H202-- Help!


Well-Known Member
Okay, Iv'e recently taken up a bubble system, cloning my outdoor, and moving it in. Clones made it alright, and I set them in hydroton in my net pot, and began with a very light solution - less than 100ppm, ph staying right around 6.
I've had 2 rookie issues, that I've recently corrected.
1) - My buckets AND lids (from Loew's) were letting plenty of light through- to the point my water began to take a greenish tint.
I painted the buckets AND lids w/ flat black (after thoroughly cleaning- stone, everything), fresh solution and it solved THAT problem.
2) - About the same time, I learned that I had been keeping my res a little bit too full, to where it was up into the poy/media an inch or two. My roots haven't come tru the pot yet, so I thought the solution needed to be more accessible to the seedling, hence the high water. However, my root growth is really slow, and I began to get a little bit of clear slime forming on the bottom of my pot and a little forming on the bottom little bit of hydroton.
Hey- I'm new at this, alright?

With all this said, I picked up some hydrogen peroxide- 29% to add to the mix. I understand that it can clear up minor problems and be beneficial, but I'm unsure of how to use it. The bottle says "Dilute 3 ml in 4 l of water". Pretty vague.
Is that per 4 l of res solution?
Is that the concentration (3ml/4l) I should use?
How often?
What solution do I use for cleaning up my res', stones, and stuff?
i cant answer the h2o2 question, i dont believe in it, but on the buckets it would help res temps if you painted flat white over the black.
Thanks, that's a good idea. My air temps are hanging in the mid 70's, though I am SURE after you mention it, that the flat black on there now will draw heat like a sponge. And now that it's 'blacked in', it will paint easily with white.
after you solve your slime issue try using frozen water bottles to keep res temps down, one every twelve hrs will help. then start trying beneficials like great white or pondzyme, my roots are huge and popping everywhere.
I use both Bennies and h202. I add my 29% h202 directly to the res at 2ml/gal, let it break down for a day or so, then add the beneficials. i repeat this process once every two weeks. pristine roots.
I feel 2ml/4L...which converts to 2ml/gallon roughly...is a little weak. I normally use 2.5ml/L or 10ml/gallon. Al. B. Fuct recommends 1.7ml/L but he uses 50% H2O2.
So, by using the ice to keep the res water cool, does that keep any algae and such from growing? How often do you change your water? Will the benficials prevent anymore algae from growing?
I'm still wrapping my head around the nutrient/beneficials required for a good indoor grow.
I suppose another silly question would be- do I NEED to add the bennies. Thus far, I'm using Dyna-Gro flora, DG Protect, and a couple drops per gal of Superthrive.
I realize that all of this info is (buried) in other posts, and I've looked at some of the advice, and it gets VERY confusing.
Everyone seems to have their own idea of what works.
Algae growth is a result of light penetrating your buckets. Block the light and that problem is solved. As for keeping your solution cool, is to fight root rot and keep dissolved oxygen levels as high as possible.

In hydroponics there's two ways you can go, sterile or organic. If you run sterile you use synthetic base nutes and H202. If you run organic you pretty much have to use bennies as H202 will eliminate your nutrients as well as any bacteria.

Either way works, its up to you figure out what works for you. All I can suggest is to keep researching and maybe experiment with both.
i use h2o2. normally i would add exactly as the amount shows on the bottle and within a few hours your roots and water should start looking better. but hydrogen peroxide IS NOT h2o2. get actual h2o2 formulated for hydroponics. not the 1 dollar shit from DG.
So, by using the ice to keep the res water cool, does that keep any algae and such from growing? How often do you change your water? Will the benficials prevent anymore algae from growing?
I'm still wrapping my head around the nutrient/beneficials required for a good indoor grow.
i have noticed that in smaller buckets its not so bad but if you have a rez 15 gallons or larger and its being used as a dwc 2 weeks is max and youll be lucky to go that long.
I go three week cycle too in flower with no res changes just adjusting water as necessary. No problems in 3.5 gallon buckets.
i have noticed that in smaller buckets its not so bad but if you have a rez 15 gallons or larger and its being used as a dwc 2 weeks is max and youll be lucky to go that long.

True, like I always say each grower and environment is different.

That's why I stated my res containers, but when I ran 27 gallon tough boxes I did it for three weeks as well with no ill effects or plant issues.

So as you can see, no answer will ever be the "correct" answer it is all about what works for you.

Thanks for playing though.