HACKERS REVEAL!! Climate change scientists have been manipulating and fixing data

sir rance alot

Active Member
For everyone who says "There aint no such thang as global warmin' cause the earth has cyclical changes and thats what were are goin' thru. Man can't have an effect on a planet this big.. this planet has been around millions of years and this is just what goes on.. Volcanoes..its the volcanoes.

Ok...First, yes the volcanoes put out co2, but over billions of years, the planet has developed an equilibrium that sustains life...It wasnt built that way morons...it evolved that way.

Second, mankind has been around for maybe a million or two million at most..

Not until the industrial revolution did mankind start having an effect. So now were talking maybe 150 years or so..
In less than 200 years we have dumped enough poison into the atmosphere to be seen from satellites in orbit. Not to mention the smog covered cities all over the U.S. that can be seen from a plane or helicopter.

Point is, the planet had time to evolve an atmosphere with perfect conditions even with volcanoes roaring..

The planet did not take into account, the 7 billion nasty fucking humans with an appetite for cheap energy.. people who raise nasty fucking cows, pigs, chickens, etc. by the billions.. people who have destroyed billions of acres of forest for their fancy fucking houses.. people who cover millions of square miles with concrete and asphalt.. or the millions of people who feel the need to fly or drive coast to coast in nasty fucking jets and cars and trucks just to see Uncle Bob for some fucking holiday.

And its only gonna get worse because most of those 7 billion people follow religions that says they should shit out as many fucking babies as they can whether they can afford it or not. Little snot nosed brats that think they deserve everything, squandering precious resources to make their life easy and grand, fucking up everyone and everthing that gets in the way.. These people always grow up to believe everything they do is great.

But lets be clear on one thing... I do not and will not have kids, so I dont give a fuck about this planet.. I will be gone before the really bad shit comes.

I think I'll go and smoke a bowl, fry up a steak, and take a plane ride to the coast.. I hear its nice.


New Member

"over billions of years, the planet has developed an equilibrium that sustains life." by putting all the Carbon deep in the ground as coal and oil.


Well-Known Member
I trust NO stories from FOX News. So much opinion and biased reporting its disgusting.
(before anyone says it, i trust about 25% of the reports/stories from MSNBC)
ultimately i make my own opinions. sorry, those stories just aren't up to snuff. anymore?
i really want to be better informed on this issue, give me something non-FOX, MSNBC, or CNN

this is a plea a genuine request. not an attempt to start a shit fest. clearly there is more news/stories/info out there than i realized.
if you have them, please, do share!


Carl Sagan had something to say about this issue years ago:

And here you go my friend, this is some actual intellectual substance you are starving for.

Take a peek around TED, you will never regret it.


Well-Known Member
JohnnyO you just don't know when to quit do you? I drop it and it seemed like you dropped it and then today AFTER you've had a chance to calm down you come back and neg rep me?

What a weenie. You should feel special.


New Member
lol by how much have you lowered co2 output per head so far? i'd love to see some evidence here. cause you'd have to drop a huge amount before you can start saying china "is worst culprit"
coming into copenhagen china and india both said they were willing to reduce emmisions so even they realise that using the levels per head that the usa does isnt a good idea
Who cares about per person? Except for taxing ppl.

It's about total output by country, if you actually wish to be accurate.

I'm not explaining the simple and obvious flaw in ur thinking again.

Figure it out ... this is 5th grade stuff son.


Well-Known Member
JohnnyO you just don't know when to quit do you? I drop it and it seemed like you dropped it and then today AFTER you've had a chance to calm down you come back and neg rep me?

What a weenie. You should feel special.
Texas boys have big tempers. Don't mind Johnny.
He likes to laugh at all of us "slap-happy stoners" while he is a respected gentleman.
Do you even grow any more Johnny? Why are you here?



We make CO2 the conifir forests in the northern hemisphere and the rainforests to the south make oxigen out of it.If the planet heats up taller thicker clouds are made that cool the planet down.Every so often the sun has a huge explosion that sends a solor flare our way and things get a little warmer.But global warming scientists dont want their data to include solar flares in their equations cause it disreputes their fear mongering .These people just want my country to be as poor as every one else.Saying shit like america has only 10 percent of the worlds population but uses 25% of the worlds resourses.Thats because america is free.And every free nation benifits more letting their people be free.Now it is'nt a far fetched notion that these scientists and I use the word scientists loosly cause its not educating our youth its indoctorating our youth into a movement that isn't even truth.It's an incovenient half truth.Ment to destoy my countrys industry and commerce.These scientists are liers and any one spewing their lies are liers too.


New Member
Good Cops should arrest Bad Scientists.

Some humans define insanity by repeatedly performing the same behavior under the same conditions and expecting different results.

Sort of like the particle detection Shamans learning deep in the Earth.

Planting trees does nothing but collect the carbon released from harvesting the forests in the first place only 420 years ago.


life is just going to be a little bit different balance




Well-Known Member
Who cares about per person? Except for taxing ppl.

It's about total output by country, if you actually wish to be accurate.

I'm not explaining the simple and obvious flaw in ur thinking again.

Figure it out ... this is 5th grade stuff son.

lol so what your saying is that it would be ok for luxumbourg to produce the same volume of co2 as say the usa?
of course output per head is fucking important if you cannot see your way to acknowledging that plain fact then i really dont know what hope left there is for you....


Well-Known Member
Some humans define insanity by repeatedly performing the same behavior under the same conditions and expecting different results.
that is einstein's definition. as well my own. funny though, this discussion is to debunk science, and that quote is from one of the world's most well known scientists.
(not taking a jab, just an interesting thought)



New Member
lol so what your saying is that it would be ok for luxumbourg to produce the same volume of co2 as say the usa?
of course output per head is fucking important if you cannot see your way to acknowledging that plain fact then i really dont know what hope left there is for you....

Uhh oh boy .. kidz .. don't end up like this one.

It means if we're talking about global climate change, it is the TOTAL output by country (since each country manages itself :roll:), as opposed to measuring things by person.

I tell you there is 1 pound of pie, and you think somehow the number of slices that can be carved is part of the equation. It is not.

China outputs more pollution than anyone else, and their rate is INCREASING. The USA creates less pollution and its rate is DECREASING.

Which one should be hamstrung with taxes and downgrade in economy?

Most Chinese live in abject poverty ... hand to mouth.


New Member
I'll repost something i put in another thread.

All of you carbon babies, please show me the error of my ways!! Explain how the actual %'s of carbon are the problem....


Unable to move cap and tax through the senate, the white House is using the clean air acts to get Obama his tax revenue for health care. yes, it's all linked up to the massive spending spree Obama is on. All taxes will be going up across the board at some point. Numbers don't lie, and our debt. is exploding and more importantly, accelerating.
What the EPA is proposing is ABSURD on the face of the issue itself. Let's forget that the data has been admittedly manipulated and the original raw data has mysteriously been thrown out ( uhhh, okay

Let's forget that carbon and global warming OR cooling cannot be correlated together.

Let's JUST look at real everyday numbers.

Total amount of carbon in the air is ... drum roll ... 0.0384%. Yes you read that correctly. Somehow this 1/3 of 1 % of the atmosphere is the culprit. The taxable culprit anyways.

But wait, it get's better
. That's the total, but it's supposedly MAN who is causing the problems. We need a new number.
The total amount of carbon in the atmosphere which is produced by man is ... drum roll ... 3% of 0.0384%. This works out to 0.001152% of the atmosphere. This is the big calamity? BS!!!!

The EPA is saying that respiration is a poison. Just how dumb are some ppl that could believe this tripe?


Now tell me how 0.001152% man made carbon in the atmosphere is changing the planet??

So let's say by a MIRACLE we reduce our carbon footprint by half. That would equal 0.000576% of the atmosphere.

So you carbon ghouls are trying to tell all of us that 0.000576% is the tipping point???!!!

You folks haven't even bothered to examine the scam you endorse. It's nonsense.


Well-Known Member
Cool article worth reading. (whether you agree or not)
Junk Science this article seems pretty damn related to the issue at hand.

Cracker, when people use the term "MAN" do you believe it refers to the individual and their respiration OR "MAN" as a species and it's industries?



New Member
Guys & Dolls, carbon makes up 3% of the atmosphere. Look it up.

Greenhouse gas MAJOR league player? Water vapor.

Oh, and water vapor readings are NOT included within the global warming movement. Hmmm, why's that?

It doesn't pass the test of logic and common sense.

All of this financial wasting efforts will have no effect on the weather. It will make some pol's and friends very very wealthy and powerful however. Hmmm, why's that?