Hair follicle test? I have helpful info!


Well-Known Member

Been a while since I been on here... Well long story short, I will likely I have a pre-employment hair follicle test coming up within the next few weeks. Yikes! I've been doing hours of research and have read all the same stuff you all have about macujo etc.

This might be a fairly long read; but what I'm putting here should help reassure or educate others. As far as I'm concerned, it's all useful information. I'm writing this in the hopes of further educating you all and possibly bringing some peace of mind to you if you do decide to attempt to detox before a hair follicle test.

FYI - I will post my final results as well as home test results as I get them (will be doing multiple home tests), and will post my method if it proves to be successful.

I fully encourage those of you who are in a similar situation to do your research, and think about the science behind the detox methods. I'm not going to write about the basic information that you can find all over the internet, but rather the harder to find items that have brought me some more reassurance.

Specifically, there are two pieces of information that I came across that were extremely helpful.

1) a forum member on another website was actively cleansing his hair using acids, bases, shampoos, Etc, and testing his hair all the while. If you Google "how I passed my hair follicle test (legit)", you'll find his story. It is long, but is very much worth the read.

While his cleansing method was flawed (mixing acids and bases before applying), he still demonstrated a reduction in THC count from 32 pg/ml down to below the cutoff (less than 1pg/ml) in approximately 1 month's time. It took him 9 painful (and incorrect) washes, but this is actual documented proof that there is a way to drop thc metabolite levels in your hair.

2) That story brings some comfort, but what really, really, brings some reassurance is an actual Oxford toxicology study performed around 2014 I believe. If you Google "oxford hair test lye relaxer" you'll find it.

To summarize, researchers tested the effect of lye hair relaxer on drug-positive hair samples. The result?

1 lye relaxer hair treatment, 15 min, reduced THC levels in hair by about 0.3ng/ml.

THAT'S 300 pg/ml...

Why is that exciting? If I home test myself and find less than 300pg/mg present, then a relaxer treatment might actually do the trick...

That, combined with continued cleansing until test time probably puts me in a good position to pass.

Couple final thoughts/tidbits that I confirmed:

* Hair follicles open up when washed with basic solutions, not acidic. To get to the hair cortex, you have to open the cuticles. So a REVERSE macujo appears more effective (starts with a basic solution).

* Hair testing procedure uses methanol to clean the sample, then sodium hydroxide (NaOH) as part of the extraction (yea I actually read lab procedures online that detail the process). So what? WELL... Lye relaxers primary ingredient? Yup. Sodium hydroxide. Now you're seeing the picture...

* Do NOT combine bleaching and relaxing, you risk losing your hair, literally. Choose one method or the other. DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK, DON'T OVER-PROCESS YOUR HAIR.

* People bleach their hair for detox because that is also a process involving a basic solution to open the hair cuticles, and may help degrade the metabolites sitting inside the strands.

That's probably more than enough for now... I hope this helps someone out there. I'll be back with results as I work through it.

I've also read about shampoos like Zidot, Nexxus and etc., here marijuana&detox that could help to detox your hair before the test. But it has some factors and not suitable for everyone. So, what to do when a drug test is coming up? It's the most difficult test. My friend was a heavy user, but even he passed the test. Actually, it was very funny, because he bleached his hair and became a blond))))) This act saves his job, so who knows...You could bleach but at your own risk.
I've had multiple hair tests, and everytime they give you the option of where you want the hair taken from. If your hair is long then they'll take it from your head, if you don't want them to take it from your head then you can roll up your pant leg and they shave 1 leg from knee to ankle all the way around. Here you may read about some proved way of a hair drug test passing.

I really don't think there is any way they'd just tell you they're taking pubes, that's like a total last resort. The guy taking the hair is usually not really into it and will just do whatever is easiest at your direction.
Did this work? have a hair test coming up and so far have failed 2. running at 15.4 pg/mg and 12.2 pg/mg respectfully. Thanks in advanced.
woa, sorry I didn't see this sooner - well, I passed with hair taken from the head (which, btw, I believe is the required area for sampling. body hair, etc. is used only in special circumstances. could differ by state.). However, leading up to the exam I tried a personal test, mailed it out, etc., and I was negative. So I can't say for certain that washing etc. DEFINITELY allowed me to pass.. but I still believe the proof is out there that it is possible. bleaching is a common one, and i've read of success stories.