Had a bad day?

Well considering I'd only woke up 5-10mins prior. And was trying to get my fat arse dressed when the glass fell. It is a pretty shitty way to start the day.

Luckily I've still got two more models in storage.

I'm also known for the shortish temper too. It's not the first time that wardrobe has had its doors torn off. For the same thing at that too.
Ouch that is rough man!

Tearing stuff down always releases anger tho, good compromise haha. I usually go for a drive myself when things are getting on my nerves!
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I also feel going for a drive when pissed is very therapeutic ....just borrow a neighbors car or if your handy with a screwdriver that works to ....image.jpg
Or you can combine the two ....go for a drive and have an awkward moment with your pet .....GL
Nice! I'm a master jeweler and lapidary myself. Started out cutting mastodon ivory in 1979.
Oh damn that's awesome I'm amateur at best lol
But it's quite fun breaking down raw stones and making jewelry
I'm learning slowly but surely
I may pick your brain sometime
Not really a bad day... just off. A lot of weird, heavy... life... happening. Hard to explane

Got some good smoke and good tunes to kick it to tho.
