Hank Dank's First Grow and Stealth Box Build- 60 Day Wonder -DWC-Mini SCROG


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thanx man i appreciate all the feed back, makes me feel a little more comfortable that im on the right path, be sure to check back in, ill probably throw up some pics if i have any problems or until shes atleast got a few leaves, lets keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best!


Well-Known Member
6/30 Update
She has RISEN! (somewhat)
(sorry about the poor quality pics, cam phones all i got right now)
In this pic shes barely pushing the "lid" off, leaves are still curled under into the rockwool
We will officially call this DAY 1 of the 60DW


Well-Known Member
lol trust me camera's on the list, i actually have a perfectly good hd digital cam from HP, however its a few years old, and apparently its incompatible with windows 7...so..im going to find decent one tomorrow or this weekend for sure. Heres another pic of her just a few hours later, still burry, but u can see progress!


Well-Known Member
Evening Update just to show shes popped up nicely and seems to be doing fine about 18" under the 150w, still to early to see but i think everything will be ok, im not pushin a 1000w'er here.
For me its kind of hard to tell if the rockwool is dry or not, im going to guess its still has a bit of moisture inside it, its been inside the baggie since germination, has stayed nice and moist looking inside, plenty of humidity. Will leave her surrounded by the baggie a few more days to let her slow adjust to the outside air. I know not to over water these cubes, but do you guys think its safe to use an eye dropper to put a 4-5 drops around the outer edges of the cube or just leave it alone if it still seems like it might be atleast somewhat moist?


Well-Known Member
Update: Got home from work n checked on the lil one, she had been sitting about 19" under the hps since last night, the bags she's in is nice n humid looking. Her leaves are curled under a bit, and from what im looking up people are sayin to other people in this situation that its overwatering, but i haven't watered this cube but literally about 4 drops around the outer edge of the cube over 24 hours ago, other than that its just been the moistness in the rockwool since i germinated her, think this is whats causing it or is it the light?
Did i already make the classic noob mistake? If so i can see how it can be made so easily, since ive really tried to be cautious to make sure the rockwool was just slightly moist and not water the plant at all really
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Active Member
She looks fine to me. Time to pot her.....If your going soil you dont need the rocwool. Don't break the root,but you can just put the cube in soil.. Either way pot her! Party cup is common practice....


Well-Known Member
so i should of potted her already? I thought i needed to wait on teh roots to show, I left her under the CFL last night and this is what she looks like...certainly does'nt look good!


Active Member
She needs a warm moist environment. Look at that video I made, the clones are in a little plastic tent.....she is drying out..put her in soil water her and put that baggie back on under the cfl no hps..


Well-Known Member
Did what u said, does this look better? (i have the wireless temp/humidity gauge inside the baggie too, it reads 77F at 66% humidity
Man i really appreciate your help im pretty lost on the right thing to do, thought id had prepared very well before i ever got started, read for days n days to try and get some decent idea, but at the moment i feel like a total idiot because i don't know whats the right remedy.
Really bro thanks again!

Honestly, if i leave her how she is now, do you think she will recover, or from the pics ive shown does it look like shes a goner? I know her stalk was really thin n all, would like to remain positive that this is just a little bump in the road but, if i have to start over i will but i just want to be sure i do it right the second time around if i have to.

I don't think anyone whos new at this, realizes just how stressful it is going to be just not knowing the right thing to do during certain situations. Mad respect goes out for all you guy's who've gone through all the trials and tribulations just to get through your first (2nd 3rd...) grow


Active Member
Your welcome, raise the light to about 12" above the seeding. They are very tinder when they are just sprouts. Do you have another bean?


Well-Known Member
i got another 60DW, 2 NL "autos" (not sure if they really are) and got 1 of Dinafem's Industrial Plant - Think i should be germinating another?
I don't know what all other signs to look for but i think she might make it, i mean the leaves still look a nice green color, they don't seem burned or discolored around the edges or anything, the stalk before i got it under the soil did look really thin and kind of dark tho. What i was wondering is if this was a sure sign that the plant needed water, because the stalk was so thin?

Just to be certain, the light i have on it now is a CFL, do i still need to back it away about a foot?

apologies to everyone who looks at this, i know right now its a boring thread, but i do appreciate you checking it out!


Active Member
Try not to over think this one here. This plant is very strong and will do well in bad conditions. In fact, I believe that most marijuana is grown in bad conditions.

Honestly, they can hit soil now... These popped out of their rapid rooters, and after about 6 hours I transplanted them in to their initial pots. My lights are a few feet above them, but I have quite a few-


That, a little water from time to time, and a small fan will give me a super healthy shrub in a few weeks time.

Like I said man- Check for a tap root, and get it in to final pot. Unless you're dealing with super high temps or abnormal conditions, you're safe to get going with initial transplant.

Easy on the evaluations. I know it's hard man. Here's a long story short, from my initial growing logs: My first plants, I poked, prodded, attempted to diagnose, over-diagnosed, over-corrected, over stressed my plants, over stressed myself, and overall put way too much time and energy in to a tiny little seed. What made me realize this, was when I tossed a runt in the corner and ignored it for a week or two. What happened? The plant that I just let grow, shed all of it's whorled leaves and runtish attributes, while the ones I were attacking with "love" exhibited slow growth and major stress for a long while until I figured things out.

My two cents- Plant it- Set it- Forget it. When the water is bone dry an inch deep and bone dry *but* slightly moist 2-3 inches deep, water thoroughly. Set it- Forget it. Aside from your training associated with scrogging, you shouldn't have a whole lot to worry about.

A few tips for soil, as well:

-Overwatering is realllllllly easy. Underwatering is realllllllllly hard.
-If your temps are really high and your soil is drying unevenly, you can prevent this by putting a layer of hydroton on top of the soil. Make sure you rinse the hydroton prior to. I do it for plants that I intend to flower, as they grow really fast and efficiently in normal conditions, but it also helps it things are hot. You can see a couple in the photos with this being done to them. For my moms, I don't worry about it.
-Hefting is the *best* method for knowing when to water. Transplant, and wait for the soil to dry completely. Once dry, lift the pot to gauge the weight. Water through and lift again. Check the weight of the pot in a few days and you should have an idea of how fast things are moving in your rootzone. This might be hard in a scrog if you aren't cutting the screen loose.

Get that sucker out of there and grow! Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Hey Dsmoke thanks alot, im pretty much taking yours and Mr.Naturals advice, i got the cfl a good 12" away, im going to leave her in her dome for today, while i get final pot ready to move her into, the box is still rocking that 150hps tho. Guessing i should let her get a little more light before i bombard her with that.
I really do appreciate your help n patience guys i know its hard to work with noobs sometimes, but im trying to take in all the good advice i can get.
Heres what she looks like this morning after i did what Mr.Natural told me to yesterday. When i went to bed she was laid over away from the light and was almost up to her leaves with the soil, as you can see shes straightened back up and maybe even grew just a hair
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Active Member
Hey Dsmoke thanks alot, im pretty much taking yours and Mr.Naturals advice, i got the cfl a good 12" away, im going to leave her in her dome for today, while i get final pot ready to move her into, the box is still rocking that 150hps tho. Guessing i should let her get a little more light before i bombard her with that.
I really do appreciate your help n patience guys i know its hard to work with noobs sometimes, but im trying to take in all the good advice i can get.
Heres what she looks like this morning after i did what Mr.Natural told me to yesterday. When i went to bed she was laid over away from the light and was almost up to her leaves with the soil, as you can see shes straightened back up and maybe even grew just a hair
Right on, you're right about that 150- Might wanna wait for those first serrated leaves to get some size to them. That CFL will do just fine for a while. I was just trying to help you out with the worries that can be associated with seedlings. That thing is going to take off on you so fast with little help. A big mistake is to "over-help" the seedling. Keep it moist for a few days, get it in a pot, and let the soil dry out.

What kind of soil are you using? If you're unsure as to what you should be using and how, let me know.

Also, it's okay to be a "noob", as long as you're humble about it :) I have no problem doing my part to ensure you are set up for success. Keep at it!


Well-Known Member
I have it in MG organic, i mixed in about 25-30% perlite. Im going to leave her where she is fora few days to see if she perks back up more, like u said dont "love it to death", i tested the soil with a moisture meter, its reading a low 2 out of 4 on the scale, so its moist just not soaked. For the pot ill eventually have her in im going to use the same soil mix with some lime sewn into the topsoil to help keep Ph in check. shes looking much better than yesterday too, cant wait to see her explode!


Well-Known Member
Was just thinking about buying a dual spectrum LED panel and use it for the veg, can cut down on temps and power cost a little. Then switch up to the HPS to flower, the plant should be more than able to handle it by then right? Was thinking this way i can avoid the HPS stretching that happens during veg..


Active Member
Just get a fluorescent for veg. Temps and power cost are low. I use T5's and T8's, as I experience no light-related stretching.