Man o man that fuccin JF looks so damn good!..Did you taste it yet?
Sure have...
I was given these seeds when I was growing the AG...
I have had several come through the perpetual... I just wasn't really taking too many pics I guess...

got ma chair got my bong got my herb*t can't find my head or brain matter .... I'm watching ... Bring It!
I'm sooo sorry if I am going to disappoint... but it's 7am...
and I didn't just wake up...
My eyes are zoinked from hours in a room with MULTIPLE INTENSE light sources and several CFLs spread all over... when I close my eyes I can read HORTILUX flashing in 13.5 different colors... and I'm not tripping...
I gotta go rest...
the computer is full... needs to be backed up..
the camera just died... needs recharging...
fucking gypsies... always gotta ruin everything...
I even tried uploading some OLD shots when I first started but the computer won't let me...
I'mma crash now... see ya'll later...