Hank Dank's First Grow and Stealth Box Build- 60 Day Wonder -DWC-Mini SCROG


Well-Known Member
Maybe try some superthrive on her? Good for root structure.
I did actually, i added a tiny drop in my sprayer, it got hit with some of that along with the fish emulsion earlier, hoping it will atleast reduce the stress like it advertises


Active Member
How did you remove the suspected root rot? I really hope it wasn't just dirt. It might have been dampening off from over-watering though. Remember those seedlings I showed you a picture of a few pages back? I haven't paid a second's worth of attention to them since I last spoke of them. Here is what these "neglected" seedlings look like a few days later-


Hank, you're a great guy, but I'm going to be a little stern with you here, for your plant's sake :)

Once again, I potted those in soil 4 days ago. I pulled them out of the breeders pack 5 days ago. Other than that, I have completely ignored them.

Here's a few things that might help:
  • You do not have a deficiency. You have stress. The only deficiency a seedling can have is water, air, and light deficiencies, and even then, they need SO little, there is no way you could even dream of depriving them of anything with your setup. This is classic stress. Caused by you. I've done it, we've all done it. This is your first grow, so it would only be apropos for you to stress your plant at this learning period for you.
  • Do you see how my soil is dry? It's pretty much dry throughout, maybe a little moist. I'm not even worried about it. It would take me a week to under-water those things as long as my temps and RH are fine. They will be double in size in 3 days without me doing anything from here forward, and I haven't done anything to them since I potted.
  • I swear, Hank, I swear, if you ignore that seedling, and I mean ignore, it will completely shed itself of any abnormalities and become a strong young plant.
  • Close the door. If you must check anything, check to make sure your lights/fans are on, but don't look at the plant. This is for the plant's good.

I hate to come in here and tell you how to run your grow, but I really want to see you be successful. Honestly man. 48 Hours. Completely forget the fact that you're growing. Thank me later.


Well-Known Member
Seems like you are doing your best than. Just give her time and let nature do its thang:) If she dies you bury her outside and start over. Being so young id be careful but some bat guano would def be an option due to its high phosphorus content and its organic. Lol i actually have a bat that lives in my backyard somewhere and flys under the backporch for all the bugs flying around the lights. Maybe ill hunt down its dwelling and send you some real fresh organic shit(pun intended).


Well-Known Member
Hey dsmoke, the root was pretty much unattached, there was like a little piece of a thread of mushiness kind of holding it it together but you could tell it was fully rotten, i trimmed the root off right above the rot. I REALLY appreciate you being honest and straight forward with me, i know i can tell i messed up this first go around. Learning from my mistakes tho. Honestly i think me using the rockwool and not fully understanding how to go that route and use it in conjunction with soil, i seriously caused that thing to stay soaked since i let it dry out which just caused more issues. I got another seed going in a cup like i said, and i got it put up, not going to water it either. And if ole rootless dies ill do the other 60DW in a cup as well, and start this thing over and do it the right way like you guys have been trying to tell me from the beginning.


Active Member
I'm just trying to help you out :-P

You can read back through a few of my posts here and pretty much piece together the blue-prints for success- I am intending to give them to you here :)

-Start your seed. Rockwool. Rapid Rooter. Paper Towel. What-have-you. Just get the medium moist, crack the seed, and get it above ground.
-When the seedling is erect, no need to mist and moisten and do a bunch of crazy things- Pot in soil.
-Lightly water. Walk away. Check in two days.

There it is man. No apprenticeship required. 100% certified. Less is more :)

Anything you can do to save that plant has been done and time will be the only thing to help from here forward. If she doesn't pull through, you'll go about it right with the next one for sure. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Yessir! I feel like you've given me the right tools for success as well, i should be able to get this next one (or two) doing alot better now that i've learned my lesson. Fucking with it just fucks it up.

Do you think my cabs just big enough for 1 auto, or do you think i could get 2 going in there and be ok?


Active Member
Think of your plants like a goldfish. They will only grow as big as the bowl you put them in. You could get away with two.


Well-Known Member
Yeah im wondering what size pots i could get in there, probably not very big im guessing, and just thinking if the sickling ends up making it i want to have both going. Still thinking of getting two going in separate pots but i have'nt made and moves in that direction yet or anything. I need to get a few of those smart pots like what your rocking.

I have a 10lb bag of worm castings coming. I've been kind of interested in making my own soil mix using 30% native soil, 30% castings, 20% vermiculite and 20%perlite. Think that would give me a good base or does it need some other stuff? Figured then i could just give a little of the nutes only when the plant asked for it like later on in the early stages of flowering when it will probably start wanting some.
Im liking this idea of going organic, i don't think theres really anything wrong with the miracle grow mix other than i got the wrong stuff, its ment to be mixed with native soil. But, id like to try and do a run without the need of many chemicals


Active Member
I have a 10lb bag of worm castings coming. I've been kind of interested in making my own soil mix using 30% native soil, 30% castings, 20% vermiculite and 20%perlite.
Yeah that will be awesome for you :-)

The Smart Pots are so cheap and worth the money in my opinion- Very forgiving. If you over-water, they will dry out much quicker for you, in turn saving the plant from stress.

Organic is awesome too. You will really love it. The best way to get super sticky buds that stink to high heaven.


Well-Known Member
An auto needs about 1 cubic foot cause they dont branch much and the root structures are small as well seeing that they only grow for about 2 months. In full flower the roots dont get much bigger. Think sog.. Very small pots cause they are only in there for flowering. Ive seen plenty of 18'' autos in party cups but its not recommended. I know nothing of making my own soils so ill let someone else handle that:)


Well-Known Member
Yeah that will be awesome for you :-)

Organic is awesome too. You will really love it. The best way to get super sticky buds that stink to high heaven.
Thats what i want! I have'nt smoked good herbs in years. Awesome on the mix thats what i'll do then.
I think im going to look online and see if i can find some of those smart pots.
are 2 and 3 gal containers pretty small? I've never really sized them up in a store before.


Well-Known Member
An auto needs about 1 cubic foot cause they dont branch much and the root structures are small as well seeing that they only grow for about 2 months. In full flower the roots dont get much bigger. Think sog.. Very small pots cause they are only in there for flowering. Ive seen plenty of 18'' autos in party cups but its not recommended. I know nothing of making my own soils so ill let someone else handle that:)
Im going to look around, do some measuring and see what size the smartpots are, and watch her for a few days, if she ends up making it, then ill try to see what i can do about getting both going, since they are both auto's i should have the room even tho my box is a bit small.
If she passes, i think im going to get that Dinafem Indi Plant going, since i can let that sucker veg as long as i want


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah, if things go that way, i may end up just making a new grow journal to go along with the new grow since right now this one is'nt even a correct description anymore lol


Well-Known Member
Update: Day 8
Well it looks like ole rootless is still alive, leaves are yellowed at the tips a bit but no droopiness or anything is going on. Nothing really exciting happening today, just got her chillin tryin to heal up and got a NL auto bean germinating. Thats about it.


Well-Known Member
An auto needs about 1 cubic foot cause they dont branch much and the root structures are small as well seeing that they only grow for about 2 months. In full flower the roots dont get much bigger. Think sog.. Very small pots cause they are only in there for flowering. Ive seen plenty of 18'' autos in party cups but its not recommended. I know nothing of making my own soils so ill let someone else handle that:)
Wrong. Auto's need lots of root space. If your autos haven't branched much maybe it's the strain. Or maybe it's because they're in small pots. Check out both of my grow threads. I grew a 60DW in a party cup, it was tiny. I'm growing another plant in 5 gallons of soil and she's branching like I've never experienced. Have you grown autos before? Just curious.

Edit-Also, if you're going to plant directly in soil with a rpid rooter or cube or whatever, pot into the final container. They hate being transplanted.


Well-Known Member
Also something else i've had to find out the hard way lol, seems for my first run ive pretty much butchered the poor thing

the 60DW is still alive, leaves look good and green and are still pretty firm, soil around hers a bit dry but not fully which i think will be ok. got her in the box but shes shaded with a peice of thin white cloth over the top of the cup, trying to let her just heal up without alot of extra stress added.

Hope everyone else out theres having a good day!