Halp! Plant dieing! Newb ned help!


Active Member
Grizzly Adams,
You used one of my questions in your point, so I think that gives me a chance to speak up without getting bashed too bad. I understand what you are saying..............but, this is taking it a little too far. The search engine isn't that great here so I figured out to google it, and then it leads to the threat on RIU. I had to learn this with time. You could just ignore the question or tell them politely to research it on google. I'm not knocking your knowledge just say'n sept 09, calling people out about newbie questions in the newbie threats is just dumb? With all due respect, if you tried to bash me for asking a question I would most definitely tell you to fuck off and call you a weed baron. I know you didn't, because I asked a fair question. If I asked a stupid question in the advanced grow threat or something then game on but. I'm not feeling you at all.

My two cents, don't Get pissed, it's how I feel. Doesn't mean you need to get all fired up and sick your bear on me.lol


Active Member
People are still answering and trying to help that is funny. Get'em. This threat seems like a trap for you to yell at people. I'm not sure how I feel about that.


Well-Known Member
Once more, not saying yell at newbies. For clarification, don't just yell at noobs.

I am also not saying everyone needs to do 2 hours of research before they post once. For clarification, don't need read the entire weed bible before asking a question.

There are two extremes of what I'm talking about.
#1. A huge site where there are tons of people, information isn't clear, you can't totally rely on answers, and everything is hard to follow.
#2. A small site with a handful of extremely well educated, knowledgeable and concise people where everything is as solid as the bible itself.
(+props to phreakygoat)

I'm saying we should keep it a happy medium. Nobody wants a crappy community, and there's very few people who are elitist enough to want option #2. I am not an elitist.

If you posted in an advanced thread with a stupid question? Yeah you should get called out. EXAMPLE
"Stankdank1 - blah blah answer answer blah blah. This is the advanced section of this community, to keep with that we'd appreciate it if you kept inexperienced questions restricted to newbie central. Keep at growing and good luck!"

Same thing if you asked a stupid question that was below the caliber of newbie central. I'm not saying yell at people, I'm saying it should be our responsibility to firmly uphold guidelines set on RIU. People don't need to memorize everything, but reading through once or twice should be a given. How did everyone else learn? I feel not countermanding this issue creates ill-equipped growers that will grow crappy weed. Is this the kind of world we want? Psssh.

Examples of questions that I feel should be called out in Newbie Central
"I can't find what lights I'm supposed to veg with! Is it halogen?"
"My pH is 8.4, is that too high?"

What am I saying would be fine?
"I've heard you can veg with HPS, but it seems sort of sketchy. Anyone tried this that can give me pointers?"
"The pH of my soil is way too high @ 8.4, I need to bring it down. Fox farms ocean forest, 5 gallon pot."

Stank, I'm not trying to trap people into yelling at them. If I was an asshole and loved yelling at people. . . . I have no shortage of opportunity. Don't misinterpret asking newbies to read as demanding pro-quality knowledge from a 1 week grower.


Active Member
Grizz, Im a newb still working on my second grow. Newbies need help ( I needed it and still do at times) and that's what boards like this are for. However I am totally with you despite me being a newbie. Im not one for repeating myself over and over again so I sympathise with you as well as the many others that answer the questions day in and day out from newbies like me. I fucking hate repeating my self.

Anyway, I just wanted to say Im a newb but I get where you're coming from. People do need to do a better job of helping themselves with research and all. Especially since RIU members have all the sticky's you all speak of. I find them very enjoyable reads myself and still read info every fucking day to learn what I can for myself. Sounds like what you are getting at is pretty much just plain old tuff love man. Everyone needs a kick in the ass every now and then. Hopefully newbies will see this thread as a challenge to show they can and will do more research as well as provide more info about their grows when they ask questions.


Well-Known Member
I wanted to add my 2 cents... for what it's worth. I think (and feel free to correct me Grizz) what is being said here is that if noobies want help, that what this whole forum is for. But there are alot of NEW GROWERS giving advice out that they aren't clear on themselves... I think if you replace the forum's definition of what a "noobie" is and replace it with "rookie grower" you would see Grizzly's point.
I think he's trying to bring to light that if people spent time researching simple ?'s that have been asked and answered a million times such as the "what should I set my PH to so I can grow?", we can have a more enlightened community that you can count on for accurate advice for the questions people have.

I do think it's fair to give people and opportunity to ask stupid questions, I ask them still.
I took the point from the thread so far - there are alot of people out here who offer help to new growers. There are also alot of new growers giving flawed advice. I only want to waste my time so many times correcting people so they have good information (and no, I'm not always right, but I usually add links for source information to back up what I'm saying now to help new growers out) on the same thing over and over...
I read a post where someone said if someone didn't want to help, then don't post at all? (I think I read that statement) Well, what if eventually people who know, don't want to answer a question that's outlined in the FAQ's or even in the sticky "read this before posting"? I know I've told more than one guy to read up on "whatever" in the FAQ section, maybe post a link to the information for them, and I get turned around and flamed about not answering the question but telling the guy to "go read". It's lazy on the part of the poster, and frustrating for people trying to help.

I think he's just trying to bring it up for discussion so people can think about it, and maybe all of us kinda try and help to further the site's ability to generate useful information that is accurate, not yell at new users.

If I'm wrong.. sorry, but that's kinda what I took from the read and wanted to see if I had it all right.


Well-Known Member
You got it man, very astute as usual. I got no beef with stupid questions either. Just after I posted on this tread I responded to a question of "what is intake and exhaust? Do I need to run my fan constantly?" Stupid question, yeah - but a fair one. I answered happily. Right after me, a october join 14 post member added a caution of not to vent too much if he is using co2 enrichment. I'm not going to hate on the kid, but I like that term cowell - Rookie. A veteran wouldn't likely make a response about atmospherics management to someone who doesn't understand a fan. Nothing wrong with that comment but I wince thinking of possible advice down the road.

Was shooting chatter to Phenom420 yesterday, one of the reasons he isn't as active atm is stone boredom of repeating guides or linking them. Hope this isn't like spitting in the wind. . .


Well-Known Member
wait, so how do you root a trichome?!?

but seriously who responds to a 'help me' post without reading the whole thing? iz fucking retarded.

and as to the premise of this post: I joined about a year ago. I didn't write a single post till i had spent 100+ hrs of research and learning. Once I had a basic idea of the 8-10 basic factors for any cannabis garden and their individual roles and stipulations, then I read more... THEN I posted in introduce yourself. so newbs don't deserve our attention if they aren't willing to fulfill their side of the information exchange. props and rep to grizzly, great points.