Guys READ how dumb this was !


OKAY! Where do I begin ! So I purchased some of that insecticide in the green bottle from Walmart that has neem oil in it ! I’m sure you’ve all seen it or know what I’m talking about . Well a while ago I forgot that I ADDED CLOVE OIL INTO THE BOTTLE . To Help KILL mites around the house . My dumb self forgot the clove was in the mix and sprayed it all over my juvenile plants . I came back a few hours later and my LEAVES WERE TURNING YELLOW . I immediately realized what was happening and ran to the hose to spray them off . I sprayed them for a LONG time and wiped off all of the leaves and made sure they were no oils left . There AUTOS :( , did I RUIN my babies ? Or do you think they will recover !? They got yellow and burn brown marks on a lot of leaves but I reinsed them off , and hours later they perked back up and look fine just a little yellow , this all just happened ! Will they be okay or are they cooked !?
nothing you can do about it now besides finish the grow and see how they turn out and take note. i think they will be alright.
Clove oil is most effective in weed control, specifically wide-leafed weeds. To make clove oil weed spray, pour 10 drops of clove essential oil into an empty spray bottle.
You could have a Cal/Mg issue, if you had that stuff all over your leaves you would probably have damage all over, if it was harmful.
Just an observation.
I know seeds are expensive, but sometimes I think you've got to cut your losses and start over opposed to wasting the time waiting to see if they'll recover. It looks pretty bad.
Not sure How that got posted about the clove oil but sorry about that. but I would say pop some more in and keep those and try and recover It can't hurt anything but a bit of time.
the one don't look awful or dead but the other looks pretty bad, But she may recover with time.

I got hundreds of seeds, I was doing some breeding, are you in the states ? I might send ya some.

Hopefully she can be saved. best of luck.
Not sure How that got posted about the clove oil but sorry about that. but I would say pop some more in and keep those and try and recover It can't hurt anything but a bit of time.
the one don't look awful or dead but the other looks pretty bad, But she may recover with time.

I got hundreds of seeds, I was doing some breeding, are you in the states ? I might send ya some.

Hopefully she can be saved. best of luck.
Mail some of those to Alaska, Bear.
By the way that bark in the medium? Guaranteed to draw bugs. Earwigs among a bunch of other crap. Try to get it out as much as possible.
I don't see why those plants can't pull through if they're allowed to do their thing, and have minimal interference.
I really hope they pull through , one of them may not. The smaller one got it the worst. But the stems and all seem to be doing healthy but the new growth and leaves got melted ! Grow was going so well not one hiccup now this . F7EF6FEB-C624-4287-AE8E-3E57BE6FED32.jpeg B6CF6273-4BE8-4462-ABA8-C60618A13EC4.jpeg This is what they look like right now . I’m popping to new ones as we speak . Northern Delights Auto , and Auto White widow .
By the way that bark in the medium? Guaranteed to draw bugs. Earwigs among a bunch of other crap. Try to get it out as much as possible.
I used some organic stuff from the store this year wanted to keep my medium simple I’ve burnt lots of autos lol. I did not know that about the bark I will definitely be getting that stuff out . Luckily this season bugs haven’t been as bad sense there in pots and not in the ground and I’ve also been spraying a bug killer around them and the pots every few days ! It helps a lot !
I don't see why those plants can't pull through if they're allowed to do their thing, and have minimal interference.
I just got in the Fox Farm trio big bloom tiger bloom and the grow big or whatever it’s called . I haven’t fed them at all yet ! 6 weeks in on one and around 4 on the other. Does anyone think I should try to do a feeding and see what happens or just leave it along just straight water this week or what? All of my grows every season have FAILED either snails eat them to pieces, I burn them, or they don’t get enough sun and get stunted ! Thinking about going back to indoors :(