had to scrap whole grow 2 1/2 months in !!!!


Well-Known Member
So I'm at mardi grai yesterday and on my way home my roomate says S****** knows for sure we have plants. no mind you he said this two weeks agao also but was unsure and so i said what did she say and as you can imagine im moe irate then anything at this point so hes like oh i forgot andiwas like no wtf did she say and he said same thign so i said fine im scraping this while grow im not going to jail for your crazy fucking freinds which she is shes ccalled the 5 O a few tiems on him for some obnoxous shit so i get home and take all 15 plants mind you theve been vegging for 2 months and i was wating for the last two to show me preflowers and there under 1000w mh then hps but i didnt wantto take a chance so all my hard work gone but perhaps another time ill get to do it again i guess its better safe then sorry yea??...... pretty much i wanna lay some fucking heads downs if you know what i mean


Well-Known Member
thank you for all you concerns yes that is one of the scapped ladies pretty fucked up ddint finish the whole message but any weays this girl said to my roomate so when those plants gonna put out some bud and so knowing her and her biopolar self wasnt readyy to risk it but yes if you want to see what the rest of my ladies looked like and ill put up a link to the journal


Well-Known Member
thank you for all you concerns yes that is one of the scapped ladies pretty fucked up ddint finish the whole message but any weays this girl said to my roomate so when those plants gonna put out some bud and so knowing her and her biopolar self wasnt readyy to risk it but yes if you want to see what the rest of my ladies looked like and ill put up a link to the journal
im sure nobody was commenting on your avatar at all..they were talking about the chick in the lifesaver stalkinks(sexy)...:hump:

anyway...why did you scrap your grow...your story makes very little sense due to spelling and the fact that we the readers have know idea who the players are and why you are flipping out on someone knowing when it seems like other people already know?


Well-Known Member
the rest of te story goes as flolows so along time ago my freind/roomate daniel was roomates with this stephanie girl and they got in a fight and he pourd bleach on his clothes because she punch a hole in his big screen tv very hildish and immature of both of them so she calls the cops and mind you these two fuckin drink and get trashed together every night get fucked up on xanax so cray shit happens now she sues him for like 3k for the clothes well an was time passes he has to pay her back or go on probation so he puts it off put it off and i fid this whole sotry out bits and pieces at a time until after hemoves in you know and this stephanie girl i dont like shes nuts so i had a binfire at my place but it was for my friends from work and i work in a proff setting and i get thereand whose sitting out side stephanie and daniel well i sorta freaked out and said get that cunt out of here but she wasnt around i took jim aside so all the fucking while this bitch goes in my fucking house and "" forgot her cell phone charger and i went the fuck offf i said lave before my dog gets out of the house or see what happens so she leaves but not before it coems to light shes here for the money dnile owes her 3k see the twist so two weeks pass and he says doode i think stphanie knows about the plants and he again dosnt what know what makes him think that only that i said she went in my grow room when she got her cell phone chager. any ways at mardi grai and thas how itall started and he finaly came clean and said "so when them plants going to put out some bud" and me being the smart one left went home andscrapped the grow becasue one she was trashed two she was on xanxe and three daoneil said stfuc you dumb bitch i dont know aht your talking about.....p[k so this is all yes my fualt for letting any one know about my op . lesson learned anywas thnk you for all for suppport alos her is the link to my journales enjoy. it has been a while since i updated as ive been busy with work and what not but ill show you all latest pics of the grow was three days from flowering. https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/143946-first-grow-all-out.html