Guys...I just.. I give up (pics)


Well-Known Member
Ph is 5.8, light times are 12 and 12, I let them suck up almost all the water and nutes and then top them off iwth fresh water and nutes. the long time is because the tricomes won't change to hazy or amber.
First of all, never top your Rez with water/nutes. Only top between rez changes with water ONLY! Ppm go up as water is consumed by the plant, topping with nute water is frying your plants. That's what i'm seeing in your photos. Do you have a ppm meter? How often do you change your rez? Don't give up, this is an easy fix! What is your ppm when you do a Rez change? What is your ppm when you top it off? It should remain the same!


Well-Known Member
It looks like you gave her to much nutes, less is better. Did the same mistake first grow, next grow use your nutes at half strength all the way through, never go by the exact amount on the bottle
And don't use three different bloom nutes from three different companies. He was overfeeding with his dosage for ONE of those bloom nutes(2 Tbls. per gallon), But to add 6 TABLESPOONS PER GALLON of bloom nutes from three different companies? Or did I read that incorrectly in the original post?


Well-Known Member
Am I completely fucking crazy? Am I imagining that he said he overfeeds with not just one, or two...But overfeeds with THREE different bloom nutes from different companies? Does no one else see that???????????


Well-Known Member
Am I completely fucking crazy? Am I imagining that he said he overfeeds with not just one, or two...But overfeeds with THREE different bloom nutes from different companies? Does no one else see that???????????
Yea, that's a bit odd! Can't say i've seen that before....if that plant ever buds, i'm going to say it herms for sure. Way to much stress..any takers on that bet?


Well-Known Member
Jesus christ...If you're gonna go cheap on hydro, buy a 6 dollar water drop pH test kit, pick ONE nutrient line, feed at 50% recommended strength, and slowly increase the strength over the course of a few weeks ONLY if the plants look like they need it. It's really not rocket science, thats how I did DWC for like a year with good results before buying a TDS meter and a pH pen. Even then, I only bought those because I had disposable income at the time, as a result of several sucessful hydro


Well-Known Member
Too many nutes. 2 Tablespoons of EACH of those nutes PER gallon is WAY too much. HOLY SHIT, Man! Why are you using THREE DIFFERENT BLOOM NUTES? From different nutrient companies, nonetheless! NOT TO MENTION, YOU SAID 2 tablespoons each per gallon!!!!!! The RECOMMENDED dosage (which is slightly hot) for the Ionic Bloom is 4 TEASPOONS per gallon...that is equal to One and One Third tablespoon...3 teaspoons = 1 Tablespoon... Next, the recommended dosage for the liquid koolbloon is 1 or 2 TEASPOONS per gallon, not tablespoons...What made you think it was wise to feed your plants three different bloom nutes from 3 different companies?

P.S.-I can't believe no one said anything before me...
Sorry I ment teaspoon >.<


Active Member
That's still 15ML. I use H&G and I stay at around 8ML max. That's still probably too much. Besides your mixing different brands, that will cause lockout.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I ment teaspoon >.<
Even if you're feeding 2 teaspoons of each, thats 2 Tablespoons(6 teaspoons) per gallon combined, which is still way above the recommended dosage of those nutes. Why are you running three different bloom nutes in the same bucket? Pick ONE nutrient line, start at 50% recommended dosage. If you keep your lights at 12/12 all the time, and you're growing like that from seed, you need to feed them veg nutes in the beginning stages of growth, and switch to the bloom nutes after the plants start to flower(show clusters of pistils[those little white hairs]).


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I have to ask this question to the original poster... First of all, you got some good feedback from the people attempting to help you, but what have you learned and what is your solution going to be?


Well-Known Member
I'm going to Go run straight plain water threw my plant as it appears I have nute burned it. Then i'm going to ask of which of the nutes should I use as in my irst post they all have different ratios. also I'm running like this as that is what the nute guy told me to do so I need to ut what the hell back. so should I just run a single bloom and a micro or what?


Well-Known Member
If I was you, I would do a major flush. Then I would just do the Lucas formula (look it up) very simple, very effective! Good luck


Well-Known Member
Also, don't pull any leaves off, let them come of naturally. Leaves store food and will use them as needed!
When the water goes down in your resevior it mostly due to evaporation. Nutrients dont evaporate so the solution is constantly getting stronger and killing all your plants. Top off every other day or so in veg mode with ph'd water and more often in flower.


Well-Known Member
nutes and PH. issue... when I see any odd signs I bounce the PH around..before I would throw everything at it..lock up and get vellowing..

my 1st thing is to do read out in soil, tells you right away if the plants are eating.....not doable in hydro..

I also bump PH up/down by .2... and 8/10 times thats the issue...some plants get that "what, meatloaf again" it seems at same ph..

some are fine...others seem to like a ph change and that changes nute uptake..

did you see yellowing starting in flower.. I also give a good veg feed every 3-4 th in flower...
I'm getting plants that are green now at cut..

luck man.