Guys a fellow stoner needs ur help!!!plz!!!


New Member
Hey i moved in june and i smoked the last of my stash in early august and its been nearly a month since my last toke and i really want to toke.. so the question i was to know is how do i approuch someone about dealing me some or should i grow my own. plz guys i really need your help!!!!


New Member
dude no im a senior and i go to some rich kid private school where the parent hold there hands and they dont know wat weed is. and i cant really grow cause the seasons almost over and cnat grow indoors


Well-Known Member
dude no im a senior and i go to some rich kid private school where the parent hold there hands and they dont know wat weed is. and i cant really grow cause the seasons almost over and cnat grow indoors
well that blows. go to a hippie show and try to make friends with someone.


New Member
im in texas and wat do u mean by hippie show?? there are some people i see at a gas station i go to that look stonerish but how should i approch them??


Well-Known Member
im in texas and wat do u mean by hippie show?? there are some people i see at a gas station i go to that look stonerish but how should i approch them??
well, maybe "hippie" isn't the right term. but like a reggae show, or acoustic music like Jack Johnson, especially if it's outdoors. Then you know there'll be a lot of stoners there. As for approaching em, strike up a conversation and steer it towards weed.


Well-Known Member
when ur in a store, take ur time and see if any one buys a pack of papers or a blunt then ask that person maby i dunno

Alpine farmer

New Member
just walk up to a "stoner" looking person and say

"hey do you smoke weed?"

if they say yes then ask where you can get it.

if not , walk away...

el shaggy

Well-Known Member
get a job, particularly a restaurant. everybody in foodservice smokes pot, they go hand in hand. Plus than you can bring it up more casually as you get to know your co workers.

Coworkers if you ask me.


Well-Known Member
Man don't be direct like, "hey you smoke weed" to someone you don't know. If someone did that to me I'm putting up my "fuck off" face because you might be talking to an undercover. The best method is to shoot the shit with them, talk about different movies or games and have it lead to weed in some way. For example, be like, "really want to see pineapple express but I refuse to if I don't got some smokage and I'm all dried up". Or something like that, have it be in the conversation and see if you can't get a dimebag or something off them.


Well-Known Member
drive around the hood look for someone standing outside. get eye contact and give them the weed smokin signal with your thumb and index finger together like your smokin a blunt. then theyll either nod yes or no. did this a few time wen my dealer ran out kinda ghetto but wen ur desperate....