For the record, i've got no hate at all. I'm just having a little fun at the expense of our friend lurkey.
I like to argue, there is nothing malicious about it, just a nice way to kill some time while I wait for my ladyfriend to show up.
Caddyluck, that second picture looks like some serious ganja for sure.
Seriously, nothing but a little light hearted debate. I've got nothing but love for any brave soul who puts the effort into growing marijuana.
I applaud your attitude SZ...
Yea, Gypsy...... Where u @ bro?
I was zonked...
Too much pain to go to sleep for a couple of days...
But I am all better now...
Some sleep and some baby Sativa first thing in the morning makes for a beautiful sunny Sunday...
Just to get back to the original "proofing" question...
I love you Butters....
How could we go about proving this male bannana/flower vs empty seed pod question? What happens if we let one of those plants go quite a bit longer before harvest? I am very familiar with soma's article referenced earlier here and they should have pollen in them when going past the harvest date by a few weeks. Would one of those banana-like structures containing pollen be "proof" of this being a male flower?
If I could crack it and identify male parts... I'd say so...
I just haven't seen anything that leads to that conclusion yet....
I find option # 2 to be a bit more intriguing and am really hoping gypsy gets an "expert's" answer.
Wait... there was 2???
The empty or "false" seed pod question. What jumps into my mind when considering this is the ?,
Let's hear it...
What Makes A Female Plant Make A Seed Pod???
Good question...
One of those that could possibly solve this... for me anyways...
Is it an exposure-to-pollen-only event (by "only" I am temporarily excluding mutations...which absolutely do need to be considered here)...
or does this happen with or without the presence of pollen?
Million dollar questions there....

If females only make seed pods when exposed to pollen, then the presence of a seed pod (even an empty one) would be strong evidence of at least having pollen in the room (whether it be from random pollen or male flowers present).
Even CSI would have to agree with the evidence then...
But that is only true IF the IF is a correct assumption...
Anyone got proof????

If females can regularly/occasionally make "false seed pods" on their own, without any pollen, due to mutation or just as a natural process, then you may already have your evidence if not proof gypsy.
Oh Boy... I thought you were taking me by the hand to the land of proof...
then it cannot be a male flower and you have a bit of a knockout punch in this debate with your friend. Even in soma's article, those male bannanas HAVE pollen in them. With NO pollen present, it would have to be a false seed pod and therefore a female part...not a male flower.
The only problem is I only have a very few that got chopped yesterday...
I'll look AGAIN, but I really think this was isolated to the ones that stayed longer than I had kept them before...
Am I making any sense here Gypsy?
Perfect we are on the same page with the same argument... and waiting for the same proof...
Although I must say you were much less unilateral in your explanation, I am very aware that I may have hermies..
It does not bother me... not what I see...
I know it's not the proof that you originally asked for and I sincerely apologize if all I have done here is take up more space in your journal but I felt that you may be able to approach this conflict with a "If Not A -->then B, If not B --> then A, If not A or B-->then therefor David Hasslehoff must be God" type approach.
Butters... I love you!!!!
Take as much space as you want Bro...

you are always welcome here...
GB, somehow I don't think this is what you linked me to your fanboy site for.
However, your nug pic compilation eleven pages back looks sick. Keep up the good work!
Sorry bro...
This is what happens when you play with newbs... newb shit...
I so need to grow up...
Hey everyone... Old Frog is a kick ass grower with one of the most beautiful grows on RIU...

Sorry you had to witness this buddy... and thanks for dropping by..
lmfao. You're cracking me up dude!
Lurk...that was one of the ?s that popped in my head as well. Not the "did he really not see pollen" question but more the "was his sample size great enough to rule this out" question (do you feel that your sample size was enough to formally rule out the presence of pollen Gypsy?). Also, not referenced in somas article, but WHEN do those bannanas start producing pollen??? If they form the bannanas 1st and later fill with pollen...then we can have an "empty bannana". Or, they could just start making pollen from the get-go and there would have to be pollen...and Gypsy's idea of the seed pod gets stronger.
I do not have a BUNCH to look at...
But I did look at all of the ones I saw under a magnifying glass...
Just a shell is what I saw...
But hell.. I'm wrong all the time... maybe I am missing something...
This proof is getting very difficult.
Looks like we're looking at the idea that some of these bannanas may not produce pollen, despite their male-nature. Hence, sample size becomes a key functional aspect of this. I know that some of these bannanas that form on female plants DO create pollen. I have seen this with my own eyes so I accept it to be true (anyone one of us could take a few months to prove it to ourselves by using Soma's method as well). So, if Gypsy can collect about...i don't know...say about 100 of these "things". Open'em each of em up, and track any pollen production...he will have a better idea of what it is that's going on here.
Also, why are a select few of his plants creating these "bannanas" (assuming that's what they are) when they are not being kept past harvest??? There doesn't seem to be any light contamination issues and occasional pH issues would not cause this (my opinion...not fact). Wonder if this only happens in one particular strain of his? Or if it's multiple strains showing this phenomenon? I could see with one strain and it's clones. Same genetic make up, same conditions, same results. Perhaps what we are seeing here is just an early bannana production, which may explain why there is no pollen being found. Wonder what happens if he lets those particular plants go 3 or 4 weeks longer...just for shitz and gigglz.
Poor Gypsy. Guy starts with a simple question looking for proof. And now he has me asking like 40 ?s in his thread. My apologies sir...I tend to be overly inquisitive.
I guess the only way to know would be to wait and see if they self seed...
No gonna deal with that... it's not like I am trying to make seeds...
but a few here and there will not hurt me either... not one bit...
I just wanted to KNOW...
So much about MJ is kept in the dark cause it's illegal...
Wouldn't it be great to open a Botany book and see all this shit there.. like they did for the Apple tree?
true scientific info on MJ is very hard to come by outside of hands on experience... even then it's not easy understanding and communicating with a plant.... for most of us anyways...
In the end...
there is no proof...
I have seen enough to suggest they are male flower PARTS... but there is no proof...
And when I say PARTS.. I mean slight... just like Soma did...
So can "half" the parts of a male flower be considered a male flower???
Can this "half" flower make pollen?
Then why does it need the "other half"???
Just more questions...
I have a feeling I know just who to ask though...
in the interest of getting back to not throwing things at each other...
I love you guys...
Thanks for all the pics and comments...
Lurk... you have only gained my respect through all this...
I still think you are overinflating your own ball... a lot... but you have stuck with us.. for better or for worse...
Everyone here rocks...!!! Except Old Frog... he defies my definitions...

Now.. besides Purp... who got to watch Fritz???