Gypsy's Picture Depot


Well-Known Member
Gypsy you are THE stoned, slightly less mobile Bear Grilis :razz:
uh... no offense... but there ain't no "hotel rooms" around these parts...:lol:

Hey gypsy, sorry I didn't make it over here yesterday, its been hecktik!
no wucking furries...:razz:

I decided to keep the moms and do half SOG ( 2 3x3 trays) and half Satindicas (or Sativicas as Blaze calls them...:lol:)

I learned one thing though...

I DO NOT like the added expense of long veg times......:shock:

o= High= o

Well-Known Member
Hay all this talk bout eskimo food, i seen this thing on tv bout an Alaska McDonalds where its like 30 mi out in the middle of nowhere and the drive through window is lowered for sleds and snowmobiles and no indoors restaraunt and peeps are out eating big mac's in a blizzard. You ever seen one like that Gypsy


Well-Known Member
I can't believe how well those satindicativas are doing. (funny side note, I'm really blitzed and writing out satin-dicativas made me giggle.)

You ever find if your trays arent packed with plants, that when they flood, the pots will float around and sometimes tip over, spilling hydroton everwhere?

o= High= o

Well-Known Member
Dude.. I am so sorry to hear about your mite problem...

I have not had the pleasure of dealing with them yet.. so I have no experience with them or the products that help...


And what a good job with that bush!!!:clap:

Are you planning on trimming/pruning the bottom?

Clearing out the stuff that would be in the shade anyways may prove beneficial to your yields...
Here's a pic of her now and her little girls she gave me the first pic was on 7/19/09, I did trim that bottom stuff off and it did make a differance. Thankx once again for the advice


Well-Known Member
what a coincidence purp, also here to whore a thread and check out some pretty pictures.

Shack's O.D. Baby I'm acting as a ghost writer for my brother's grow, i will photo journaling it as well, hopefully soon.. no photos yet, by the weekend for sure..

happy growing!



Well-Known Member
Gypsy that cindy is looking very nice !!!

looks great m8 ! love the new grow style... :) So i get confused a bit, whats where and what does what ?

how much are you running for them bigger 3 plants, sorry cant be bothrd to re read it all again, i might of missed it :D


How many cindys did you put in flower under what kind of light ?


Well-Known Member
Hay all this talk bout eskimo food, i seen this thing on tv bout an Alaska McDonalds where its like 30 mi out in the middle of nowhere and the drive through window is lowered for sleds and snowmobiles and no indoors restaraunt and peeps are out eating big mac's in a blizzard. You ever seen one like that Gypsy
No.. but I have seen people go to town and come back with 200 plain cheeseburgers to put in the freezer...:lol:

man i bet theres a MASSIVE rootball in those clay pebbles
We'll see at harvest time... they sure have the room and get plenty of water...:hump:

Your monsters are looking really nice......:joint:
Thanks Bro...:clap:

I can't believe how well those satindicativas are doing. (funny side note, I'm really blitzed and writing out satin-dicativas made me giggle.)
Thanks SZ.. I am a bit surprized myself... I thought for sure I would have killed them by now...:lol:

You ever find if your trays arent packed with plants, that when they flood, the pots will float around and sometimes tip over, spilling hydroton everwhere?
Well... not really...

My moms will do that if they miss their haircut, cause they are so top heavy... but not in the flower room...

This is the link to my new thread..Multi Strain BP grow
I'm subscribed already.. Thanks!!!:clap:

what a coincidence purp, also here to whore a thread and check out some pretty pictures.

Shack's O.D. Baby I'm acting as a ghost writer for my brother's grow, i will photo journaling it as well, hopefully soon.. no photos yet, by the weekend for sure..

happy growing!

I'll go check it out...:lol:

Gypsy that cindy is looking very nice !!!
Thanks DWR...:razz:

looks great m8 ! love the new grow style... :) So i get confused a bit, whats where and what does what ?
Everything is everywhere... :shock: :lol:

I have a new room... which has been vegging the big girls... and my moms...

I brought the rest of the SOG into that room... as I am getting ready to flower the big plants...

And I moved the moms and clones to the "old" flower room... which I will adapt and retake as my own...:lol:

how much are you running for them bigger 3 plants, sorry cant be bothrd to re read it all again, i might of missed it :D
How much am I running what? lights?

2x 600w

How many cindys did you put in flower under what kind of light ?
Well... this was the original clone I got ...

I took 8 cuttings and turned 4 into moms... 4 are flowering in the SOG...

My whole set up consists of 4x 600w HID and a 400w t5 for the moms...;-)


Well-Known Member
Cindy looks tasty!!! Enjoy

Have you your gotten thru your indecisiveness?

I have decided that vegging is for people with extra money...:shock:

I don't...

I simply cannot justify a 75% higher electric bill for the same yields...:?

I love the trees... but they are too expensive for me... I can't play...:cry:


Well-Known Member

I have decided that vegging is for people with extra money...:shock:

I don't...

I simply cannot justify a 75% higher electric bill for the same yields...:?

I love the trees... but they are too expensive for me... I can't play...:cry:
Do what works for you. Nothing wrong with that.

Are you sending them into flower then?