• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

HACKERS REVEAL!! Climate change scientists have been manipulating and fixing data

Big P

Well-Known Member
Researcher: NASA hiding climate data...

Boxer: Hackers should face criminal probe over 'Climategate'...

Obama science officials defend warming research...

India 'will not sign' binding emission cuts...

boxer typical vomit politition attacking the whistle blower

is this the mob??

bitch get your priority's straight, trying to prosecute this sorry sap instead of investigating the biggest & most expensive fruad in history! that reaches across the globe with hundreds of billions at stake, and millions of jobs


Well-Known Member
Researcher: NASA hiding climate data...

Boxer: Hackers should face criminal probe over 'Climategate'...

Obama science officials defend warming research...

India 'will not sign' binding emission cuts...

boxer typical vomit politition attacking the whistle blower

is this the mob??

bitch get your priority's straight, trying to prosecute this sorry sap instead of investigating the biggest & most expensive fruad in history! that reaches across the globe with hundreds of billions at stake, and millions of jobs
You know what my problem with ignorant people like you is? You don't do any REAL research

Take the first link you posted for example. They site the "competitive enterprise institute" group as a credible link....LOOOOOL


The latest recycled claim from the climate denialists: Climate change data dumped.

SCIENTISTS at the University of East Anglia (UEA) have admitted throwing away much of the raw temperature data on which their predictions of global warming are based.

It means that other academics are not able to check basic calculations said to show a long-term rise in temperature over the past 150 years. The UEA’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU) was forced to reveal the loss following requests for the data under Freedom of Information legislation.

The data were gathered from weather stations around the world and then adjusted to take account of variables in the way they were collected. The revised figures were kept, but the originals — stored on paper and magnetic tape — were dumped to save space when the CRU moved to a new building.

The admission follows the leaking of a thousand private emails sent and received by Professor Phil Jones, the CRU’s director. In them he discusses thwarting climate sceptics seeking access to such data.

In a statement on its website, the CRU said: “We do not hold the original raw data but only the value-added (quality controlled and homogenised) data.”
Just one little problem with this latest tempest in a teapot — no data was destroyed. And the article at The Times, oddly enough, just happens to leave out that part of Phil Jones’ explanation.

According to CRU’s Web site, “Data storage availability in the 1980s meant that we were not able to keep the multiple sources for some sites, only the station series after adjustment for homogeneity issues. We, therefore, do not hold the original raw data but only the value-added (i.e. quality controlled and homogenized) data.”

Phil Jones, director of the Climatic Research Unit, said that the vast majority of the station data was not altered at all, and the small amount that was changed was adjusted for consistency.

The research unit has deleted less than 5 percent of its original station data from its database because the stations had several discontinuities or were affected by urbanization trends, Jones said.

“When you’re looking at climate data, you don’t want stations that are showing urban warming trends,” Jones said, “so we’ve taken them out.” Most of the stations for which data was removed are located in areas where there were already dense monitoring networks, he added. “We rarely removed a station in a data-sparse region of the world.”

Refuting CEI’s claims of data-destruction, Jones said, “We haven’t destroyed anything. The data is still there — you can still get these stations from the [NOAA] National Climatic Data Center.”
By the way, here’s some information on the group spreading the “destroyed data” claim: Competitive Enterprise Institute.

CEI is a think tank funded by donations from individuals, foundations and corporations. CEI does not accept government funding. Past and present funders include the Scaife Foundations, Exxon Mobil, the Ford Motor Company Fund, Pfizer, and the Earhart Foundation[5][6]. …

CEI is also active in the legal aspects of antitrust and government regulation. As part of its “Control Abuse of Power” (CAP) project, CEI launched lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of the 1998 tobacco Master Settlement Agreement and the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), respectively.
Again, the connection to energy industries and big tobacco. Almost every one of the main anti-AGW front groups is connected to either big energy or big tobacco, and often both.



New Member
There's the intellectual left folks.... did any of you catch the razor like arguments of the data?

Ooops, me neither, never mind....


New Member
Ummm, what's ur source? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That was great, you went from having a very LOUD opinion, ... to none at all, when questioned. Funny stuff!

Big P

Well-Known Member
You know what my problem with ignorant people like you is? You don't do any REAL research

Take the first link you posted for example. They site the "competitive enterprise institute" group as a credible link....LOOOOOL


The latest recycled claim from the climate denialists: Climate change data dumped.

Just one little problem with this latest tempest in a teapot — no data was destroyed. And the article at The Times, oddly enough, just happens to leave out that part of Phil Jones’ explanation.

By the way, here’s some information on the group spreading the “destroyed data” claim: Competitive Enterprise Institute.

Again, the connection to energy industries and big tobacco. Almost every one of the main anti-AGW front groups is connected to either big energy or big tobacco, and often both.


shouldnt you be happy that we may not be causing the climate change?

i mean the least you can do is hope for the best, that its not our fault and let the investigation proceed with an open mind if not an excited and hopful mind.

i dont get why you are trying to snuff out what could be very good news for humanity?

lets pray there is a conspirosy, it will be much easyer to control the other problems of human waste if we can focus all our efforts on recycling and things of that nature rather than diverting funds and jobs trying to reduce fossil fuel use, if we can confirm climate change is not actually caused by fossil fuels that is.

it will make it much more feasable for us to conserve on our planet in the areas where we are actually destroying and depleating it

you gotta think of america as your own business, you wouldnt waste money on somthing that is not even a problem which diverts funds from other problems that are more clearly defined and confirmed as harming and wasting our planet and its resources


New Member
Lib's have no faith in themselves. It's begets the mindset that others can make better decisions for their own lives than they can on their own.

It creates a lack of confidence.


Well-Known Member
"you gotta think of america as your own business, you wouldnt waste money on somthing that is not even a problem which diverts funds from other problems that are more clearly defined and confirmed as harming and wasting our planet and its resources"

Politicians have and will again any time it serves their hidden agenda's or the corporations that own them.



New Member
Follow the action and not the words. Follow the money and where the action and money intersect is the real truth.

Man made Global warming is a scam. Pure and very simple.


Well-Known Member
So even if it is proven that it's a vast scam conspiracy, it really doesn't change anything at all. We still are poisoning ourselves with smog over all major cities some worse than others, there's enough plastic in the ocean to make a giant barbie doll you could see from outer space, oil spills over 10 years old are still completely killing off marine life in some areas and were never cleaned up just sit there to this day, human waste has turned many rivers into health hazards where we won't even go in them for a minute and the fish coming out are deemed inedible and a health hazard, and as long as we remain on the oil tit we just throw our future away financially if nothing else and on and on and on.

I want to see the bullshit exposed as much as the next person, but it truly makes no difference things must change. You don't need a degree or to travel the world to see the devastation we are causing it's not just about some polar bears out on icebergs nobody has ever seen in their lives it's all around you and right above your head floating in the air so thick you can easily see it in a town near you.

mista sativa

Well-Known Member
Just goes to show that the "left" is damn good at spreading propaganda also. Why do ppl have to distort the truth?


New Member
Well, I have good news for you and bad when it comes to smog.

Good news: The USA has already done the heavy lifting when it comes to our own environment. I should know, I lived through the change, witnessing it first hand. No country has done so much in such a short time as we have.

This was because of the FIRST and TRUE environmentalist cause which truly just wanted to stop pollution as much as possible. These were the real greenies.
Today's "green" movement is a corrupt non scientific group of ppl who have a political agenda. They not only want to be the ones dictating what comes out of the "tap" of human society, they wish to BE the Tap itself and have the first word on practically everything.
The real quality individuals of the first generation has mostly QUIT in disgust, and moved on to other "more worthy" projects. The founder of Greenpeace is a prime example. I tip my hat to him for having principles. Principles don't get you very far in politics however, which is exactly why you don't want the govt. making direct decisions over your daily life. Like a crazy Uncle, they are best kept up in the attic, only released when truly needed (like a war).

So, what's the bad news (was that above good news) ?? :mrgreen:

Ahem yes, there is bad news with regard to smog and general pollution. It's called WIND and OCEAN CURRENTS. Simply put, we inherit what others push off their borders. The Carribbean receives directly from Africa (not that bad pollution wise), and the USA receives from China (and that is terrible).

The most effective way to clean up the USA atmosphere is to get China in line. As we can all see however, both India and China are NOT interested in playing along.

What do we do? I have a proposal. It actually includes the Govt. (gasp :wink:).

Here's what we do. We have the Govt. cut a deal with China for our very best and brightest in the energy fields of BIG OIL (believe me, they are bright ppl), our best energy plant Engineers in an exchange program. China can send over whatever expertise we wish for them to help us and to balance the effort and COOPERATION (important long term) for both sides.

So instead of having our own energy producers harassed by regulations in the USA, we let them go to China (of course not all go). China is building or completing a coal plant every 10 days. 10days! We need to make sure that ALL of these coal plants are the very best thay can be. Let BIG OIL get in there and show them how it's done. We all get services, the govt.s begin to trust one another more, China gets cleaner energy, and we get much much cleaner air, and water.

Instead of castigating everyone, govt. needs to be a POSITIVE effect on business. Regulatory is simply not the best path.

You end up with the crazy Uncle in the living room and all the relatives hiding in the attic.

This is happening right now.

** my post of the day. :wink:


Well-Known Member
So instead of having our own energy producers harassed by regulations in the USA, we let them go to China (of course not all go). China is building or completing a coal plant every 10 days. 10days! We need to make sure that ALL of these coal plants are the very best thay can be. Let BIG OIL get in there and show them how it's done. We all get services, the govt.s begin to trust one another more, China gets cleaner energy, and we get much much cleaner air, and water.

your wrong there cracker china is now offering 40% carbon decrease in next decade and india is looking at a 25% percent reduction.
so you cant really use them as an excuse to carry on regardless eh??


Well-Known Member
your wrong there cracker china is now offering 40% carbon decrease in next decade and india is looking at a 25% percent reduction.
so you cant really use them as an excuse to carry on regardless eh??
India steps up to climate change commitments
On the climate front, on Dec 4 India announced it would slow the growth of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by 2020 following similar announcements by the U.S. and China.
India is a key player in the climate conference. It is ranked second globally in terms of population with an estimated 1.2 billion people and fifth in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. Jairam Ramesh, India’s Environmental Minister, in a speech to Parliament on 12/3, laid out a plan to reduce the growth of GHG by up to 25% by 2020 using 2005 as a baseline. He said that India is prepared to do more if an equitable deal can be worked out in Copenhagen.
This speech has the appearance of a major change by India on climate change. In the past it has resisted measures that might slow the country’s development. What’s changed is a growing realization that India is not immune from the effects of climate change. Chief among them are potential shifts in the Monsoon rains and flooding of coastline areas by rising sea levels.
Not everyone has bought into the idea that resistance to climate change is futile. Top Indian diplomat, Shyam Saran, PM Singh’s go to guy for the nuclear energy agreement with the U.S., said in a speech to Indian industrial CEOs Dec 3, “We have to be very careful that we are not hustled into a position, inadvertently, where our economic interest is harmed.”
The other factor influencing India’s policy shift are recent announcements by the U.S. and China. The Obama Administration said 12/2 it would cut total GHG by 17% below the 2005 baseline by 2020 and by 83% by 2050. On 12/3 the Chinese government followed suit announcing a plan to reduce the grow of GHG by up to 45% by 2020 compared to 2005 levels. All three nations based their targets on the concept of “carbon intensity,” which is an allocation of carbon dioxide emissions relative to gross domestic product.

looks like obama foreign policy might be working eh?


Well-Known Member
So even if it is proven that it's a vast scam conspiracy, it really doesn't change anything at all.
It changes everything. The Antropogenic Climate Change push had precious little to do with the environment and everything to do with control. An immense wealth transfer scheme administered by the corrupt U.N. which would get a few hucksters insanely rich trading carbon credits. A scheme designed to cripple the U.S. economy.
We still are poisoning ourselves with smog over all major cities some worse than others, there's enough plastic in the ocean to make a giant barbie doll you could see from outer space, oil spills over 10 years old are still completely killing off marine life in some areas and were never cleaned up just sit there to this day, human waste has turned many rivers into health hazards where we won't even go in them for a minute and the fish coming out are deemed inedible and a health hazard, and as long as we remain on the oil tit we just throw our future away financially if nothing else and on and on and on.
Pollution is a different matter entirely. It is a problem which should be addressed. But is it a U.S. problem which is not being addressed right now?

You mentioned smog. Our air is relatively clean in the U.S. Especially compared to what it was 40 years ago. This is due to our own efforts. In fact a great deal of our air pollution drifts in from across our borders. Big Bend National Park had smog because of two coal fired plants in Piedras Negras, Mexico, right on the U.S. border. Had those plants been in the U.S., the smoke stacks would have been required to have carbon scrubbers to reduce the air pollution emitted.

Plastic bags. An example of unintended consequences. When plastic bags were first introduced as a means to replace paper bags, they were touted as an earth friendly solution. Funny nobody bothered to compare the biodegradable aspects of paper versus plastic. How much better would things be had they started promoting reusable bags and paper recycling then the way they do now? Think of Man Made Climate Change as one more plastic bag.

Transporting oil over the surface of the ocean does involve risks. Enriching eighth century barbarians in dirty bathrobes and tin-horn dictators who hate us is not in our best interest. Oil spills can be cleaned up and tankers today are designed much more spill resistant since Exxon Valdez. The solution for that is for us to drill here, drill now; but the Democrats only consider that when crude oil goes to $150 a barrel. I want the U.S. off of the Mideast oil teat, too. We have plenty of energy here; and I'm not just talking about petroleum, but we do not have the will to use it - yet.

Through massive efforts, our rivers are getting cleaned up. The Cuyahoga River is a perfect example. In fact, our dirtiest river is a border river - the Rio Grande because it's full of raw sewage from Mexico.
I want to see the bullshit exposed as much as the next person, but it truly makes no difference things must change. You don't need a degree or to travel the world to see the devastation we are causing it's not just about some polar bears out on icebergs nobody has ever seen in their lives it's all around you and right above your head floating in the air so thick you can easily see it in a town near you.
You make some good points, but are these problems that the U.S. has been addressing successfully for decades, or are they problems that exist outside our borders and will not be addressed at the source unless somebody else pays the freight?

I think we all agree that a clean environment is in our best interests.

But is a hoax the best way to accomplish this?

Had the farcical Kyoto Accord been successful it would not have done anything to address most of your concerns regarding pollution. It would not have had any effect on Global Warming either.

Now is the time to ask ourselves: Why?


New Member
India steps up to climate change commitments
On the climate front, on Dec 4 India announced it would slow the growth of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by 2020 following similar announcements by the U.S. and China.
India is a key player in the climate conference. It is ranked second globally in terms of population with an estimated 1.2 billion people and fifth in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. Jairam Ramesh, India’s Environmental Minister, in a speech to Parliament on 12/3, laid out a plan to reduce the growth of GHG by up to 25% by 2020 using 2005 as a baseline. He said that India is prepared to do more if an equitable deal can be worked out in Copenhagen.
This speech has the appearance of a major change by India on climate change. In the past it has resisted measures that might slow the country’s development. What’s changed is a growing realization that India is not immune from the effects of climate change. Chief among them are potential shifts in the Monsoon rains and flooding of coastline areas by rising sea levels.
Not everyone has bought into the idea that resistance to climate change is futile. Top Indian diplomat, Shyam Saran, PM Singh’s go to guy for the nuclear energy agreement with the U.S., said in a speech to Indian industrial CEOs Dec 3, “We have to be very careful that we are not hustled into a position, inadvertently, where our economic interest is harmed.”
The other factor influencing India’s policy shift are recent announcements by the U.S. and China. The Obama Administration said 12/2 it would cut total GHG by 17% below the 2005 baseline by 2020 and by 83% by 2050. On 12/3 the Chinese government followed suit announcing a plan to reduce the grow of GHG by up to 45% by 2020 compared to 2005 levels. All three nations based their targets on the concept of “carbon intensity,” which is an allocation of carbon dioxide emissions relative to gross domestic product.

looks like obama foreign policy might be working eh?
Just words.... wait and see the action. there will be practically none beyond showboat projects. Both countries already see the steam leaving the carbon issue. They can read scientific news stories, ... just like us. They can see the Green train is leaving the tracks and headed towards oblivion, just like us.

Go figure.


Well-Known Member
Just words.... wait and see the action. there will be practically none beyond showboat projects. Both countries already see the steam leaving the carbon issue. They can read scientific news stories, ... just like us. They can see the Green train is leaving the tracks and headed towards oblivion, just like us.

Go figure.
lol so now your saying india and china are liars? what are you basing that on cracker?