Gypsy's Picture Depot


Well-Known Member
Hey Gyps, when those trees goin into 12/12?... Or did I miss something. bongsmilie
Get 'em started. Those girls are gonna be big! You'll love it ;)
It's a 30% power reduction too lol.

Seriously though those girls are going to explode!
I'm surprised at their potential considering you did not for see them growing like this?
You've done a great job.

Let the pigeons loose!


Well-Known Member

There were 3 men and they all died in a car crash and went to hell. When they got there the devil asked them all in turn a question.

To he first he said "what was your biggest sin on earth?" and the man replied "Oh man I just love alcohol and being drunk man" so the devil showed the man to a room full of alcohol of every type and description and he put the man inside and said "see you in 100 years" and locked the door.

To the second man he asked the same question and the man replied "oh man I just love to have sex with the ladies, I was really unfaithful to my wife man". So the devil took the man and showed him to a room full of hundreds upon thousands of gorgeous and beautiful naked women. The man ran inside and the devil said "see you in 100 years" and locked the door.

The third man's answer to the question was "oh man I just LOVE weed! I'm high all the time man and I can't live without it!". The devil showed the man to a room packed with the most amazing grade-A bud you've ever seen, stacked to the roof! The man went inside and the devil locked the door after saying "see you in 100 years".

100 years later the devil came by to let the three men out. He opened the door to the first man's room and found the man collapsed on the ground, passed out with empty bottles laying around him and puke all over him. He was a mess.

The devil opened the 2nd man's door and the man came running out of the room and cried "IM GAY! IM GAY!".

Finally the devil came to the third man's room and opened the door. Sitting in the middle of all the bud, in the exact same position the devil had left him in was the man. He looked up at the devil and with a single tear rolling down his cheek he asked ;

"hey man, got a light?"


M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Hey Gyps, when those trees goin into 12/12?... Or did I miss something. bongsmilie
Get 'em started. Those girls are gonna be big! You'll love it ;)
It's a 30% power reduction too lol.
Drop them down do 10/14 for some more power reduction without sacrificing bud growth ;-).

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
does that help with stressing them a lil b4 there finished to crank up the crystals? or does it just save power?
Sorry I ment 10-11 hours of light not dark. Im not sure if it increases trick production but it doesnt stress the plant.


Well-Known Member
Hey Gyps, when those trees goin into 12/12?... Or did I miss something. bongsmilie
I have been waiting as long as I could...

The buds in the room are in week 7 & 8... or a bunch of new clones...

So the room has been running 18/6...

I am hoping to get MBlaze's approval before I switch...

But I can't hold much longer...:lol:

Get 'em started. Those girls are gonna be big! You'll love it ;)
It's a 30% power reduction too lol.

I have been running them at PPM 1600... pH 5.8~6.3...

The have grown a lot...:weed:

Seriously though those girls are going to explode!
I'm surprised at their potential considering you did not for see them growing like this?
You've done a great job.
Thank You very much...

Those are very kind words...

I am just glad I have managed to keep them alive...

It's been a scary deal.... having so much riding on 3 plants...

I mean.. I used to kill more than that PER DAY...:lol:

But I am happy... they look beautiful...

Stay tuned for a full GYPSY STYLE update... (I got my memory deally today...:lol:)

Let the pigeons loose!
I hope MBlaze likes what he sees today...

And I really hope he gives me the green light...;-)

We shall see...:lol:


Well-Known Member
Since when did people try growing Redwood's indoors??? That is one heckuva "tree" trunk you have in the last pic gypsy. Bravo for venturing into the unknown and rolling the dice. Can't wait to see all those bud-sites start to take shape! Gonna look real sweet having those indica bush in the middle of those sativas.


Well-Known Member
damn man lookin reallly good!!!stop by and check out my grow link is below keep it up!!! ooo yea +REP


Well-Known Member
Sweet Jesus Gypsy! With trunks like those, those plants are going to have their own ecosystem to them soon. Very nicely done. Just be careful not to de-house any indigenous life that takes up residence in those trees come chop time. Not sure if squirrels, sloths, and snow leopards increase yield.

Keep it up.


Well-Known Member
I guess it's a lot easier to make bud shots look good ...:lol:

Are you a budding photographer, or a photographer budding? lol :lol:

Great pic.

That stem is actually the width of a pencil but with his Gypsy powers he's created the illusion that it is BIG! :lol:

You turned that 3 plant SOG yet? lol
Not many plants to cover those sqm's Gyps :rolleyes: ;)


Well-Known Member
Are you a budding photographer, or a photographer budding? lol :lol:

Great pic.

That stem is actually the width of a pencil but with his Gypsy powers he's created the illusion that it is BIG! :lol:

You turned that 3 plant SOG yet? lol
Not many plants to cover those sqm's Gyps :rolleyes: ;)

I have not flipped them yet...

Still waiting for Blaze...:lol:

As for the pencil...;-) some more tricks for you...;-)


