Hair follicle test?

unfortunately no. You can try to shave all of your hair off but what grows in after will still have detectable amounts for up to 6 months.

A friend* lost a job to a hair follicle text. No shampoo will “mask” the result.
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Giving up weed ain't going to pass a hair test. Every time you smoke the hair that grows while thc is in your blood will contain thc.

So if your hair is 4 feet long and you smoked 3 years ago...sorry you are going to fail that test.

I take it your not in a legal state. And that blows biggly.

The "only lasts for 90 days" thing is only because they sample 1.5 inches from the scalp. Which is about 90 days. The thc def will never leave your hair.
Giving up weed ain't going to pass a hair test. Every time you smoke the hair that grows while thc is in your blood will contain thc.

So if your hair is 4 feet long and you smoked 3 years ago...sorry you are going to fail that test.

I take it your not in a legal state. And that blows biggly.

The "only lasts for 90 days" thing is only because they sample 1.5 inches from the scalp. Which is about 90 days. The thc def will never leave your hair.

And even for those like me that shave our heads anything that grows out is going to be positive so there is no stalling because the positive result is already growing.
They don’t test your hair. They test dna on the follicle. Plus. Odds are they’re not testing for what you did 3-4 years ago. It’s most accurate because saliva and urin can be tampered a lot easier. Something about your proteins in your scalp If you did the deed. Whatever drug. It WILL show up.
They sell shit for hundreds on the internet that claims it works. I have personally met nobody who has used one of them.

Ill vouch for the fake piss on the internet. That worked for me before I got my medical.

Luckily when I had a folical for a job weed was rec and I told them to fuck off with that.
They sell shit for hundreds on the internet that claims it works. I have personally met nobody who has used one of them.

Ill vouch for the fake piss on the internet. That worked for me before I got my medical.

Luckily when I had a folical for a job weed was rec and I told them to fuck off with that.
Really! Where do you work? California rec is still treated federal in work enforcement. So until the feds drop it You sail. You fail. They don’t tell your employer your failed from weed. You just failed a drug test.