haha think my clones are mad at me for transplanting them - Ready to grow :)

2013-10-18 19.33.26.jpg2013-10-18 19.33.53.jpg
Newly transplanted, and ready to spread their roots! hehe hope they perk back up soon. Gave em a little fresh water, a little water with fish emulsion in it, not too much.
I don't know why the Cinderella 99 strain is bending down. It's not really drooping, just the leaves are bending a bit. Could that be heat and not enough water? Or is this normal? It seems to have more shoots coming out of it, to start forming more leaves...
haha truth be to that. the leaves were drooping like this before I transplanted. I have a 400 watt room I move them into for better light when its not on it's 12/12 cycle.


Active Member
I would try and water less, mist more. the roots are a little shocked I am sure. I have gotten away from watering when I transfer plants, there are so many variables.. root structure, soil components, soil moisture content, nutrients, temps humidity.. etc.

I started misting my new transplants and have had good results. as long as your air is moving and humidity is under control mist away. Using soil that is well prepared and has similar moisture content to the plug I wait a few days letting the roots adjust I start watering, adding to the schedule as the plant needs it. I saw two of my buddies grows fail this summer due to over watering.


Well-Known Member
It looks to me like there may be a bit of overwatering going on. Let the pots dry completely out between feedings (likely 3-4 days where you are right now).

Other than that, they look pretty good. Won't be long and they'll build up some strength.

Alright I'll try it, I could have very well overwatered them. I gave em a bit of water when I put them into the transplant as mentioned above. I'll let it dry a few days and see how that goes. I don't want to kill by overwatering haha