half colonized


Well-Known Member
just wondering what would happen if you tried to pull a half colonized cake out of the jar and getting it to pin? i have ONE fuckin jar that colonized of a thai strain and its almost done colonizing the one pnt jar but im a lil worried....last time i lost about 3 cakes or so out of 6 so il be lucky if ican manage to get to the harvest time on this one


Active Member
if its not colonized completely shake it up so it fully colonizes,or if you colonized one is ready stick it in the fridge till the other is done colonizing cold temp pause myc grow


Well-Known Member
no u dont understand, i have one cake that will colonize completely probably tomorow, then ima put it in the fridge to initiate pinning with it, but what happens if you take a half colonized jar and put it on wet perlite.?


Active Member
The uncolinized part will be prone to contams if you can carefully chunk away uncolonized part it should be ok


Well-Known Member
Don't open jars or attempt anything until your jars have colonized 100% and been as such for a couple days. Anything else is majorly compromising resistance to mold/bacteria.


Active Member
No and No. How are you providing gas exchange? How did you prepare? Where did you get your spores? All these come into question when dealing with not fully colonizing PF CAKES?

Go to www.youtube.com and type in Let's Grow Mushrooms PF-TEK 1-4 ..... Follow it to a T. You will be happy.