Guys 911 help


Well-Known Member
dun dun durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr , mogs here

you sir have yourself a lady , no sign of swishing around in dresses or padded bras to be seen , the ball effect is simply the calyx swollen ready to grab pollen if it could

and now , i must leave you , there are bigger fish to fry , fairwell .....................................

who was that masked fucktard ?


Well-Known Member
i have other question plz i need to feed my plants with cal mag . about the mag i have that covered useing this plant food
but cal i dont have anything that contain cal do i add milk maybe?


Well-Known Member
cmon man. Did you do any research at all?

Those are blatantly obvious pistils. There should be no question about that unless you made zero effort.

And why do you need to feed them cal-mag?

Sorry for being rude. At least read the wikipedia entry on cultivation. IMO there are questions and there are "I dont feel like doing anything, tell me what to do" type things. Those bug me.

No offense.


Well-Known Member
i watched this 2 hour indoor grow step by step 10 times maybe i read a lot but not books just on the web
cal mag because yesterday i posted pic and turns out i need to add cal mag and im trying to find a away to do it
im first time grower and on 3rd week of flower i think this is time when herm might show
pic worth 1000 words


Well-Known Member
Don't add milk mate it will stink to high heaven .... just type in the search bar on this site mag and loads should pop up for you to get an answer....Ive never used the stuff my self but in time maybe i will ....first time grower BUT i know you don't wanna add milk ....


Well-Known Member
cape and mask at the ready once more

dum dum drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

milk , milk ? alkaline as a bitch and a sure fire way of killing them dead , promise you they wont last the day

cal mag wellllll ya need it for plant growth for sure but you need it when you need it and not before , its not like an injection to ward off nastys , adding when not needed will create as many issues as not when they do ,,,,if you get me , IF and i mean IF the plants show signes of mag deficiency and thats brown splotches in the middle of fans and a purple stem then fine and mix up a bit of epson salt dissolved in warm water but do this only if they show issues and not before , otherwise welcome to the wonderful world on nute lock out and oh fuck me plants looking like shit thread section

is it a bird ? is it a plane ? is it a stoner with a stupidly shaped novelty bong and blood shot eyes ,,,,, who was that knuckle dragger ? we may never know


Well-Known Member
Most people dont need additional cal-mag. Adding it when you dont need it will cause problems.

Every leaf discoloration gets diagnosed as cal-mag here. Mg deficiency is much more common but I would hesitate throwing fertilizer at a plant before making sure other environmental factors were in order.

Over abundance of one element can cause lockout of others. Adding more compounds the problem.

If you watched a video ten times and you still couldnt tell that was a female and you are considering adding milk for calcium, I would watch a different video. Or read a book. Not trying to be an asshole just trying to save you a lot of trouble in the future.


Well-Known Member
welcome to the wonderful world on nute lock out and oh fuck me plants looking like shit thread section

Ha ha now that had me in stitches lol..

Good luck op...


Well-Known Member
It wasn't directed at the guy asking the question's ? It just made me laugh how it was said ....


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help guys
mayob other poeple "not you" told me to do things yesterday like add cal mag you came in the middle and why this and that either help or move on


Well-Known Member
if you do need cal mag, just buy cal mag, its not expensive at all and one bottle will last you a very very long time