Gypsy's Picture Depot


Well-Known Member
They are freakin gorgeous Gypsy! And they look like they still could got another week or more to me!

Most of mine look more done than those! Its crazy how our leaves are yellowing/purpling so much alike! I can still see a copious amount of new white hairs pokin on those babies!

Some of them do look quite ready though at the same time, don't they?

Those indicas are just coated in resin! I am happy for you, I think you will hit .7grams/watt for sure!


Well-Known Member
Looking good, kinda making me want to move to your area just to get some of your genetics. What is your relative humidity? I have been cutting into some of my older cured colas lately and have noticed I ran my humidity a bit too high and my densest biggest colas have bud rot. What a heart breaker. Now time to fix my humidity.

KILL THE THRIPS! Let us know how the battle goes.

Gypsy, have you ever had mexi-brick that far North? You would think all you could find is Yukon Gold and Alaskan Thunderfuck or other strains adapted to your neck of the woods. Maybe that is why your bag seed makes such amazing plants.



Well-Known Member
They are freakin gorgeous Gypsy! And they look like they still could got another week or more to me!

Most of mine look more done than those! Its crazy how our leaves are yellowing/purpling so much alike! I can still see a copious amount of new white hairs pokin on those babies!
The Indicas are pretty much there... just ripening now...

But the Sativas will keep throwing new growth out well into week 14... :roll:

I will just have to find a happy medium...:eyesmoke:

Some of them do look quite ready though at the same time, don't they?

Those indicas are just coated in resin! I am happy for you, I think you will hit .7grams/watt for sure!
We'll see Jesse, there are times that I look at them and see a pound EACH...

and there are times that I go in there and I can;t see a pound in all 3 together..:lol:

Time will tell... and their time is running out...:lol:


Well-Known Member
Looking good, kinda making me want to move to your area just to get some of your genetics.
Thanks Bro... I suppose the Great Land has always been famous for DANKNESS...:eyesmoke:

What is your relative humidity?
55% in the Summer

45% In the Winter

I have been cutting into some of my older cured colas lately and have noticed I ran my humidity a bit too high and my densest biggest colas have bud rot. What a heart breaker. Now time to fix my humidity.
I am sorry to hear that...

What is your RH?

KILL THE THRIPS! Let us know how the battle goes.
I have lowered the flower room and mom room temps CONSIDERABLY...

No chemicals will be used in the flower room...

But I did foliar spray and added some GO GNATS to the mom's res as well...

They are NOT raging out of control anymore...

Now I want them gone...:roll:

Gypsy, have you ever had mexi-brick that far North?
I have had PLENTY, but never here...

I have a feeling that if one is going to cross the border, he will bring BC bud... it's worth more...;-)

You would think all you could find is Yukon Gold and Alaskan Thunderfuck or other strains adapted to your neck of the woods.
Our grow rooms are the same as a grow room anywhere else...

there is no adapting to the Arctic...

You MIGHT be able to do a Ruderalis strain outdoors ... MIGHT...

Nah bro.... it's just that the "homegrown" movement is much older in AK...

I'd say at least 85% of what is smoked in AK is grown LOCALLY... but it's the same strains that everyone gets everywhere else too...

Maybe that is why your bag seed makes such amazing plants.

Some of my seeds came from the South bro... ...

There's good seeds EVERYWHERE...:clap:


Well-Known Member
I do believe ... it did work out afterall (using ur words ... hahahaha) .... fukin A man ...
Thanks Tahoe...:eyesmoke:

In the beginning there was a time of SUPER-confidence... :roll:

Then came a time of hopelessness, they simply did not look like they would produce... not enough anyways...:cry:

But... Now...

I am starting to get some of that hope back...

They may yet surprise me...:lol:


Well-Known Member
This is the crap I am using on the moms...

1/4 strength, foliar and in the res...

This is all of the info I could find on that stuff:
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times]goGNATS is a safe, non-toxic & effective insect control & repellent specially formulated for the control of Gnats & other nuisance insects. Can be used for both indoor & outdoor applications without the dangers associated with toxic, kill-alls. Controls soil & fungus gnats, midges, black flies, mites, whitefly, ants, mosquitoes & a host of other insect pests.
Applications; The prill may be applied around perimeters & at base of plants. The liquid may applied as an area barrier spray, foliage spray or added to hydroponics solution tanks. Highly concentrated. General use rate is 0.5 -1 oz per gallon of water. For hydroponic solutions, 1-2 oz per 30 gallons of water. Minimum risk pesticide exempt from federal registration.

[/FONT] Does it have an ingredient list?:weed:

My RH has been constant at 55-60 in the new house, Dub's old house had a dry basement compared to this one. I had to run his humidifier over there to get it up to 45%!



Well-Known Member
This is the crap I am using on the moms...

1/4 strength, foliar and in the res...
i use(d) that stuff also. i use it at about 1/2 strength... but only in the rez. not as a foliar spray.

guess its just cedar oil. it keeps them at bay for a couple weeks. will probably do the trick till winter comes.


Well-Known Member
Thread Hijack In Progress. (Sorry !)

Round 3: (Current Ebb 'N Flow Setup 6000w Flower Room)


Full Size Video Link and Other Videos:

Sorry if i didn't get ur name in the CREDITS this time around... went back in my journal as far as i could, but ran out of space.

We now return you to GypsyBush's Journal.


Well-Known Member
so totally true ... and so totally applicable to so many different aspects of life .. Walking ON!!~~~~ :eyesmoke:
Thanks Tahoe...:eyesmoke:

In the beginning there was a time of SUPER-confidence... :roll:

Then came a time of hopelessness, they simply did not look like they would produce... not enough anyways...:cry:

But... Now...

I am starting to get some of that hope back...

They may yet surprise me...:lol: