Idk if i should ask this here or no nd if it's the wrong thread i apologize. So yesterday my gf of 5 years confessed to sexting nd sending nudes to a guy but says she regrets doing it what do I do please help me guys i don't know what to do nd I'm completely lost any advice will be appreciated. I ask this here because i have no friends to talk to
Everyone is different! broken hearts hurt, it feels like your whole world is over!
Bro, hes 21 talking about his presumably first girl hes been with since they were 15. Why are you insinuating he wasn’t hitting her right? They are literally growing up and life is new and big. Nobody’s at fault here in reality.They’re finding themselves.Imo if he kept her through her entire teen and early adulthood, he was doing fine. I bet if he takes a minute and was honest with himself he’d realize he was thinking about every girl he saw by then too.
Well true man nd it's been more thn 6 months whn in happened nd I'm seriously thankful to all the people on here who reached out nd gave me advice nd honestly im at a better place now I've started to go out with friends . Or some hiking or fishing it really helps with all the stress nd depressing thoughts . Nd it happened coz of a reason lol nd I'm over it now . Thanks everyoneI got my first lesson in being cheated on when I was 15. Hurt like hell for about a month, but I moved on. Never had a trust issue since. I made up my mind that if there's any slip up in the trust, it isn't meant to be. Your free to try to work it out but you'll forever be suspicious of her. And ya know, man to man here, don't let her have that power over you, it will slowly eat at you for as long as you remain together. I'm not saying it can't be worked out, but I've seen a lot of relationships end with infidelity, and not a single one was able to be "worked out" in a way that leaves everyone happy. Your relationship is now in a different territory than it was before. Those that split and never got back together seem way happier in the long run.