Guy bought 10 8th's?!

I'm trying to figure out if this guy got his "ten eights" in one bag, or actually got 10 bags with an eighth in each one lol.
If it's high grade weed then you got a deal, but I'm guessing it's not. It's probably stress or some pretendo at best. If that's the case you need a new dealer.
An ounce of stress/regs shouldn't be more than $40 for mexi, $80 for pretendo (damn near high grade-usually has 1-2 seeds a bag).
That's the homie hook-up prices too. If you're just another duck, then the price will probably be higher. Or course, the less hands your product has to go through, the less it'll be stepped on and the better the price.
I step on it all the time. Random nugs fall off and end up as floor weed. I have discovered nugs months after the fact hiding under the edge of a table or something.
300 an oz. Isn't a bad price at all as long as it isn't schwag mexi brick weed(which goes for 240 here a zip).. Here on the east coast, good homegrown goes up to 520 an oz as far as I've seen....
I get 80 a 1/4 and 300 an oz. for mine, normally bud this good goes for between 350 and 400 but I refuse to make anyone pay that much.



My cousin gets desperate and money hungry, so he lets his shit go for 200 an oz., it's not as good as mine but kinda close. And hes always mad for ripping himself off.
I get 80 a 1/4 and 300 an oz. for mine, normally bud this good goes for between 350 and 400 but I refuse to make anyone pay that much.



My cousin gets desperate and money hungry, so he lets his shit go for 200 an oz., it's not as good as mine but kinda close. And hes always mad for ripping himself off.

200 a oz. for thos chrystaly nugs??? Damn... Around here thats 400 to 500 an oz....
i've seen it around here for as much as 600 an ounce a couple of times. 300 will get you some top shelf stuff and you can still find $50 bags if you don't mind 1/2 the weight in seeds and stems, but it will still get ya buzzed.
So this guy asks my buddy how much he can get an ounce for, and he says he only really sells 8ths. So he asks if he can get an ounce, and he says it would be (8 x $30) $240. So, the dude shows up and says he wants 10 8th's - so $300 for an ounce and a quarter.

Doesn't that seem really high? I mean, $30 an 8th isn't that bad, but there is normally a big break at an ounce. I dunno, mostly thought it was funny a guy bought 10 8th's and was cool with it.
an 8th for 30, why the fuck should anyone complain i just spent 70 on an 8th it used to be 60, 2 weeks before it was 85, though the guy said 75 on the phone and changed it when he got here.hard times i dont mind, still a little high though.
Thats only 60 dollars more than what people pay here for mexi brick You would sell a lb in 3 days not even trying

Same here, 120 for some regs, hes just a dummy. People hustle him because they know he's money hungry and doesn't have much backbone. It's weird, he lets it go for that cheap because he's afraid if he doesn't, his "customers" won't buy any and he'll be broke. And he's always worried about being an asshole. But I'll give him weed and smoke with him daily when he runs out in between harvests (because he sells too much), then when he harvests, like recently, he'll throw me like 3 grams. He's overly generous with others but with me it's the bare minimum. And I showed that fool how to grow and have done tons of shit for that fucker. Ahh you got me rambling completely off topic. I'm done. :)
Same here, 120 for some regs, hes just a dummy. People hustle him because they know he's money hungry and doesn't have much backbone. It's weird, he lets it go for that cheap because he's afraid if he doesn't, his "customers" won't buy any and he'll be broke. And he's always worried about being an asshole. But I'll give him weed and smoke with him daily when he runs out in between harvests (because he sells too much), then when he harvests, like recently, he'll throw me like 3 grams. He's overly generous with others but with me it's the bare minimum. And I showed that fool how to grow and have done tons of shit for that fucker. Ahh you got me rambling completely off topic. I'm done. :)

Doesn't sound like the worst personality flaw a friend could have.
Same here, 120 for some regs, hes just a dummy. People hustle him because they know he's money hungry and doesn't have much backbone. It's weird, he lets it go for that cheap because he's afraid if he doesn't, his "customers" won't buy any and he'll be broke. And he's always worried about being an asshole. But I'll give him weed and smoke with him daily when he runs out in between harvests (because he sells too much), then when he harvests, like recently, he'll throw me like 3 grams. He's overly generous with others but with me it's the bare minimum. And I showed that fool how to grow and have done tons of shit for that fucker. Ahh you got me rambling completely off topic. I'm done. :)

I've dealt with shit like that lol, back in the teen years when me and a friend would match each other and buy bud. Then the next day would come around and he would be all stingy about what he "let" me take home. But if it was at my place and I paid for the entire bag, he would expect for me to throw him some bud out of courtesy the next day before he left.

So I would throw like .1 in a cellophane and hand it to him lol.