What's the dimensions of your canopy? Looks to be at least 4 sq. meters...
The total area is 9'x6' = 54sqft
2.75m x 1.82m = 5.08sqm
Not ALL of that is evenly occupied...
The DESNSE/FILLED IN/NO GAPS part of the canopy is about...
7'x4' = 28sqft
2.1m x 1.2m = 2.52sqm
what was your yield per sq. meter with the SOG...
Never really thought about it in terms of area, always watts... but let's give it a try...
My trays are roughly..
3'x3' = 9sqft
0.91m x 0.91m = 0.82sqm
And my average was 600 grams per tray...
600g / 9sqft = 66.666667g per sqft
600g / 0.82sqm = 731.7g per sqm...
At those numbers...
the TOTAL CANOPY would be...
54sqft x 66.666667g/sqft = 3,600g
5.08sqm x 731.7g/sqm = 3,717g
The difference I discount to rounding up/down long numbers...
But we KNOW that is nowhere near what I will get...
The we look at the "inner canopy" which is actually a bit denser than my SOG, in tops per sqft...
28sqft x 66.666667g = 1,866.6667 g
2.52sqm x 731.7g = 1,843.884 g
But these numbers also do not take into account that each 3x3 SOG tray gets it's own 600...
Here we are covering WAY more that 3 trays with 2 lights way up high...
This confusing you yet...
I have smoked 3 bowls during this post...
I would think you could get a low-ball estimate that way, since you have veg time invested in these mommas!
I suppose a guy could do a bunch of math and attempt it.. but there are SOOOOOO many variables....
I am REALLY REALLY curious to see if a 6" branch will give me the same as a 6" clone...
That will be good to know for sure...
OK.. WHO'S gonna RE-do my maths....