Had bowel obstruction surgry 2 1/2 weeks ago. The surgeon messed up. Gimme advice


Well-Known Member
i was just trying to help you with your comforting skills by using your own tactics. did it work? do you feel better?

stoned cockatoo

New Member
never had a bowel obstruction but yes I have had a couple surgeries and yes one was around my stomach just under my belly button the incision was shaped like a cross, this was almost 20 years ago and now it is only noticeable if you know it is there.

I'm not fucking uploading pictures lmao why would I give a shit if you believe iv had an operation or not?

so now that you have your answer what is your point?

I wasn't putting the op down, I'm saying the scar is only 2 weeks old and it will fade, get ya gut hair growing over it, do some sit ups it might blend it in with other lines or tattoo like you said. But regarless I don't see that as a big deal, uneven belly button.. so bloody what. If anything your attitude will be making him feel more insecure about it by agreeing with him that its a big deal
was that your answer to this?


Well-Known Member
calling people derogatory names in a hopes it will make them feel like they need to be tougher about the situation.


Well-Known Member
i know the fact most people dont like being called a bitch. all it does is cause the person to become hardened to the situation and stop them from discussing it with the current group or to go on the offensive.

the fact you dont mind it in the slightest is great! you little bitch.


Well-Known Member
Theres to RIU I love...lol I know I'm being a little mellow dramatic but at the same time, we are talking about something I have seen in the same place everyday for the last 29 years. 29 years man.
So you've looked at your belly button every day for 29 years? You should broaden your interests.

stoned cockatoo

New Member
calling people derogatory names in a hopes it will make them feel like they need to be tougher about the situation.
funny thing is straight after the op replied to my comment I repped him apologising for using the word bitch, I agree that his word choice is better.. melodramatic.

the meaning behind both our words were the same,


Well-Known Member
how did it make you feel to be called a bitch?
I didn't take any offense. Like I said on another thread today, people can say whatever the fuck they want to on here. I knew putting up that picture was opening myself up to flaming. Don't care. Trolls don't usually get or bother me. Not saying that you were trolling, cause I know you werenlt

stoned cockatoo

New Member
i know the fact most people dont like being called a bitch. all it does is cause the person to become hardened to the situation and stop them from discussing it with the current group or to go on the offensive.

the fact you dont mind it in the slightest is great! you little bitch.
would you be mad still if I had said he was acting melodramatic?


Well-Known Member
melodramatic is a better choice of words, yes. bitch has several negative connotations attached to it.

stoned cockatoo

New Member
melodramatic is a better choice of words, yes. bitch has several negative connotations attached to it.
I've had my staff edit my original post from bitch to melodramatic, to me the meaning is still the same but ill agree it comes across a bit less rough on the eyes


Well-Known Member
Opiates definitely make you constipated, as does heroin ,,, I shit out a soda can in the hospital and cried....maybe I needed surgery too... Fucking bloody butt bro.....anyway see ya


Well-Known Member
Opiates definitely make you constipated, as does heroin ,,, I shit out a soda can in the hospital and cried....maybe I needed surgery too... Fucking bloody butt bro.....anyway see ya
[video=youtube_share;JOKn33-q4Ao]http://youtu.be/JOKn33-q4Ao[/video] Actually, just got 100 10325 hydros. I'm a horrible person for doing it. Money I don't have to spend. Shit, I've spent a poor mans fortune on them in the last 3 years. But for now, with 80mgs of hydro in me... anyways, another topic another thread.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
......snip..... Actually, just got 100 10325 hydros. I'm a horrible person for doing it. ........snip......
So you create an ileus from abuse of opiates then you are going to sue the surgeon because you won't even allow yourself to heal correctly. Why am I torturing myself? Why?


Well-Known Member
You'll feel back to normal after all the crap they shot you up with for surgery s out of your system. Last time I went in for surgery I had to go with a local anesthetic, if not I turn into a complete ass if I let them put me to sleep.....


Well-Known Member
So you create an ileus from abuse of opiates then you are going to sue the surgeon because you won't even allow yourself to heal correctly. Why am I torturing myself? Why?
However, like i'm sure I've mentioned somewhere in this thread, the stomach thing is something I've dealt with long before I ever even started thing about drugs or pot. But I'm sure that the ills did contribute. Besides, I did say I was a bad person for doing it.