
New Member
I Do Not Recommend buying from this company. Bought six seeds from GYO on August 8th 2018. Received the order on August 17th or 18th. Placed the seeds between double paper towels and saturated with water and lightly draped them with plastic wrap. I have checked them twice a day since as of today August 29th, 2018 the seeds that they sent me were absolutely worthless. I have never had a problem germinating seeds in the past, so getting zero germination out of six seeds has completely surprised me. I am still trying but at this point seriously doubt that anything will change. GYO sells completely non viable seeds as far as I am concerned. Hope this helps.
I had 1 order from them in the past and all 5 seeds germinated for me. It's a seed bank, they don't make their own seeds, they sell other breeder's seeds, so the blame can't really be on them, but rather the breeder you bought from. The only time i had an issue with germinating, and it's happened only with one seed in my years, the temps weren't high enough, otherwise, all 50+ seeds ive grown to date have all germinated on the 2nd day in paper towels. Try seedsman, it's another seedbank, but delivery is quick, to canada anyways, i germed 6 seeds the day they arrived 2 weeks ago and all were planted at the end of the next day..critical kush from barney's and moneymaker from strainhunters.
I've done this before and like you most seeds germinated. Over the years I have had a few bad seeds but never five out of six now. The other five were very small and in my opinion immature. It's been twelve days now and I will give it another week, I do not expect anything will change. As for GYO they market the seeds and are responsible for maintaining competent suppliers. They have no customer support so will not they make good on this. Consider yourself lucky buy I will never order anything from them again and thought others if they check should know what to expect from GYO
I hear ya, i just figured they're basically a distributing place for other breeders. I ordered from gorilla seeds once, another seed bank, and they sent me a few seeds, i think 5, from critical mass collections. It's still the only seeds to this day that came in ziploc bag stapled to a business card from critical. Of the 4 or 5 seeds, 2 were completely broken on arrival, and one was cracked and it never germed either. I still order from gorilla seeds, but i don't take critical collections anymore as they are the ones packaging and selling their stuff without protection, not the seed bank. Best of luck, hope you get something to pop! Try messaging the breeder of the seeds, i think you may get further doing that than bothering with the seedbank.
This one came in a blister package so the packaging was good the seeds were intact and unfortunately still are.
I dont like the paper towel method.
Come on bro, you pay a lot of money for these seeds at least germ them in jiffys or rw cubes for a better succes rate and so you dont double handle the sprout.
I sent them three orders but only got one, they even said they got the money on my third order and I even paid for tracking but they won't give me a tracking number
Same here i bought for 120$ cannot find my order, i paid for the tracking, have no result, they direct me on their web site to a tracking site witch is not operating, i bought the seed on dec 15 it is dec 29 still no news even after writting to them twice, i strongly recommend that you dont buy from this site...if...if it legit