Hair follicle test?

Op im sorry i shouldn't ef around i know its serious and theres a child involved. I truly wish you the best outcome. Hopefully you could laugh for a second to help the mind alittle
A friend of mine had this same issue and involved kids and a div and like he had to do will just have to take some drug classes and will come out ok. Don’t let it drag u down.
Does anybody have any good info on whether or not hair follicle tests can b passed ? And how I got a child riding on this one unfortunately ....
Unfortunately nothing will work for hair, reliably. Have had friends pass with some shampoos (many moons ago) but it was for also simple things, jobs etc. I have passed urinalyses many times over the years, using someone else urine. Have never had to use the fake stuff.

Another friend of mine, his wife and himself where having a baby. She tested positive at birth and CPS got involved for a few months. I never followed up with him on the matter. But they never lost their child, but come to think of it, they may have had to relinquish custody for a time. But that was to the live in grandmother.

It sucks to be in this situation. I feel for you, I really do. I'm a father myself. But unfortunately, the bed has been made. Others have mentioned for your to start crafting your disposition. Maybe contact a lawyer that specializes in MJ law. Luckily the waning laws and overall consensus of MJ in todays world is looking positive. However, there are far too many "old guards" in charge that are out to screw people over. I'm not sure of the situation, but it may be good to get some character statements from people, employers, professional acquaintance, etc. to testify that you are not a danger to the child. Now is the time you need to start truly cover your ass and defend your MJ consumptions. Have any medical conditions that will help your case?

When my wife gave birth, she was clean, but for some reason they got a false positive for cocaine!! Imagine the horror of getting that news 4am while your wife is in labor! The dept. treated us like shit until she took another test and it came back clean. What a nightmare.
It takes a few months for the hair test to be negative. It's a hard test to pass.. I've heard of them going as far as taking eye lashes.. I told a doctor that I was using CBD gummies for sleep and they didn't ask any more questions or push any further. I wish you the best of luck sounds like a stressful situation you're in.