GWS and OG Jack hempy cfl grow


Active Member
So far germed in paper towels... Let root squirm out of seed, maybe 5-8mm long, then placed in solo type 16oz cups (mini hempy). They are 3 weeks in from germination and doing great. This time around I'm using floranova 1 part nutes instead of homedepot shultz nutes.

Pics below are as follows, week 1, week 2 shots. Then transplant due to recycled perlite ( do no reuse perlite!!!!) some root pics after 2 weeks, then a pic with at 3 weeks.

I encourage people to post in my journal, more opinions the better :)

Happy growing !!!!



Active Member
Search for SICC solo cup competion. U should come join us:) 16oz party cup grow off started yesterday. Your already to go! Heres the link..

Aye!!!! Damn I would totally be down, all depends on how many females I get. If I get over 3/5 FEms then I'm down. This is pretty cool, but I know what my larger containers are capable of sooo, we'll see. Thanks for letting me know, and good luck


Active Member
So I am currently at day 36 from seed poppin, which seems long... Anyway, update time.
Changed the babies over to 2 liter bottle hempys and have exploded in the time they've been in there.
This time around I'm trying FIM or topping, whichever is the one that cute only the very new growth. Anyway, 3/5 plants took to it well and regrew new top colas. Out of those 3, 2 of them split into 2 main colas, the other one regrew into 3!!! It looks kinda deformed but that 3rd little cola is hanging inthere. It truly is amazing to see how plants grow to compensate for the cut tops.
One thing I did notice was a slowing of growth for the follwing 10 days after topping. However in the last week there has been an explosion of growth and roots are going crazy! Anyone who grows hempy through a container knows what I mean, the roots go crazy in these things!!!
I'll try to get close up shots later, but for now enjoy these pics...



Active Member
Ok, so I need a better camera than what's on my iPhone :(. I'll see what I can do. So I took some "better" pics of the plants. I tried to get close but It was hard to focus. Either way i think its enough to get te idea.

So what I've seen the plants that Did NOT take to the topping just made a black little stump where I cut. These 2 plants are doing very well despite new tops reforming. It looks like the 2 top branches below the cut took over to compensate for the cut top. These plants look and feel EXTREMELY dense.

The 3 that DID take to he topping have grown more vertically than the 2 plants that did not work with topping. The new tops that did grow on these 3 plants vary per plant, some are just barely acquiring some size to them, while another is almost the size of the surroundig new growth... Here are some pics... They're kinda out of order, enjoy!



Active Member
Switched the lights to 12/12 at at day 38, today is day 40.
there has been considerable stretch so far on the larger and high up branches. Not enough to photograph but will be in the next few days from the looks of signs of streching.
Now i have to make a quick decision of buying a few more 42 watt cfls and surrounding the 5 plans i have now or looking for a budget 250hps from ebay or something.
Keep in mind i still havnt seen distinguishable signs of sex yet... ill give it 3-5 more days it should start to be evident.

Im no where near having to STEALTH my grow out, so im thinking i can just keep a small fan on the plants at all times if i get a 250 hps. would that work at keeping my plants cool enough since my area is more open air?


Active Member
So today is the 6th day of flower, 48th day From seed. As of right now I've noticed one male plant, it's the tallest and stringy-ist of them all, I think u can tell which one it is. It's forming little balls at the little short green things in between nodes, I forget the right name for them. Anywho, I'm kinda relieved because I really don't have enough space/light for 5 plants so 4 is better, who knows maybe another male will pop up, it's kinda early still.

ORRRRRRRR!!!!, should I try and cross breed og Jack + GWS? what u guys think?

I'm thinking of goinb to HOme depot and picking up a couple more 42watters and some light socket splittlers, my lights aren't enough right now... I'll be worse off later

Some pics... The pic from farther away shows the male plant (og Jack) in the from left)



Active Member
Day 10 of flowering. Just some quick pics. I'm beginning to see some signs of sex, but it's hard to tell. I thought one was for sure a male, kinda accidently half snapped on the branches in trying to see up close, then the next day saw WHITE HAIRS!!! FML!!! the plant looks fine though...

I'm contemplating moving the plants into larger containers. Any thoughts?

And would anyone think a 250 would work in my current growing area???

See pic below...
this is pretty much 3x3x4 (WxDxH). It is how u see it, although there is about 3-5 inches over the bulbs. No doors, covers or anything.

What so you guys think?

Btw, I love the canopy shot, looks very optimistic.



Active Member
Day 14 of flowering and there is lessons learned with this gro already.
I noticed 3/5 of my plants are hermie! I am almost positive this is due to "topping" or FIMM'ing. This is my first time trying this technique and like I have posted before some of the plants did not take well to this. The added stres s must have pushed them to produce male flowers, some more than others. As for now and for future grows I'll stick to reg old lst'ing since lmy last grow worked out great with lst.
So now I'm stuck with the decision to:
1) allow them to keep flowering and try to collect pollen/induce seed production between strains
2)cut the male parts of the plants of and continue as normal.
3) chop the hermie plants and concentrate on the 2 fem dominant plants

help anyone???


Active Member
Been super busy as of late, but here is a teaser pic til I have time to uoad some more. I have like 2 weeks left of 3 plants(og Jack), probably 3-4 weeks more on the gws's. This pic is of the og jack, which have done AMAzing, totally surpassed my expectation!

I lied, 3 closeups of the of Jack awesome phenotype, and then 1 group shot.



Active Member
So I've been flushing these babies out for the last 7 days, and boy can you see the trichomes just reachig out off the buds. It's amazing. One of them is ready to harvest thanks to my 420 scope. Milky milky milky trichomes some edging on amber. This is an og Jack, the other 2- og jacks and 2 gws are almost done but need some more time.

That burlap sack is kinda tacky bu lighting here is optimal...


I'm so excited !! I know cfls don't make huge colas, but this stuff is soooooooooooooo fucking resiny it's ridiculous! And the smell is like a beautful purfume.

Also, I'd like to mention that I was concerned about harvest compared to last grow. Last grow was 1 gws in a much larger "bucket" and that harvest was about 22 grams dry.
This one plant looks about 3/4 of that 1 gws! And I have 4 more plants nearly ready to cut down!!!!!!!
So more plants has yielded me more buds this time around. And all in the same space!
Next time, I'm trying clones for sure!!! These og Jack have amazing genetics!!!