Gwting stoned and meditating.


Well-Known Member
Hey, i meditate now and then(helps me to relax and go somwere else) :) and i was just wondering if anyone has tried toking and meditating? i havent but i wouldent mind trying it =D


Well-Known Member
go for it,you will see beyond the light,smoking got me into meditation. all the perfect vibes and sequencial rythmiatic stillness. its wonderful,i now meditate almost daily,eventhough i dont have weed,i can still feel the calming release of energy.

meditation and weed is mindblowing:shock::clap::mrgreen::rolleyes::-D


Well-Known Member
yeah me to really, weed opend my mind up to trying new things! since meditating i try and transfer all the negative energy i recive into love! but its hard with all the stress of daily life =D


Well-Known Member
I actually was unable to meditate without smoking. Once I tried it, it was amazing. Very healthy for me.


I look at cannabis as being an accelerated vehicle to deep meditation.

Focusing awareness on one's still-point/consciousness/nothing/etc is powerful without pot. Many gurus, yogis, and zen masters have taken their path that way.

But my meditation practice would not have started without cannabis, and I've found the plant a useful and healthy way of exploring deeper states of consciousness (which I can eventually reach with pot-free meditation practices).


In Hinduism Shiva is the lord of herbs and consciousness-changing substances.
Cannabis and thorn apple are his favorites.

Yogi's and Sadhu's have been using ganja as a sacrament for thousands of years.

Shiva devotees drink Bhang, it's a spicy Chai made with minced ganja leaves and buds.

Yogi's and sadhu's also smoke charas (hash) out of a chillum.

I look at cannabis as being an accelerated vehicle to deep meditation.

Focusing awareness on one's still-point/consciousness/nothing/etc is powerful without pot. Many gurus, yogis, and zen masters have taken their path that way.

But my meditation practice would not have started without cannabis, and I've found the plant a useful and healthy way of exploring deeper states of consciousness (which I can eventually reach with pot-free meditation practices).
i dont know if anyone has heard of this but when i meditate, I go under my bed covers and make what i call a "toke yo tent" which is like a little tent made with my legs underneath. It helps so much being isolated in the darkness. this one experience i knew what it felt like to die. its extremely hard to explain but what ended up happening was my vision and complete sight faded white. and it was more emotional then physical. marijuana can do some awesome things. its also great to watch seinfeld to


Well-Known Member
i dont know if anyone has heard of this but when i meditate, I go under my bed covers and make what i call a "toke yo tent" which is like a little tent made with my legs underneath. It helps so much being isolated in the darkness. this one experience i knew what it felt like to die. its extremely hard to explain but what ended up happening was my vision and complete sight faded white. and it was more emotional then physical. marijuana can do some awesome things. its also great to watch seinfeld to
now /that/ is a trip.