Gypsy's Picture Depot


Well-Known Member
Hey gypsy how are you going to water the other pot?
The pot will be gone... I will just "transplant" the indica right next to to the sativa...

Are you just going to stick it in the same bucket
Yup... they will share the 19 gallon pot...

and if so won't the indica finish before the other
I like my indicas to be RIPE.. I use them as medicine... but you are right...

I won't mind being very late with the indicas and a little early with the sativas

so you would have dead rotting roots in the same container as the one thats still finishing.
I can always leave some buds on the plant to finish super late, and I use generous doses of h2o2, so any organic matter gets oxydized...

I thought You said its better to follow the recipe if your trying something you have never tried before.
I did... and I believe that is a very smart thing to do...

And I am following his advice... but I do not have immediate access to "his stuff" and I am making do with what I have...

Nearest hydro shop is about 400 roadless miles..

So far your using hydroton instead coco
I would have had to wait and pay absurd shipping to use coco...

flood tables instead of hand watering
I am a lazy stoner.....:eyesmoke:

and now you want to stick one plant inside another...
I hate having the HIDs on without making bud...

So if I can use 2 plants and switch them now, instead of a month from now... I'll be happier to see the lights going on and off...:lol:

FUCKING newb....:lol::clap::

fucking gypsies...:eyesmoke:

And just so everyone knows what we are talking about...



Well-Known Member
Dam there starting to branch out! The lower fan leaf in the last pic is huge! Also that video kicks ass! Is it really fdd? That's a huge supply!


Well-Known Member
That's so sick... it doesn't have a name...

so here is my fucked up idea... we'll see how it works...

She sure looks fuller...:lol:



Well-Known Member
Dam there starting to branch out! The lower fan leaf in the last pic is huge! Also that video kicks ass! Is it really fdd? That's a huge supply!
That huge plant is not mine Dewey.. I wish..:lol:

Mine is the scraggly attempt...:lol:

and yes.. I believe that is a real FDD video...


Well-Known Member
I agree about the FDD vid, I believe its real, and its a great video.

And gypsy that is a crazy ass bush you've got going for sure man. She is gonna be a beast.


Well-Known Member
Hey Gypsy,

Sorry to pull discussion away from your journal but I could use your opinion on something.

Building a grow tent. Essentially 3' x 3' x 5' (although height is REALLY up in the air right pun intended). flower light will be 400w hps. Grow technique will be scrog to keep an even canopy. Probably about 2-3 plants depending on how they fill the screen.

REALLY looking to maximize light usage here as I can only do a 400w hps at the moment. Thought about building a "regular" grow tent but then I wondered about light usage and ?s came into my head.

All that light getting trapped above the canopy line (and above the HID lighting source) bothers me. Sure, I'll have black and white poly-film for the walls(similar to your grow tent awhile back). But those are reflecting 90-98% of the light. What about recovering that extra 2%-10%? And decreasing light dispersion.

Goals of this would be to use as much possible light from the 400w HPS as is possible (55,000 lumens). In your opinion, will this work?

I have included my understanding of the typical grow tent/cab and the way I am thinking of doing it to maximize light.

Pic 1) Traditional grow tent that, in my smallish mind, allows too much light-dispersion to occur and "traps" light above the HID lamp (pictured in the reddish color lines).

Pic 2) The more "prism" like design that in my mind would keep light in the effective grow area. Angling of the poly-film walls keeps light shooting downward towards the grow-area where it is needed.

Sorry for the ghetto pics. All drawings are clearly to

Any thoughts? Worth it at all? Am I just smoking too much? Really looking to maximize ratios such as grams/watt (heat generated/watt a goal as well)



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
here is the next generation...:hump:

The first purpose trained plant... born to be a tree...:razz:

and here is the other one...

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Well-Known Member
Looking good as always Gypsy!!!

I've been following this thread for a little while now, and wanted to say that you have some of the fattest calyx I've seen.:shock:

I've really been ejoying the thread you and M BLAZE have going as well, makes me want to grow a tree.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks Bro...

We'll see what this "multi strain" thing does...

So far it seems like a reasonable way to cut on a month of veg..:lol:

I got some parts in today....

Both lights are on now...

And I have the supplies to get plant combo #3 going...

By monday I hope to habe all 4 lights in that room...

3 trees with their own ebb/flow + drip feed.. and 1 4x4 tray with lollipops...

Lotsa work..:lol:


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty intersted to see how those turn out too. Yah that sound like a real busy weekend, I'm sure it will turn out great.:peace:


Well-Known Member
hey g-man

on ya tree thread u said that u dont tie down but bend and pinch to train

well i been having trouble with pinching the stems of clones that really harden fast in a purple wood like color

i also veg with 24/0 light