H2O2 Usage


I heard the Hydrogen Peroxide is a great addition the plant's nutes, so I need to know a couple of things before I use it

When using a 35% H2O2(Food Grade), what precautions would you use?
I guess the answer to this one would be expected, but I rather not take any chances with a powerful oxidizer.

And another one, when I dilute it in water(lets say to 3%) can it keep it's 'H2O2 integrity'(sorry I don't know the term in English) when bottled? If so, is there any preferable container and environment it should be stored in?


Well-Known Member
What is the reason that you want to use it? I added it when I had some slime on my roots and the Slime loved it like no other and completely took over. I'll most likely never use that stuff again.

What are you growing in?


Thanks, that's helpful. =)

I also hoped to hear opinions about using H2O2 from people who use it here, no luck with it.

what link? Also, I have no idea how h202 works as far as ponics go... I know in soil if you get mold on your leaves you can make a h202/h20 solution and spray on the leaves..
Sorry, I guess I should've colored the linked word...anyway: LINK