Gypsy's Picture Depot


Well-Known Member
they just look so yummy, nice skills with the cam bro :weed:

It's just a point and shoot though... nothing special... :-P

But they do look yummy, if i may say so....:bigjoint:

I am sure you'll put me in my place when you get started though... lol...:clap:


Well-Known Member
looks great as usual, the macros shots are fantastic. what kind of camera are you using there?
Thanks for coming by and thanks for the compliment!!! :-P

I use a little point and shoot... Olympus 1030 sw... 10mp...

about as big as a deck of cards...

not the cheapest, but deff. nothing any high school kid these days doesn't have...


Well-Known Member
Thanks for coming by and thanks for the compliment!!! :-P

I use a little point and shoot... Olympus 1030 sw... 10mp...

about as big as a deck of cards...

not the cheapest, but deff. nothing any high school kid these days doesn't have...
it sure does a damn good job


Well-Known Member
#59 !

Wow what a great post ;) I love it, those buds are gona be tight and real nice man !

Cheers cant wait to do the same ;) love it, thnx for ya help m8


Well-Known Member
good morning ^^ rofl !!!!! :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:

alaska i am going to google earth alaska a bit now :D check it out
I live in the west part... amongst places with names like...







It's mostly Eskimo land out here...

Villages of less than 50 people are not uncommon...

Have fun in the mountains...

Look for rainy pass... I have smoked a few bowls there... :bigjoint:

Also see if you can find the revelation mountains...

Mt Hesperus it a beauty...

Cheers and Bon Voyage.... :clap:
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Well-Known Member
Best part of going to Kwig was listening to Elder Frank Andrew (R.I.P.) telling stories of the Old Ways...

When people still made Qayaqs from Seal and Walrus skin...

I am glad to have shared with a generation that saw what is no more... :eyesmoke:

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
loooking sick man very nice setup ........from the looks of things you did your homework ............i am going to start growing some roman lettuce and others ........just was wondering if you started from seed ?? and do you have any tips or is just like MJ for the growing process?


Well-Known Member
loooking sick man very nice setup ........
Well, Thank You!!! :clap:

from the looks of things you did your homework ............
a little bit...:eyesmoke:

i am going to start growing some roman lettuce and others ........
Nice... just keep in mind that whatever else you grow with your stash, will ultimately take space from your stash...

and it is really hard to justify artificial lighting to grow Lettuce you can buy for cents...

I do it because I enjoy it and have had the space, but it is not an economic decision...

just was wondering if you started from seed ??
Seed, yeah! about 50 days...

and do you have any tips or is just like MJ for the growing process?
Not sure what you mean here... but I don't do anything special for them...

Thanks for stopping by...



Well-Known Member
hey Gypsy, how did it end up with the ballast
Hey SOG... I am waiting for a call from Galaxy...

It is running a MH right now... perfectly.... but will not even think about firing the HPS...

I suppose a little mixed spectrum will not hurt anything... lol :-P


Well-Known Member
Totally unrelated, BUT I AM SHOCKED...!!!!


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