Hairs changing color before trichomes form?


Well-Known Member
Thanx Mr.Dank. Good info. I picked the best of the shit seeds and ended up with three females! I thought the ratio for male/female sex was 50/50, or am I just a lucky mofo? Also where, and how much was ur 150 HPS? Could that be sufficent light for 3 plants? I also put my plants into flower at about 10' 3-4 weeks. I topped 2, and left the other. 2 are now 2" , the other only 1", but 4 colas. How tall were your plants at 3 weeks flowering. Are they sativa/indica dominant? Thanx Mr.Dank.


Well-Known Member
first grow here too, 3 bagseeds 1 crystal (a ww/nl mix) 5th week of flowering under a 600w hps, journal in sig

i don't think 150 is enough for 3 plants, grab a 400, they're under $200, hell this kit is $120

Mr. Dank

Active Member
no the 150w. is only good for one plant maybe 2 if using cfl like i was you will need at least a 400 w. maybe 600. there is good package deal on ebay for the 4 and 600 watters. three weeks flower she was roughly 2-2.5 feel tall. i wouldsay she was more a sativa dominaant but was a hybrid. when i chopped her this morning she was 4ft. 5 inch. at about week 6-7 youll start to see your leaes coving in trichs. then its real exciting cant really wait to smoke. haha. youll notice around week eight she will start to grow more leaves and new bud spots. i was told by a buddy not to freak out plants do these towards the end of there life. make sure you get a 60x-100x magnifier from radio shack handheld microscope. so u can check those trichs. once you see em every day there is more and more.


Well-Known Member
Right on Mr.Dank. I think I have trichomes forming, just need the 30x. How many nodes did you end up at when done, or was it a bush. I have 12 at 2", is this okay?


Well-Known Member
Is it possible to see trichomes with the naked eye? I'm starting to see crystals on leaves around bud sites. What could these be?

Mr. Dank

Active Member
well u can acually see the trichomes on the buds and leaves but you wont be able to see them to see how far along they are i recommend the 60x-100x pocket microscpe from radioshack works great for checkn your trichs. as far as nodes go i really have no idea alot she was pretty bushy for her height the bottom half of the plant had grown up and was stickin out towards the top half of the plant so like from half way up on my plant to tthe top was all my buds beautiful i tell you. like a small christmas tree, buds were my ornaments,haha. she hangin now and she smels great my spare bathroom smells like a heaven .(it had the best air flow ) for my buds to kick it. im guessing ill probably get like an oz dried not alot but cant complain.


Well-Known Member
Sweet! The leaves around the bud sites are becoming corroted with crystals. I have 3 females and put them into flowering at difrrent times, this way I can judge by the first harvest when to do the next. When harvest time does come, I'll be able to smoke while I wait for the others to finish, and I won't be able to smoke it all at once. lol Another month and 1/2 and I'm gonna invest in an organic grow kit I saw in Newbie C.- best places to go. Chech it out, good shit, for cheap!


Well-Known Member
What is the bud boom? What week of flowering do I realy start to see buds bulking up, and for how manys days does this happen for? Also, how many times through out the flowering stage will this happen? I'm 3 weeks into flowering and it looks like the bud sites are starting to put on weight. All replies are welcome.


Well-Known Member
hey midnight once again thanks for being ahead... it sucks about your timer, but you should really get a new one... (no stress and no limited sleep!)

Quick update on my plants (in case you care!) The 3 have grow to almost 2 feet tall... i have a confirmed teenager lady in puberty.... one i;m 75% sure is also a girl (little white hair development, she is afraid to take off her clothes in the locker room, what can i say?!?!?... peer-preasure!!) and lastly i think i have a boy.. yes sir a boy!!! not sure yet about it, but i have today to be honest, taken a turn to negative town!!! And think is a confirmed boy.... I have a bit of a journal (even though is not called like that) if you want check it out:
I'm not sure of the male, but all the recent pics posted are from the suspected male!

Keep it up, don't let them lose their sleep and good luck!


Well-Known Member
Hey Dippers. I'm always interested in hearing about the ppls progress. Congrats on the ladys! Hope the other turns out the same. I was in the same boat 2 weeks ago. Worried that all the effort I put into these plants, and they turn out the male! I figure the longer you wait till it shows it sex, its more chance that you will end up with girls. Mine took 2 weeks to show, but its a good feelin when you find out. Nice lookin plants by the way, they look exzactly like the 1 I didn't top. Last night I was inspecting my oldest female when I saw some white/orangish powder on the lower leaves. I inspecting some more and found what was left of the dreaded bannanas (male flower)!! It was growing side by side next to a female flower! WTF! Not to mad, because everything below the flower is probly pollinated, but I can grow this strain again next grow. And the top colas should be sinsamilla. Just look out for these if your looking for a sinsamilla crop.

Mr. Dank

Active Member
midnight your buds should start to wxplode about 567 weeks is when they get ginormous and bulkn up huge.


Well-Known Member
you don't need to buy a mag glass if u have some good binoculars, just turn em around, i do it, it works great save the $$$


Well-Known Member
Thanx Scott. But unfortunately i don't have binoculars either, i'm poor. lol I definetly have trichomes that are visable to the naked eye. It looks like some1 poured soggy sugar on the buds and leaves. How do the top colas form. Do they themselfs fatten up or do the bud sites on the lower branches begin to form into 1 terminal bud? Also I know your not saposse to top/fimm during flowering but 1 of the 4 colas is getting way to big, and the other 3 just can't catch up causing them to fight for light. What do I do?


Well-Known Member
Hey Dippers. I'm always interested in hearing about the ppls progress. Congrats on the ladys! Hope the other turns out the same. I was in the same boat 2 weeks ago. Worried that all the effort I put into these plants, and they turn out the male! I figure the longer you wait till it shows it sex, its more chance that you will end up with girls. Mine took 2 weeks to show, but its a good feelin when you find out. Nice lookin plants by the way, they look exzactly like the 1 I didn't top. Last night I was inspecting my oldest female when I saw some white/orangish powder on the lower leaves. I inspecting some more and found what was left of the dreaded bannanas (male flower)!! It was growing side by side next to a female flower! WTF! Not to mad, because everything below the flower is probly pollinated, but I can grow this strain again next grow. And the top colas should be sinsamilla. Just look out for these if your looking for a sinsamilla crop.

Hey Midnight, thanks for the input!!!!
I haven't stopped by in while... what you up to?? how's everything going??? I hope evertyhing is smoot sailing!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey InDippers. Just as I suspected, a couple of the lower female flowers have been pollinated. A couple worse than others. The other 2 are doing just fine. I'm lookin at about another 3-4 weeks till harvest. Buds are starting to put on some weight, and the top colas are realy dense (probly on account of the warm white fluorescents. Other than the pollination, everything is green in my garden. How are your girls lookin? Did you chop the male yet? I would right away. I was just talkin to my buddy about his grow, I guess his whole crop got ruined becausd some1 had a male nearby (even though he lives in the middle of nowhere). So just watch yourself make sure this dosn't happen to you. Later bro...


Well-Known Member
Hey midnight... everything is looking green with my two girls.... the male is officially chopped down! i guess it was a bad idea.... i didn't want to walk in the growroom and pollinate my girls after being outside either!! so.. that's that... i will post some pics... my thread is in my sig... happy to hear that everything is looking good, other than the seed sights... but hell, you might end up having seeds for replanting if you like your shit!!! Put some pics up... i want to see how the buds are comming along.. mine are pretty small but getting bigger.. im just 17 days into flowering..and getting pretty inpacient!!!


Well-Known Member
Tell me about it InDippers! I'm so tempted to chop em' but I've waited this long. Yeah I'm definetly gonna let the seeds mature and plant again in June. Its a good strain (what ever it is) and I want to grow it to its full potential. I'm on week 6 as of today. 2 more weeks! I'll post some pics for ya as soon as my camera arrives. (it came free with a computer i'm gettin. Keep me posted man!