Well-Known Member
I dont know what to do...i dont think they will make it through flower...pix coming in a few days at week 4 flower...No matter what the leafs just seem to keep getting more yellow and some are sucking right in and turning brown and ummm dead...i know i messed up with the veg nutes so its def lacking in nitrogen department pretty bad...I started flower nutes low low low dose 1/8 of a teaspoon a gal. The next day it almost looked better maybe i don't know but today they look worse and their are now brown dead rust circles in some of the leafs not just the tips.. I don't know if this is burn or they are STARVING?!?! Should i not feed anymore nutes and just let it go and pray for the best or more nutes? AHHHHHHHHHHH The buds look ok now but i don't know if they will make the other 3-4 weeks they have to go.