant is supposed to be consuming the water you add to it, not the light and the fan. A smoll plant like that just cant drink what your feeding her so you end up with slow, stunted, over watered plants. Ok so your soiless medium is probably going to be totally saturated with fertilizer and youll end up having lockout and burn issues because your probably not running enough water through to get proper runoff and flushing the left over fertilizer out with every watering. I dont see drip catchers so if you are getting run off its going onto the tent floor, or your not getting any runoff which is even more scary. Youve got some reading to do my friend. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Also, pic 2
Tiny seedlings (cotelydon leaves plus ONE set of actual leaves - very small, young, fragile)
are in pots that are far too large.

The roots find the sides of thee pot, then go down the sides, then around the bottom
With big pots you end up with hollow root mass.
Smaller pots to start
TP to slightly bigger
then bigger
then bigger.....

That's how to cause a healthy root mass.

Hydro is different