hallelujia!!! fred phelps is dead, dead, dead!!!

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
I missed the part where I said it's "invalid" now... And I did not say anything about the bible being god's word or which book you should listen to. You're the one that said the "bible", which is a christian thing and includes the old testament but focuses more on the new...Things change, just as things changed throughout the old testament times. The west boro baptist church is supposedly christian... but they didn't follow much of what the bible says that Jesus preached. I'm not a christian or anything, so I don't even want to get into it or argue. I can understand your point of view though completely... since there are so many kinds of christians that pick and choose different things, and they don't have any real understanding of the bible, or the languages it was originally written in, how those cultures were, how it's been translated and fitted to different agendas etc...[/QU

yeah but , its still changing what is supposed to be gods word to changing gods word to suit the publics veiws at that moment in time


Well-Known Member
You've missed my point man. And none of that means that it pleases god when gay people are killed. that's just more "sinners will be judged and punished" stuff you see everywhere in the bible. It's nothing about Hate being what the bible wants people to do. The last line is referring to people that know what is good and bad, and what happens to people that do bad.... but they still support and do those bad things, and with pleasure.
Why did God kill the Sodomites in the New Testament?


Active Member
We all gotta die. No escaping it. It's just a shame that some lumps of human rat shit dont go sooner rather than later. Oh well, he's gone now and that's all that matters.


Active Member
Wouldn't that be a fun development? I can hear the buzz now. "We threw a funeral fer Fucko Fred and there's no one here worth hating.".

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
I wish the guy was a nice person... sucks he wasn't a very good person. Either way, I'm glad someone like that isn't on the planet anymore... but I hope he died in a way that wasn't too painful, same as I would hope for anyone else who hasn't hurt me or my family personally.


Well-Known Member
I wish the guy was a nice person... sucks he wasn't a very good person. Either way, I'm glad someone like that isn't on the planet anymore... but I hope he died in a way that wasn't too painful, same as I would hope for anyone else who hasn't hurt me or my family personally.
How would you feel about Hitler?


Well-Known Member
He and his spawn disrespected troops families everywhere to protest against a segment of society that weren't even represented at the funerals he protested. The epitome of douchebaggery. He should get a Nobel Prize for peace just for fucking dieing.


Well-Known Member
Fred was an evil narcissist and I would say that had he been born in a different time and place he would possibly have been responsible for a hell of a lot of deaths.
I'd be interested to know what his financial worth is, I'm sure being hateful paid pretty well.


Well-Known Member
i like how you say "good riddance" as if it's not going to happen to you...
Is this the same MedicineMan that used to blog back in 2007 through like 2009?

I remember a MedicineMan that used to blog in the Politics section of RIU all the time back in the day. "ViRedd" used to call him a "commie".

Is that you MedicineMan?



Well-Known Member
Is this the same MedicineMan that used to blog back in 2007 through like 2009?

I remember a MedicineMan that used to blog in the Politics section of RIU all the time back in the day. "ViRedd" used to call him a "commie".

Is that you MedicineMan?

I remember him, too

@ fr3d12, the WBC payed quite a bit out to families of the soldiers they protested their funerals at, so I'd imagine quite a bit..


Well-Known Member
You obviously missed my post about how death is unavoidable for us *all*. I think its cute how uninformed your assumption is though. Nice try. Welcome to RIU.
you're the one that wrote "good riddance" in your OP, that's what i was responding to, not some belated follow-up


Well-Known Member
Is this the same MedicineMan that used to blog back in 2007 through like 2009?

I remember a MedicineMan that used to blog in the Politics section of RIU all the time back in the day. "ViRedd" used to call him a "commie".

Is that you MedicineMan?

no that's not me.


Well-Known Member
I remember him, too @ fr3d12, the WBC payed quite a bit out to families of the soldiers they protested their funerals at, so I'd imagine quite a bit..
I hadn't heard that and I'm glad it cost them but I doubt the personal fortunes of the WBC hierarchy was dented much.


Active Member
you're the one that wrote "good riddance" in your OP, that's what i was responding to, not some belated follow-up
What was written in my "belated follow-up" was fully understood (at least by me) in my OP. Your flawed assumption will no longer be a concern of mine. Carry on.