hang drying buds 1st time grow 1st time harvest


Well-Known Member
I'd get some mason jars....I've put my stash in one of those before and it wasn't air tight....but mine was old so the seal on yours may be better.


Well-Known Member
They're glass jars..the lid comes in 2 pieces...a flat seal part and a threaded ring thats screws on and makes an air tight seal. You can get them anywhere...wally world prob. cheapest....and they have lots of diff. sizes


Well-Known Member
just get you some mason jars used for pickling !! Good Luck yes its Wal mart ... try a Glassware shope
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Well-Known Member
ight coo cuz someone said that in an othe rpost i made about walmart and i kindsa guessed thats what they were talkin bout


Active Member
I just put an article I found on humidity and temp for curing on my journal page, check it out. It is a bit of a long read, but I found worthwhile. It states hanging the whole plant, which I have come across alot, this allows sugars in the plant to go into the bud thus helping the smoke cure and possibly increasing thc. One thing to remember is light degrades thc content, so keep your buds out of the light as much as possible. Grow happy and have fun.