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Jesus was trippn on ergot spores ,it came from the moldy wheat bread given to him while on the cross
moldy wheat bread
or moldy rye bread????
Jesus was trippn on ergot spores ,it came from the moldy wheat bread given to him while on the cross
this is a great topic!!!!what's your take on it???
Mushrooms hands down Manna in the bible, but it needs to be respected, it activates the spirit chemcal in the brain.
How come so many people become aware of God on it?
Man you are crazy as hell man, Look there is a God and God has Infinite knowledge"" no matter what sceince figures out or what a weed grower does the plant is a creation of God, and will never fully be understood. Look into the sky tonite, outterspace does it have an ending??? Nope it just keeps going and going thats mind blowing, however if your a good person and try to obey his laws he will help guide you through. I Treid getten into the whole sceince thing but just when you think you know something God flips the script on you cause he's the Man end of story so be old fashion live and enjoy the simple things. blaze have a drink raise a family fuck tryen to understand infinite knowledge aint gonna happen bro... and you wont stress
Look there is a God and God has Infinite knowledge"" no matter what sceince figures out or what a weed grower does the plant is a creation of God, and will never fully be understood. Look into the sky tonite, outterspace does it have an ending??? Nope it just keeps going and going thats mind blowing, however if your a good person and try to obey his laws he will help guide you through. I Treid getten into the whole sceince thing but just when you think you know something God flips the script on you cause he's the Man end of story so be old fashion live and enjoy the simple things. blaze have a drink raise a family fuck tryen to understand infinite knowledge aint gonna happen bro... and you wont stress
Nothings wrong with studying sceince but dont think you figured somethen out cuz.u aint gonna, we aint shit really... put your faith in that ultimate super power will help u and you will live happier why stress out
Part of nature then have no morals have a family oragie who cares were animals... Keep studying sceince and believing theres no god end up.like that weird.freak Stephen Hawking. lions kill a mothers cubs so he can fuck the mom lower your self to an animal. Im gonna say were created in Gods image
I belive an alien message theory, that is that psilocybin mushrooms contain a message, or knowledge if you will, that downloads into your mind once taken, and is often mistaken for God in our earthly meaning of "God". While it may be godly in that it came from our creator, I dont belive the creator to be a "GOD",in my terms the CREATOR is what i belive to be alien/interdimensional force that seeded life on our planet/galaxy millenia ago. thus actually being our creator, but with no power over us. deffinatly with out the power or possibly the will to SAVE us on its own, so it left coded messages for us.... to help/shape mankind...
then there are the forces of the universe/reality which would be the other spectrum of GOD as i would percive it, it would have power to manipulate our reality.... Gravity and Time being part of it. I belive its all a completely unknown invisable force, much like the force in star wars, which im begining to belive is something scientist have found and are starting to call Dark Energy.
“I’ve mentioned that psilocin, which is what psilocybin quickly becomes as it enters your metabolism, is 4 hydroxy dimethyltryptamine. It is the only 4-substituted indole in all of organic nature. Let this rattle around in your mind for a moment. It is the only 4-substituted indole known to exist on earth. It happens to be this psychedelic substance that occurs in about eighty species of fungi, most of which are native to the New World. Psilocybin has a unique chemical signature that says, “I am artificial; I come from outside.” I was suggesting that it was a gene – an artificial gene – carried perhaps by a spaceborne virus or something brought artificially to this planet, and that this gene has insinuated itself into the genome of these mushrooms.”
~ Terence McKenna
A reason behind this alien mushroom theory, which i didn't come up with, is that psilocybin is is the only natural 4-phosphorylated indole on this planet. THE ONLY ONE. nothing else like it on the entire discovered planet. and it just so happens to be a halucinogen that opens peoples minds....