Guy With Gun


Well-Known Member
People that think a gun is going to protect them are cute.

If everyone carries a gun the criminals will simply start killing first then robbing.

If you are walking down a dark street with your wife after a night out, sometimes you will see the people approaching you, others it will be stealthy and out of the blue, hiding around a corner, or in a alley that is hidden from the sidewalk until your ontop of it.

Unless you are superhuman or always have your gun at the ready chances are you would never get a chance to pull it.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Chris Matthews has his reasons - liberal democratic insider with clear anti-gun views - for running this story, and most off you eat it up. Too funny :roll:

matthew's bias in a nut shell:
When Matthews first arrived in Washington, D.C., he worked as an armed officer with the United States Capitol Police.[3] Subsequently, he served on the staffs of four Democratic members of Congress, including Senators Frank Moss and Edmund Muskie. In 1974, he mounted an unsuccessful campaign for the Pennsylvania's 4th congressional district seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, in which he received about 24% of the vote in the primary campaign..[4] Matthews was a presidential speechwriter during the Carter administration. Matthews later worked six years as a top aide to long-time Speaker of the House of Representatives Tip O'Neill, playing a direct role in many key political battles with the Reagan administration.
Matthews was accused of displaying a lack of objectivity in covering Obama's presidential campaign.[5] On November 6, 2008, after the election, he stated on the MSNBC television program "Morning Joe," that "I want to do everything I can to make this thing work [...] this new Presidency work [...] This is my job".[6]


Active Member
the deliberate ignorance of some of you astounds me.
oh no, you're right. guns are harmless to presidents.


Well-Known Member
the deliberate ignorance of some of you astounds me.
oh no, you're right. guns are harmless to presidents.

I have little doubt quite a few people would have no problem with someone assassinating Obama. Beck, Hannity, Palin, Limbaugh are programming some of these unstable people to believe they would be doing the country a service.


New Member
I have little doubt quite a few people would have no problem with someone assassinating Obama. Beck, Hannity, Palin, Limbaugh are programming some of these unstable people to believe they would be doing the country a service.
Hmmm ... interesting comment. Clarify one thing though ... how does telling the truth encourage assassination?



Active Member
I have little doubt quite a few people would have no problem with someone assassinating Obama. Beck, Hannity, Palin, Limbaugh are programming some of these unstable people to believe they would be doing the country a service.
what's more sickening is that they are doing it for ratings/publicity and nothing more. they do always use coded revolutionary language. for 8 fucking years i had to listen to the very same cocksmokers imply that organizing in any form against our lord bush was un-american, terrs't loving liberal treason.

now you can bring loaded firearms to the president's podium and threaten violence...because you're constitutionally protected to do that apparently. also its freedom of speech to show up at the same town hall meetings and shout/intimidate/threaten anyone who disagrees with and completely halting the democratic process. remember, if you protest outside, anywhere, you're a liberal pussy. when you forcibly silence anyone who disagrees at a public municipal forum, thats standing for liberty. oh those wacky conservatives with their situational ethics[/rant]

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
calling one's opinion 'the truth' ...always the hallmark of a worthless discussion.
Half truths usually. I like Lou Dobb's, but look at all the heat he's taking.

Of course no one will tell you exactly what's going on, because they know the consequences.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I'm very surprised that the Secret Service didn't arrest the guy.

On which grounds? I'm pretty sure Will did his homework regarding the legality. Open carry is happening in New Hampshire, it's legal, it's safe and it's going to continue.

The guy that did this is not a violent person. Did anyone hear how intelligently he answered the traps Chris Mathews was setting for him?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by BadDog40
I have little doubt quite a few people would have no problem with someone assassinating Obama. Beck, Hannity, Palin, Limbaugh are programming some of these unstable people to believe they would be doing the country a service.

Hmmm ... interesting comment. Clarify one thing though ... how does telling the truth encourage assassination?

Half truths usually. I like Lou Dobb's, but look at all the heat he's taking.

Of course no one will tell you exactly what's going on, because they know the consequences.
The talking heads don't even bother with half truths anymore. They just report twitter posts like they are the truth.

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
I don't mind the guy with the gun. It's his right, and he wasn't bothering people.

I wonder if CNN ever showed this footage.



Well-Known Member
now you can bring loaded firearms to the president's podium and threaten violence...because you're constitutionally protected to do that apparently.
He never threatened anything, try watching the video again.

when you forcibly silence anyone who disagrees at a public municipal forum
HAve you seen anyone "Forced" to be quiet? When you say forced you are saying physically forced to be quiet, so has there been 1 single incidence of someone threatening physical harm to someone else at one of these town meetings? Cuz I would sure like to see it, yelling is nort "Force" a gun held to your head or a knife to your throat is "Force".