hello there,...just wanted to say hi,..as i am local too(north of seattle), and unlike you, i am a beginner at growing. i have obtained my documents, and have begun to learn how to provide mecicine for patieents and myself.
however, this is all new to me, i am in my 2nd full cycle with my ladies, and i am a little overwhelmed at times with the sheer amount of studying and applying what i've studied to the ladies. it would really be sweet to find a just 1 or 2 local people,
who are experience at this, to maybe help me a little, i dont need someone to do my work,..just show me the right way to do a few important things.
like trimming,...i have been told this way and that way, and to be honest,..i still am not sure what i am doing is right. i watch vids,..read 3-5 hours a day, and spend waaay to much time in the room with the ladies i think. anyway,..i dont want to get in trouble or anything, im just saying hey,..if you or anyone else local, has the inclination to help out a newb,..i am open to starting a dialogue or whatever so that i can do this very well for my patients, and for my own obsessive needs, lol.
if you have time or anyone else to talk,..let me know,..i sure could use some cool help(just a little, i do my own work),..so hope this sounds cool to someone on here,...peace!
currently i am growing...blue hawaiin,..new york city diesel,..and purple diesel,...