H2o2 Question


Well-Known Member
I was seeing mold in my gutters so I added 1/2 tsp per gallon in my res, added the nutrients. Is this the way to do it? I also have read to just PH the water add the h2o2, run the pumps for 15 minutes then change the water to just your nutrients minus the h2o2. Which is correct? 20 minutes of changing the res with the added h2o2 my plants are drooping dramatically... should I start over without the h202? I got the 29% shit from the grow store, accidentally burned my skin with it, that shits super chemically..


Well-Known Member
bump... can someone please help, I'm in the middle of doing this right now.. freaking me out a little


Well-Known Member
What I do if I had 20 milliliters to 5 gallons of water With my nutrients in. I always put a little bit in Don't know why your plants are drooping.


Well-Known Member
thanks.... maybe a slight shock from water being about 10 degrees colder + the lights due to come off in 2 hours, they seem to droop just before lights off for some reason....?


Well-Known Member
drooping usually sign of over watering or not enough oxygen in res nutes. i add 4ml per gallon in res every 3 days. i do res change at 1 week intervals so 2 times between res changes. i had some droop and clawing going on, since adding h2o2 and an air stone in res no problems. little taste of silica blast and some great white will help too. lmo


Well-Known Member
Hopefully you diluted the 29% concentrate to 3%. The dilution for pure food-grade H2O2 is 1:11, so you may try ~ 1:10: adding a dilution to your rez will not solve the problem

If you have a lot of roots in the gutters then it's going to be hard to resolve. Next grow consider getting away from NFT and use a pod/s where you can simply lift the lid to see what is going on and to easily resolve such issues.



Well-Known Member
I don't know about dilution rate. I keep it simple. Keep in mind if you're running any beneficial bacteria the peroxide will kill it. My veg room uses just GH Micor, Gro and Cal Mag. I can add peroxide with no problem.

The general rule is 1ml of 50% peroxide per litrle or about 3mil per gallon. If you have 34% peroxided you can go 1.4mil per litre or about 5mil (a teaspoon) per gallong. If you're running hydro the res should always have an airstone...always. I run peroxide every few weeks for maintenance. It helps clean the tray and is a friendlier option to bleach. Even if you have 34% and use the 50% ratios that is enough. It's burning your skin because it's like pure acid at this point. The store bought garbabe is 3% I believe. Just use the 30 to 50% solution at 1 to 1.5mil per gallon and your roots and fans can handle it.

I'm at week 7 and just got powdery milder. I use RO water and 1mil per gallong of 34% as a treatment. it kills the mildew. Other spats may show up but for a week I can battle this .


Well-Known Member
Hopefully you diluted the 29% concentrate to 3%. The dilution for pure food-grade H2O2 is 1:11, so you may try ~ 1:10: adding a dilution to your rez will not solve the problem

If you have a lot of roots in the gutters then it's going to be hard to resolve. Next grow consider getting away from NFT and use a pod/s where you can simply lift the lid to see what is going on and to easily resolve such issues.

What's NFT and pod/s? My plants are looking just fine. What i did if when I changed my res's, which are 10 gallons each, I poured 4 tsps of h202 in. I also added airstones inside the res's. Seems to be doing well.