GYMRATjoos' First GROW LOG(White Castle & Aurora)


Thanks man , good to kno others think it looks good ...makes me feel optimistic that these ladies will do their jobs and get obese for me!!!! Like heavy hitter Buffett style!! That's awesome your seeds were all fem ...lucky , make them feel right at home!



Good afternoon RIU! Here with another update to show you my progress and man who knew that building your own setups and growing would be so messy!! lmao I wish there was a way to make this process easier on my back lol. Alright so heres what ive done in the past few hours since yesterday, I RE-POTTED THE BLUE DREAM into a 5g today what a fricken mess that was and hopefully didnt hurt the only strain of Blue Dream I had!!!! She had a good root system going and i put it all back into the 5g bucket. Im going to go buy some superthrive just in case she starts to hit the fan!!!:wall::wall:

However, being that cannabis is a weed I think it will bounce back up with water,light,and superthrive! I also took the AURORA runt out of the 5g and put her in the cloner to see if maybe she would veg a little better? EXPERIMENTS PEOPLE! Advice SURE! Anyways she looked like a 4 day old seedling 2 weeks after popping so somethings wrong...or she just might be "a runt" ....So mixing mediums from soil to straight aero cloner IDK maybe she will die? DO I PUT ROOTING HORMONE ON IT???? she already has roots as you can see in the pics below,.....

Re designed the cloner and here are the 3 runts in soil vegging a little longer as well
as the Aurora runt in the cloner 2 weeks of vegging and thats all the roots she had :(



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Temp normally what i see when Im in there fluctuates between 56-50% humidity.

If anyone can give me advice or maybe some insight on repotting and if it kills plants? I just want BBW LMAO! BIG BEAUTIFUL WEED! And also the transfer from soil to water from the aurora runt.....thanks


Well-Known Member
Oh I was gonna mention in my last post, you need to get that light ALOT closer if thats where it is currently hanging bro as well for the cfls. I got a 4 lamp 4ft t12 and a 2lamp 4ft t12 that is almost sitting right on top of my plants. Literally 1" lol. Also consider adding more side lighting once they get over the top of them buckets too.

Keep it up, they look healthy and should produce some good bud for you man.

Here is a tip for you too when switching to 12/12. Do a MILD flush before adding bloom nutes, wait about a week after this flush and then proceed with recommended amount of nutes. I would recommend floranova bloom if you havent decided on bloom nutes yet. I have found it very flexible and goes a LONG way. I had one cap full per gal of water and shake the shit out of it and immediately water not allowing any of it to settle in the jug. I need to get an eye dropper with measurements on it so I can stop making a mess when pouring into cap of bottle lol.

But anyway bro, they look good just get them lights a little closer and keep a fan on one end blowing long ways on them and they will be fine at 2-3" form the tops. :leaf:


Ok thanks rebelfied for the advice, I moved the lights closer to all! Will post pics when my wife gets done raiding on RIFT ;) I really really hope my blue dream bounces back from the repotting ?? I'm like really sad/angry cocktail guys hope she will hang in there......oh and my tiny tiny I put in the cloner I hope she does ok as she doesnt look good turning yellow ;(


Heres the pics i promised been busy today setting up tubs for the hydroponic/aeroponic hps grow.... so i had some time right before the ladies turned off to grab some pics:joint:

upside down have no idea why>?

Mother/clone room where i put the 4 runts

Better pic of the FLOWERING 5! LOL:hump:

So this is my first grow and I believe its going quite nicely...just raising these ladies is fun and rewarding. Subscribe guys , Ill have updates everyday almost pics who knew i would love this sh** !!


Well-Known Member
MUCH better sir! Just watch for the first couple days and make sure they dont spike up real fast and touch the cfls. After that, you can possibly start inching ur lights up every other day as they grow. Remember 2-4"(4" being max distance) from the tops. I woke up this morning to find one of my ladies under the fluoros had grown up between the bulbs and touching, NO harm was done to her either :D

Just keep an eye for the first few days and you will be good to go, just move when needed bro and you will be golden! :leaf:


How muchwater should these ladies be getting? Nutes are in water my question is volume of water now per feed how much for 5g!!???


Well-Known Member
Slowly pour until it starts draining. If ur soil is good it shouldnt take but just a few seconds.

edIT: at least thats how I measure. Usually about a 1/4 of a gallon per 2/3 gal pot.



Ok so its been a good few days and the girls are getting big. Aurora strain is growing alot faster than the White Castle. The WC are really sativa dominant they are so small and def need a good month of veg.

Pics of the FAV 5 few days...

Aurora's Looking amazing!!
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Blue Dream repotted starting to get out of shock!

Gymratjoos's family RUNTS! WC against the wall and the aurora runt sprouting new roots in the cloner :) If she gets growing i might just leave as a of the WC here too....will see.


What yall think....??


No like little small bugs on top of soil and when you go to get near em they like hop away ... Underneath leads I've checked all with no webs or spots ... Just a lot of little bugs.... They might be fungus or fruit fly larvae but this is my first grow and don't know wtf I'm talking about :D just want them gone and not in my bud!


Well-Known Member
I had something like that once, i just flushed and sprayed a light mix of neem and never seen em again!

I got updated pics in my journal man, go check it. Link is in my sig...