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    Votes: 39 67.2%
  • No

    Votes: 19 32.8%

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Very good and where else has such good prices and.... Club prices and points that can be used on anything.... I really like these guys
im not impressed any more now all of a sudden thay have some bullshit pay rerification shit i dident anser my fone cuse i was assleep this was like 2 moths ago still havent goten a refund 115 dollers down the drain and this was after sending them a message letting them no i havent got a refund like fuck me dead its not legal where im at but go ahead gyo would be happpy to say over the phone thay im buying somthing illegal fucken idiots gues im switching seed banks the fact that i have to verafy is bullshit sayonara gyo
Made multyple orders i dont know whats up with the payofix bullshit but fuckenhell i dont want 2 say over the fone that i verify when its illegal if i get busted that shit can be used against you fuckem thay can keep the 115 aud the one time i buy primo genetics
Don't bitch if u didn't spend the money for the insurance and didn't get ur shit... I paid for insurance and SMS text...... So little more money goes a long way
Don't bitch if u didn't spend the money for the insurance and didn't get ur shit... I paid for insurance and SMS text...... So little more money goes a long way
insurence means nothing when the order is cancelled if thay want to use pay verifacation thay shouldent of touched shit until it was verified 2cnd thay dont offer tracked or insured to my neck of the woods i always get insurence and tracked always i think i have every right to bitch i got ripped off besides wtf doas insurance have to do with anything my order was cancelled within 24 hours if i need insurence to get a refund when the order wasent even sent insurence is for when ur order gets lost or stolan not them canceling so ill bitch all the fuck i want gyo can suck my dick it shouldent be sutch a cluster fuck 2 do tranactions with pepole iv made enought purcheses with them i shouldent have to verafy besides thay took the money before i even got the text to verafy witch isent right i should of had to verafy first eather way i never got my money back after a week i emailed gyo i emailed payofix never heard any thing back from payofix i shouldent have to fuck around like that 115 dollers is alot of money for some pepole dude
Yeah I have 4 kids I know how far 120 bucks can go.... My first order with them was over 300 bucks... I was on there chat app on there web app everyday to keep them on there toes.... So yes u have to put in a little work to make sure
Yeah I have 4 kids I know how far 120 bucks can go.... My first order with them was over 300 bucks... I was on there chat app on there web app everyday to keep them on there toes.... So yes u have to put in a little work to make sure
4 kids thats cool congrats mate i get it but it shouldent take that mutch work legal or not it shoukdent be that comlicated besides i did what i had 2 do witch was eamail gyo and payofix i never heard back from them after a fer back and fowerd emails to gyo it became 2 mjtch of a fuck around idk im feeling pretty calm about it now considering emailing gyo and letting them no whats happend im sure thayed want to know the whatever u call it compeny dident pay me back
Just click on the button and bug the shit out of them.... It took like 4 weeks to get mine from there to indiana


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sent them a message 19 hours ago no response in the past thay respond quik as haven heard any thing yet i sent it thru the tiket thing tho i dont know if its the same thing but im going to keep sending them messages this i fucked thay know its not legal i shoudent even have 2 email the payofix pepole i never verified that money should not of been touched or am i wrong there i wear to fucking god i hope the payofix pepole dont have an office in my country ill go in there n cut sick on the assholes i dont give a shit no more
I tried to buy from GYO but the RIU code wouldn't work so I figured just another scammer and I canceled my orders. I may give them a try later but get a little nervous dealing with any seed bank.
I tried to buy from GYO but the RIU code wouldn't work so I figured just another scammer and I canceled my orders. I may give them a try later but get a little nervous dealing with any seed bank.
It ended up being a bank error but still im not happy about the pay verification thing if i get busted it more evidence against me n shit but ended up getting my money back just waiting for it 2 hit my account
so i tried 2 make a purches pay o fix are fuckimg usless i made this yesterday owas told id be looked after i do t give a fuck about free seeds ima member there iv got a debit card linked up big mistake its sutch u fucking pain in the ass doing buisness with them now im looking at anouther seedsbank fml i sent gyo an email because thay said 2 do so when and if i made a perches again i dont care about free shit i sut want peace of mind that iv paid and all i gotta do is wait 4 it 2 arrive but no made the puchese sent them an email still get sent an email from payofix saying i need 2 veryfie and that someone might be intouch no one got in touche woke up today to an email saying get in touch with the bank okay fuck it i will then turns out thare was no trans action only one was for 135 when i only spent 94 this is fucked i understand there not going 2 get back 2 me instantly but normally gyo takes an hour it took them 13 this time i dont want 2 have 2 shop anywhere else but pofix is fucking my life gyo is agood seedbank tnay have awsome packaging i feel it shoudent be this much of a pain in the ass to pay somebody i especialy dont want to have to say the name gyo to my bank witch i dident this is fucked in the face fuck pay ofix feel like im being scamed to be honest i still havent got my mony back from my last purches witch should of hit my account by now well fuck it im just going 2 keep sending them email after email its all i can do again i say fuck payofix
so i tried 2 make a purches pay o fix are fuckimg usless i made this yesterday owas told id be looked after i do t give a fuck about free seeds ima member there iv got a debit card linked up big mistake its sutch u fucking pain in the ass doing buisness with them now im looking at anouther seedsbank fml i sent gyo an email because thay said 2 do so when and if i made a perches again i dont care about free shit i sut want peace of mind that iv paid and all i gotta do is wait 4 it 2 arrive but no made the puchese sent them an email still get sent an email from payofix saying i need 2 veryfie and that someone might be intouch no one got in touche woke up today to an email saying get in touch with the bank okay fuck it i will then turns out thare was no trans action only one was for 135 when i only spent 94 this is fucked i understand there not going 2 get back 2 me instantly but normally gyo takes an hour it took them 13 this time i dont want 2 have 2 shop anywhere else but pofix is fucking my life gyo is agood seedbank tnay have awsome packaging i feel it shoudent be this much of a pain in the ass to pay somebody i especialy dont want to have to say the name gyo to my bank witch i dident this is fucked in the face fuck pay ofix feel like im being scamed to be honest i still havent got my mony back from my last purches witch should of hit my account by now well fuck it im just going 2 keep sending them email after email its all i can do again i say fuck payofix

If they don't like my Visa then I go to someone that does. As you say fuck em! Always sketchy though, I bought some seeds from a vender that did take Visa and now I got some strange charges on my card, same day... pisses me off. Might as well get used to it, seems that's the new way of doing business in this rip off climate.
If they don't like my Visa then I go to someone that does. As you say fuck em! Always sketchy though, I bought some seeds from a vender that did take Visa and now I got some strange charges on my card, same day... pisses me off. Might as well get used to it, seems that's the new way of doing business in this rip off climate.
i hear ya im just super but hurt cuse i liked there packaging plus im paranoid some wat i wont b able 2 get seeds any more i wanted 2 get regulars of different strains and coss them and stock up on seeds well after last time thay said thay would look after me its there payment people as u said about the extra charges after going to the pay o fix website and chating live i basicly gave the my details like the info i would have 2 put in so im prbably going 2 see a few extra charges but hopfully gyo hook me up with some free shit las i checked the payment was updated 2 processing but gyo never got back 2 me once yesterday maybe friday is a dayy of for them 2
Don't bitch if u didn't spend the money for the insurance and didn't get ur shit... I paid for insurance and SMS text...... So little more money goes a long way
You shouldnt have to spend extra money just for insurance, when you pay for a product from a shop or online you are entitled to receive your goods regardless of insurance. After reading all this I don't think I will try gyo, too many dramas already from what I can see,